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Everything posted by WildPath

  1. Let's hope this will be the legacy of parties in power that have mismanaged Covid and contradicted scientific facts continuously.
  2. I have no problem with them "trusting their immune system". Go ahead, good luck with that. Maybe volunteer in a Covid ward with such a strong immune system. The problems with that are them choking up healthcare when their immune system lets them down and spreading Covid which drags down everyone by keeping significant levels of Covid around longer and keeping those who have a very weak immune system at risk longer.
  3. Some of the election can also be seen as the CPC reaping the rewards from years of feeding their followers BS. They've finally accepted there should be a price on carbon, but the stink of vehemently going against the science for years has stuck with them and it looks good on them too. Its hard for anyone who considers themselves centrist to actually believe they will value the environment and climate change. I know I over-emphasize how much the general population cares about the environment, but the CPCs are starting to realize climate change deniers will be left in the past.
  4. They should feel good about where they are sitting on the political spectrum. They've won a few elections in a row, despite scandals and a somewhat unpopular leader. Perhaps they've realized that the average Canadian has also shifted left, something the CPC have all but acknowledged. "Not your dad's conservative party" was meant to strongly signal their move left. Support for unions and putting a price on carbon, no matter how ridiculous the plan is, shows they felt they needed to move left to gain power. They still didn't. I'm not sure if it was a strategic error or not or whether they would have done better to appeal to the right more.
  5. Good point. I kind of mixed my points. Pallister with his MLAs and Trudeau with actual advisors rather than MPs. I agree there have been a few issues with MPs.
  6. Actually that is probably my favourite thing about Trudeau. He seems to have good advice on policy and takes it. Its kind of the opposite as we had in MB with Pallister. Though I guess it is easy for MLAs to say they were critical of him behind closed doors after he leaves while very unpopular.
  7. I think the results showed that Canadians valued action on climate change and protection from covid (vaccine mandates). Even the CPC drifted left by finally agreeing there should be a price on carbon. The one good thing about Kenney's disastrous handling of Covid in Alberta is that it may have scared people away from Conservative governments during a pandemic, especially if there is any further bad news relating to variants.
  8. I've been really impressed with the CBC coverage. They have some really good presenters. Rosemary Barton, Ian Hanomansing, a bunch of other good ones too.
  9. Greens are tied to an international movement. There won't be a name change, but likely leadership will change as the current leader even discussed leaving the party before the vote. How do you figure the Bloc are players again? Currently they are down seats from last election. Or do you mean holding balance of power in the upcoming election?
  10. I don't think many libertarians go for green historically. Social responsibility and restrictions on environmental harm aren't really a libertarian ideals.
  11. I might eat my words like I did with Trump, but I don't think you need to worry. Currently under-performing poll numbers, likely got too nervous they would split the right vote. Maybe prairie idiots stick to their guns more than the eastern idiots, but I think the only place you'll see anything even somewhat significant for PPC is in CPC strongholds. God I hope I'm right. Fortunately I think a weak showing by the PPC in this election will pretty much be the death of any hopes for them. The vaccination policy is pretty much their only hope of pulling voters away from CPC. Sure hope vaccination policy is not an issue next election.
  12. I still haven't figured out why newspapers need to endorse parties in the first place.
  13. My prediction is PPC will under-perform their poll numbers. They have been really pushing to show that they are an alternative and voting for them isn't splitting the right, but rather the only real option for conservatives. They've been desperately trying to make their own polls because the mainstream media polls are biased. (Don't ask how polls they create on their own pages aren't biased) They've made strides, but have come up short. I have a feeling once many of them realize the late surge will only help form a Liberal government, they'll chicken out and vote CPC.
  14. Late to the party, but John Rush (and Thomas Miles) went on a trip with the Grey Cup to Northern MB. As someone who used to live in northern MB, that's a pretty huge thing to do to include them as part of the celebration. I think he also participated quite a bit in the program that brought kids from the north to bomber games. I can't think of any professional athlete who has given more of his time to good causes.
  15. 30 cases in the southern health region, 26 in Winnipeg. It would be really interesting to know how Manitoba would be faring if we didn't have to contend with Southern health. Surely the southern cases are underrepresented. Roussin and other health experts have said multiple times that pockets of unvaccinated people will threaten anything close to herd immunity.
  16. I hope you're right that it will lead to something, but I'm extremely pessimistic at any effort to hold either big oil or organizations that spread disinformation accountable. There's so much money at stake and that money has bought a lot of friends over the years.
  17. The worst part is he could literally say Trudeau created Covid so he can implement a communist regime and turn the country into China and he would still handily win his seat. I'm not even sure if that would cause more votes or less votes.
  18. Southern health almost double Winnipeg? Wonder what's up with that anomaly.
  19. Disagree. We were fortunate to have delayed waves multiple times and this forth wave appears to be the only time we've somewhat listened to doctors who said we can't relax restrictions. We've paid for not listening to experts with crises in personal care homes and ICUs that required sending people out of province and left people with non-covid conditions dying because of lack of capacity. We removed health care positions during the pandemic, I can specifically think of in Southern health region before their first big wave I believe. Even when Pally removed mask mandates and vaccine requirements recently (despite experts saying don't) he said "We are not like other jurisdictions and yahoo for that". We have been fortunate, I'm not too sure why, to have waves be delayed in Manitoba, yet we've never, with possible exception of this 4th wave, taken the steps to ensure we are prepared, but instead ran victory laps. Other areas have been hit hard as well, but we've consistently been unable to learn from their example and not do it. This started last summer when we refused mask mandates and spent public funds to attract large scale events. Continued with the horrors in personal care homes and they've consistently criticized medical experts that speak out and "biased" media that report on their shortcomings. I give credit to sensible Manitobans for the higher vaccination numbers, but partial credit to our government for going back and implementing restrictions and mask mandates. Yahoo for that.
  20. My initial reaction will probably always be anger as well. These idiots have significantly affected my career, my side business, the birth of my son and ability to have relationships with family who have developed difficult health conditions. Not to mention my personal mental health. Being able to share anger and disgust through this board has helped me to realize I am not alone and that it really is an exceptionally vocal minority. Unfortunately, there's very little I can do personally to stop these people from dragging society back with them and extending the pandemic further. Once they've built up that wall of arrogance around them, arguments don't tend to work, no matter how logical or fact based. What we can do is hold politician's feet to the fire to ensure vaccine requirements and mask mandates are held up and insist on the protection of those who cannot get vaccinated. As much as I'm feeling pandemic fatigue, I'm also feeling the fatigue of being kept in a state of hatred and I am likely extending that to those around me more than I'd like.
  21. All valid points and feelings I share. The combination of misinformed views and hubris is truly sickening. As bad as it sounds, what helps me to try to scrape together some compassion is to see anti-vaxxers as victims. They are generally the poorest educated in society and have been taken advantage of by elements that do not have their best interests in mind. They are being manipulated. My guess is many of these people also come from families with poor education as well. I don't blame a kid that comes to my classroom weak in reading and comes from a disadvantaged home. The analogy is admittedly a huge stretch and I definitely feel a ton of anger and that is my primary emotion in regards to anti-vaxxers. Anger doesn't do anything good for me, it actually has made me a less compassionate person to non-anti-vaxxers and less happy overall. I really don't know what the personal solution is for myself, but living in anger and frustration is not healthy or beneficial.
  22. I know I, and some others on here, have lamented losing empathy for the unvaccinated. I found this story touching and hopefully helpful for not covering the unvaccinated with a blanket of hate. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/icu-doctor-letter-to-patient-1.6171187
  23. Especially disappointed with the lack of action on telecom giants. That's one thing that I think separates the NDP and Libs - NDP is really pushing telecom reform and I think they would actually fulfill a lot more of the green talk than the Libs as well. I do like that the Libs actually instituted a price on carbon though.
  24. Disagree. The measure of a quality broadcast is how much time they are willing to devote to promoting an "up and coming" musician.
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