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Everything posted by B-F-F-C

  1. I was referring to the 23 ya gain on 2nd and long
  2. Ok streveler here’s your chance to throw sand in their face
  3. Good stop by the d. Now grind out 5 minutes of the clock. Oh and score too.
  4. Because he’s wearing a cloak of invisibility?
  5. Has anyone seen Harris on the sidelines? Or can he even be in the sidelines while suspended?
  6. I know I'll probably be the only one but I wish we had Matt Nichols back for todays game. I think Nichols would be able to pick apart the riders defence better than Streveller.
  7. Demski may not get his spot back after tomorrow’s game.
  8. Goldeye...the fish. I live in calgary and can't find it anywhere. Just love it but it seems like it's a Winnipeg thing.
  9. So if Rempel can't play. Do we have a back up long snapper or do we bring cousin Zack back?
  10. But that’s not what you want from your #2. You’re second stringer should be the guy your grooming to take over from your starter.
  11. This has been said about him for years all you have to do is read his scouting reports. If he hasn't improved since then. Do you think it'll ever will?
  12. MBT...where'd he come from? It just goes to show that the CFL is a passing league and you need a QB with an accurate arm.
  13. Good question but he'd have to be actually watching the game not having his afternoon nap.
  14. But I thought you guys criticized Nichols for using Harris too much on check downs.
  15. I think the cats got jobbed there. Two guys ejected and not one Argo. That's got to be an Toronto officiating crew.
  16. But that's the tell all here. The coaches don't have confidence to move the offence with his arm.
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