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Everything posted by B-F-F-C

  1. And he has to keep putting quarters in the slot so he doesn't lose the feed.
  2. Mine hasn't and that's not a good thing. Accuracy is just not there and at his age and based on how many years he's played the position. I don't see that improving. He still has a hard time reading defences and looking for his 2nd and 3rd options. I want him to succeed because if he can improve his passing game he could be a pretty good CFL QB. But I just don't see accuracy as something that can be improved by coaching.
  3. That Dane Evans throws a really good ball.
  4. If you watched many of our previous games this year. Our offence has had some pretty good starts.
  5. come on strev...move the pocket and throw the ball downfield
  6. Oh this is gonna get ugly...hoping for a win next week.
  7. you'd think with a jittery QB we'd try the run game
  8. If I was running the team. I’d advise Harris to no longer discuss the positive test results and keep his comments to the team and their play. It’s done, it’s yesterday’s news and time to move on to the day to day goings on of the team.
  9. I’ve stayed out of this discussion because it’s very emotional and polarizing. Andrew Harris got caught and suspended. End of story but in my eyes it doesn’t lessen my view of the man and the football player. I played high school football in 1977 - 1979. After every game we would go to a local restaurant and have dinner. A couple of times a guy showed up ( I knew him from working at a store at polo park) and would offer to sell us steroids. He promised it would help us boost muscle mass and increase weight. Some of us were pretty scrawny and wanted nothing more than to put on a little weight and more importantly muscle. About a dozen guys bought his **** but I stayed away. My father was a pharmacist and he was ready to pull me off the team. He went to the school and told them but they did nothing because it didn’t happen on school property. I stayed away from it because I knew that my football career wouldn’t carry on past high school. A few guys went on to play in the CIS and one went to the NCAA. One of the guys that bought the steroids died at the age of 42 from a heart attack. I don’t know if it has anything to do with the roids but we will never now. Im glad I was too small and too slow or maybe I would have done something stupid.
  10. Can somebody younger than me please translate the twit, sorry I meant tweet. Thanks
  11. Unless I missed it but I’m surprised no one mentioned that stupid chain the rider players were wearing on the sideline. They made themselves look like total morons. Act like professional football players not a bunch of hooligans. And you could tell suitor didn’t like it but wouldn’t say anything. God this team has no leadership. Someone needs to tell these guys how to act like professional football players.
  12. Iirc he only signed a 1 year contract. Would be nice to get an extension done before he becomes a free agent in the off season.
  13. Still not using Matthews enough. He should be our go to guy on 2 and long. Hopefully he’s more involved in the 2nd half of the season
  14. when you figure it out. Please let me know as well.
  15. I'm not sure it really matters quite frankly. Any new QB brought in regardless of CFL experience will immediately be the #3. I believe before they went to the new guy they'd give McGuire a shot to run the offence.
  16. I think I’m starting to believe noeller that there is a curse. We must make a sacrifice to the football gods. Anyone have a goat or skunk 😜.
  17. If this doesn't go well, I may not watch the LDC. It's not worth the pain and shame.
  18. I heard some during the game and it might have been after the blocked punt. I just deleted my recording of the game so I can't confirm but I definitely heard the "BC Sucks" chant at one point. But you're right, nothing like the good ol' days. .
  19. I’m at work so listening the esks game on 630 ched. These radio guys are horrible. I dread the day bob Irving retires.
  20. Now wtf am I going to complain about? I enjoyed penning my annual message calling out Danny Mac and his team. Oh well...who will be next?
  21. Don’t forget that we won a grey cup with Sean Salisbury. So anything’s possible but you got to get there first.
  22. I can always count on Noeller to read my sarcasm. It's Glenn's broken arm all over again.
  23. Nichol's or the team? 😬😬
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