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    basslicker got a reaction from Noeller in Supergirl Trailer   
    Looks kind of lame. A comic book chick flic.
  2. Like
    basslicker reacted to kelownabomberfan in Cory Watson traded again   
    Might be time to lose the facial hair and buzz the hair back so the receding hairline isn't so obvious.  Right now he looks like he should be a burned out high school principal or a recluse who just won the lottery and hasn't interacted with humans in 20 years.
  3. Like
    basslicker reacted to Westy Sucks in Cory Watson traded again   
    He took his lessons on how to dress and look scrubby from Ross Hodgkinson...he always looked like a hobo.
  4. Like
    basslicker got a reaction from Jaxon in Alberta, Taxes, and Socialism   
    what an idiot. I hope she was drunk. She sounds like a teenager who doesn't know any better.
    Who is she to talk about class? She really showed some here.
  5. Like
    basslicker reacted to basslicker in TIger cats sign Johnny Sears   
    I'll miss him. Loved his hard hitting style.
    I'll always remember when he blew up Steven Jyles on the slide. Haha.
  6. Like
    basslicker reacted to 17to85 in Alberta, Taxes, and Socialism   
    Elizabeth May has always been a moron. Can't believe people actually vote for her and her crazy ideas. 
  7. Like
    basslicker reacted to The Unknown Poster in Alberta, Taxes, and Socialism   
    Terrorist fighting on behalf of al-Qaeda, convicted of murdering a US medic, confessed in a statement approved by his lawyers, from a family of al-Qaeda supporters, reportedly racist and sexist and demonstrated no remorse for his actions.  He shouldnt be a political propaganda toy.  His lawyer would not allow any difficult questions to be asked of him and the lefty media ate it up.  I guess he's the western world's first al-Qaeda rock star.
  8. Like
    basslicker reacted to The Unknown Poster in Alberta, Taxes, and Socialism   
    Not really.  Ezra is a right wing personality.  But he often makes a lot of wonderful points.  I've watched a few of his videos recently and he's actually very even keeled.  Not sure if he's making an effort to be less of a "personality" and more of a mainstreamer but his stuff on the convicted murder Kadr and the left's love of the terrorist have been very good.
  9. Like
    basslicker reacted to max power in Alberta, Taxes, and Socialism   
    Sometimes I wonder how we've had the NDP in power for so long in this province... then I read threads like this and see opinions like these and it all starts to make sense.
    Otherwise intelligent people who think there's a Conservative "hidden agenda" to keep women barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen. And as if somehow it's a bad thing for more women to be able to be stay at home moms. 
  10. Like
    basslicker reacted to 17to85 in Alberta, Taxes, and Socialism   
    But like it or not it's a choice some people make. The other side of the coin is the dirty granola eating tree hugger idea that the government should raise all the kids out there so that they can be indoctrinated into the socialist manifesto from an early age. 
  11. Like
    basslicker reacted to 17to85 in Alberta, Taxes, and Socialism   
    single people already have the greatest tax break in the world, no money pit kids. 
  12. Like
    basslicker got a reaction from Jaxon in Alberta, Taxes, and Socialism   
    You're saying someone staying home to raise kids is a bad thing?My wife would love to able to stay home and do 'mommie things'
    Females are the natural caregivers And they're better at it. No career is more important than raising responsible children. And if it's dad who stays home, that works too.
  13. Like
    basslicker got a reaction from SPuDS in Bombers sign Jamall Westerman   
    Amazing. Walters continues to impress.
  14. Like
    basslicker reacted to gbill2004 in Bombers sign Jamall Westerman   
    Twitter suggesting Bombers will only start one Canadian receiver now.
  15. Like
    basslicker reacted to TBURGESS in Alberta, Taxes, and Socialism   
    Man.... I move to Alberta and the go NDP?  Should be an interesting few years.
  16. Like
    basslicker reacted to Atomic in Alberta, Taxes, and Socialism   
    You guys voted in the NDP? NOW?! Oh man. An economy on the downswing does not need the NDP. Holy ****. Good luck Alberta.
  17. Like
    basslicker reacted to The Unknown Poster in White Cop Shoots Black Man, Charged With Murder   
    Nope.  Your sarcasm aside my point was about the losers that hide behind the "we have to do something" when they dont actually give a flying fig.  There are, I believe, three investigations on-going into the death of the victim.  But hey, a night of violence and looting will get to the bottom of everything.  And thats not a commentary on any ethnic group, it's a commentary on specific losers.
  18. Like
    basslicker reacted to The Unknown Poster in White Cop Shoots Black Man, Charged With Murder   
    Meanwhile, In Baltimore, male dies due to spinal cord injury while in police custody and the city decides to the riot and loot.  And they call this "protesting". 
    Started with High School students deciding to "Purge".  Several police injured, some seriously.  Haven't heard of any of the cops shooting anyone though.  Sounds like remarkable restraint on behalf of law enforcement.
    Many people in Baltimore, including those related to the original person who died, expressed embarrassment over the "riots".
    In more shocking news, Baltimore police say they have a credible threat that three gangs, including the Bloods and Crips have joined forces to attack and kill police officers.
    And this, to me, is why facts and not emotion must rule the day.  because there are too many people that take the position "what?, cop shot a black dude?  Let's go steal a TV."   or worse, throw cinder blocks at firefighters as they respond to calls.   That's not protesting. 
  19. Like
    basslicker reacted to The Unknown Poster in White Cop Shoots Black Man, Charged With Murder   
    How do you know those are the facts? You're leabing out one thing because of your perception bias. That suspect tried to disarm cop.
  20. Like
    basslicker reacted to IC Khari in IceCaps' new name, logo to be unveiled Monday   
    ... an enormous dosage of antidepressants?
  21. Like
    basslicker got a reaction from SPuDS in The Jets are dead. Long LIVE the Bombers!   
    Don't hold your breath about not hearing outside of jets games.
    I used to hear 'go jets go' at some moose games.......
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  23. Like
    basslicker reacted to Westy Sucks in The Jets are dead. Long LIVE the Bombers!   
    Well, I'm very glad you didn't say Soccer was ahead of the Jets in your book.
  24. Like
    basslicker got a reaction from SPuDS in The Jets are dead. Long LIVE the Bombers!   
    Love them both, but Football is where my heart truly lies.
    Go Blue!
  25. Like
    basslicker got a reaction from Westy Sucks in The Jets are dead. Long LIVE the Bombers!   
    Love them both, but Football is where my heart truly lies.
    Go Blue!
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