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Everything posted by WildPath

  1. Too broad of a brush stroke. Like all vaccinations, there are unfortunately some people who are vulnerable, yet cannot be vaccinated. There are kids who are not eligible and won't be for a while too. A small minority of those with the vaccinations will have "breakthrough" cases, but I'm not sure what percent of the small percentage get negative effects more than a bad cold. Its people like this that the anti-vaxxers don't give a sh-- about. I don't think its 100% accurate, but I do like the term "The Darwin Wave"
  2. I feel bad that we have systems of power and education that allow so many of these beliefs to be held. This should be viewed as people slipping through the cracks and not having a sufficient level of critical thinking ability. As much as individuals professing crazy, society-harming beliefs pisses me off, the systems that allow so many people to have these views needs to be examined. Its a low bar, but surpassing the US in vaccination rates despite more supply issues says something about our education system and other power dynamics that exist. That we haven't got 80% of eligible people in the province a vaccine after over a year of having Covid.... I could imagine it if we said that the threat was coming, but we've already lived it. I guess going through restrictions, masking, etc. hasn't been so bad for the anti-mask/restrictions crowd that has disregarded public health measures.
  3. Hopefully there's a record somehow tied to the ID she needed to produce. And hopefully, eventually, she will be able to produce evidence of it or something equal to a vax card. On the plus side, we got my son's birth certificate today and he's now a Canadian citizen, even though he was born at St. B. So at least he should be entitled to public health care too. My wife and son have not been able to be added to my private blue cross through work either because she does not have a MB health card.
  4. International students are not eligible to get vax cards, or health care for that matter. Still facing $6000+ in hospital bills for the birth of my son. This despite having $1000/yr mandatory private health insurance. 😒PCs took away ability for intl' students to have MB Health cards and vax cards go through that.
  5. I would generally agree with this. Though my wife, despite being fully vaccinated and 2 weeks past her 2nd vax, can't get a card. (International students aren't quite considered people in PC MB). I would totally loan my card to someone in this predicament, though I'd hope it isn't possible to loan cards in the first place.
  6. We also have a policy of only allowing those fully vaccinated with proof, while I believe Saskie is wide open to anybody regardless of vax status. I wonder how many people that would normally attend won't because they aren't vaccinated. Would also be interesting to know how many in Sask won't attend because they are totally open to non-vaxxers.
  7. I remember hearing Milt talk about the play and how he got so excited when he saw cover 0. I remember that night my dad went to bed and I was watching the rest wondering if I should stop wasting my time watching the game. Glad I didn't follow my dad's lead that time. Wish he was awake so I could have shared that moment with him. Likely because of that moment, and another where Westy hit a 50+ yarder at the end, I don't give up on games.
  8. That's somewhere close to where I draw the line. Preventing them from going into stores is pretty iffy though. Basically saying you can not shop for personal needs is probably to restrictive from my perspective. Preventing restaurants altogether I'd be okay with and other luxuries, but they need to have access to the necessities of life. There's curbside pickup available, but there's also people that have a difficult time ordering online or doing curbside pickup. Requiring masks for all in essential businesses is a fair compromise for me.
  9. I understand that argument. A mass of ignorant people not getting the vaccine will lead to people dying and not necessarily those who refused the vaccine. Not to mention a prolonged pandemic for everyone and businesses being hurt. But taking away a right for people to choose a vaccine or not is kind of a big deal and would be pretty unenforceable. Would they physically force people to be vaccinated? Choose vaccination or prison? I think restricting a lot of activities that put others at risk is a good middle ground.
  10. Even as someone fairly dependent on others being vaccinated, I support the right of people to choose vaccination or not. It would be great if we could get 90%+ and likely get back to a pretty normal life, but people should have the right to choose. If you choose not to get the vaccine, then not being able to enjoy some of the freedoms as those vaccinated also makes sense. I think our current government may be the worst in Canada in my memory, with the possible exception of the incredibly low bar Kenney gov't, but they are doing fairly well balancing on this issue. I'm hoping they can keep more things restricted to those that are vaccinated only, but that may be tough when the two governments to the west of us are not doing the same.
  11. https://www.winnipegfreepress.com/special/coronavirus/vaccine-fears-fuel-exodus-from-winkler-area-574868352.html Apparently over 100 Mennonites leaving Winkler area due to the vax.
  12. Is that true for restaurants/museums and the like too?
  13. I haven't used my card yet. Do they check photo ID as well? If they don't is there anything stopping people from just borrowing a valid card?
  14. The thing is, I've always felt that a lot of the same people would be pushing others out of line to get the vaccine if the virus was significantly more deadly. Think zombie apocalypse level. Considerations for others and preventing a prolonged pandemic just don't seem to factor for some.
  15. https://nationalpost.com/news/politics/household-savings-in-canada-skyrocket-during-pandemic-as-ottawa-doles-out-billions-in-emergency-benefits https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/bakx-record-savings-pandemic-spend-1.6071493 Definitely spending was up in some areas, but the articles source facts that say savings have gone way up throughout the pandemic. "The savings rate in the second quarter of 2020 surged to 28.2 per cent, up from 3.6 per cent before the COVID-19 pandemic struck." "In fact, Canadians amassed $212 billion last year, versus $18 billion in 2019, according to Statistics Canada. That works out to $5,574 per Canadian on average in 2020, compared to $479 in the previous year." "The average savings rate jumped from 1.3 per cent of disposable income in 2019, to 14.9 per cent in 2020. In April, May and June of 2020, the savings rate peaked at about 27 per cent."
  16. I think a big part of the boom is that (some) people have been saving tons of money through the pandemic. Those fortunately to not lose jobs or business income. Not spending on entertainment/travel/etc. puts a lot of money in the ol' savings account.
  17. I hear you. I have a three month old and I've been doing research in regards to transmission from fully vaccinated people and risk if he does get it somehow. According to Mayo Clinic, many kids have very little symptoms and are often diagnosed when they are admitted to hospital for other reasons, such as a broken arm - carrying Covid, but not really affected by it. Kids under 1 year of age are a bit of a different story as they have smaller airways and are less developed. My autoimmune condition likely means the vax was less effective on myself. I'm not too worried about hospitalization/death to myself, but more concerned with spreading to my son and other kids. Really want to go to the home opener, but weighing it carrying Delta back to my home. Fortunately I can have some reassurance being around others that have been sensible and likely have better protection than myself from the vax.
  18. At first I only saw the small clip, then I watched the whole thing. Could not believe some of the other crap too. "The individuals that came here, came to build a better Canada" He talked about the deaths of children being from a poor physical environment - poor ventilation, malnourishment, overcrowding, TB. "Different perspectives were held on both sides of history. You as reporters need to do your jobs to get to the truth" Stuff like this is apparently not new to this guy. I've heard from people with connections to him that he spouts off some pretty ignorant views. I can't find the screenshot to post it, and it has since been deleted but the PC Caucus twitter released a pretty cringey statement after that. "The political showmanship of storming into someone else's press conference to bully a Minister who was sworn in only 10 minutes earlier does nothing to advance reconciliation" We really need a puke reaction for this thread.
  19. I personally know teachers that have had Covid cases in their class and argued with health officials whether others would be considered close contacts. Apparently "no school transmission" was the message and you can't go against that message. I believe there were two groups (there was at least one) that had to track Covid cases in schools with help from parents receiving letters because the government wouldn't do it.
  20. Is that the EA Sports "In the game" guy?
  21. https://www.winnipegfreepress.com/special/coronavirus/two-members-of-pc-caucus-not-vaccinated-574820352.html For those without FP account - two non-named members of the PC Caucus have not been vaccinated. No reason given, but I'm willing to bet its not because of medical conditions. What are the Vegas odds on Friesen/Goertzen?
  22. I see a lot of parallels to the situation we're facing with climate change, except the climate change situation is even worse. A country only sees a small portion of the benefits from taking active climate change initiatives and receives all the benefits of other countries taking actions. It's why we've seen such little action done even though its pretty obvious the planet is getting pretty bad. That's why we hear the bullshit about "why should we do anything when China (insert other "evil" country, but its usually China) isn't doing their part." The larger populace gets screwed by anti-maskers/anti-vaxxers, but at least most sensible people can do something to protect themselves individually, while idiots will often face personal consequences from being exposed to the virus. Its kind of shitty for kids or those who are unable to get vaccinated, hospital staff that has been overwhelmed for over a year, and those who may get it despite being fully vaccinated. Not to mention everybody who follows restrictions and wants life to get back to normal and business that have been hurting for far too long.
  23. Vaccinate their animals, practice quarantining for animals, religiously take steps for biosecurity....
  24. I crushed some edibles before my second shot too. Heard it was the only way to confuse the microchips. If I have no clue where I am, they can't track me.
  25. If it works change people's minds and can get things a lot closer to normal - great. There's a real chance we'll still be affected by variants and such for quite a while unless people get on board fast. Having large events, like bomber games, restricted to people who are vaccinated or have a legitimate reason for not getting vaccinated not only provides an impetus for vaccine hesitant to get their jab, but also makes bomber games safer for kids and those with medical reasons who rely on others to be sufficiently vaccinated. Giving people the option to get a vaccine in fine, but allowing those people to make large events unsafe for those with no option to protect themselves and others kinda sucks.
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