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Everything posted by B-F-F-C

  1. Now I'm depressed and it has nothing to do with our football team 😄😄
  2. If O'Shea leaves and goes elsewhere, there's nothing the team can do about it. He obviously wants to go home and you can't compete with that. I'd like him to stay and bring a Cup to the city and it's long suffering fans. \but if he goes, well you move on and sign the best candidate available. I remember losing an employee to a competitor and this guy was probably the best employee I had and had a bright future ahead of him. When I called my boss in a panic letting him know that he left for the competition. His response was no problem. Here's an opportunity to hire someone even better than the guy we lost. So while I would be upset if Osh leaves. Here's a chance to find the coach that will take us to the promised land.
  3. Unfortunately there are some on here who wont get this reference. Wisers clap to you fine sir.
  4. I completely disagree. I doubt he lost his touch in finding talent. The common denominator is the QB. I don’t care how good your supporting cast is. Without a really good QB. A good coach or GM can look like the 2nd coming of forest Greg.
  5. Another example of a coach being fired because the GM didn’t give him a QB to win with. Same old, same old.
  6. It just goes to show you that an all star QB can make even the General Manager look good. Popp was once the wonderkid of the CFL and as soon as AC retired his career to a quick drop off. The shine came off quickly but I think he did himself no favours by taking on the coaching duties in Mtl.
  7. Don’t care about exciting football. We need wins and that’s what Nichols gave us.
  8. I have no problem admitting when I’m wrong. I’ve done it here before and I’m sure I’ll do it a few times before my time here is up.
  9. WTF...I don't understand why your going off like that. I'm just trying to steer the conversation towards who is going to be the replacement as I'm sick and tired of the should we or shouldn't we conversation. Where did you see that I want keep Lapo and Hall? Holy crap man!
  10. So lets say you get your wish and Osh is given the boot at the end of the season. Who do you want as the next head coach? And please don't spit out names like Dave Dickenson who isn't going anywhere. I honestly can't think of anyone right now except maybe Khari but I'm still not sold on him but if I had to pick someone I'd have to put him on the list. I'm not sure of his contract situation but he might be interested to be positioned closer to his vancouver home.
  11. Not sure but this fanbase seems to have a permanent hard on for the back up and throwing the #1 out with the trash. Yet they more often then not disappoint us.
  12. Don't get me wrong. Lapo is definitely a big part of the problem but IMO Streveler is not starting QB material. But I'll give him the next few games to change my opinion.
  13. The main difference is both these QB's can stretch the field with their arms and more particularly the accuracy of their arms. More often than not, when Streveler attempts a deep pass. It's not on target or it's intercepted. That is the difference. Streveler will never be that kind of QB.
  14. Why do we always blame the coaches? It's obvious that Adam's and Arbuckle are simply better overall QB's than Streveler is. Once again many of you have been tricked by "fools gold".
  15. Which is exactly what some of us on here quite rightly predicted. Many of you thought Streveler's legs and cannon for an arm would take us to the Cup. All he's done is shown that he's a running back who thought he could play QB. Yes he has a heart the size of a lion but that doesn't help move the ball downfield. The defence played well enough to win but once again the offence crapped the bed. Lapo must go and Nichols or another starting quality QB needs to be brought in. It's not dire as many think but we can't sugar coat it either. Changes need to be made but no need to blow things up.
  16. Too bad about hall. Must be pretty serious for him to miss the game. Thoughts on who might call the defences plays?
  17. There are instances where your coach is so awful and the team is playing so poorly. The decision is obvious and you make it regardless of who's available. In Sherman's case subtraction immediately improved the team. Hell the Als probably would have improved even if they played without a coach. I can see Claybrooks get another year while Chamblin was in a losing situation with his two QB's. Is he to blame for that? Should he be the fall guy? I guess we'll see in a couple of months.
  18. While I’m a strong supporter of O’Shea. It’s certainly not blind support. I too am pissed at our poor playoff history and of course our ongoing cup drought. However, I’ve taken a look at current CFL coaches who might be available in the off season and there’s not one that I would want coaching my team. Sure I’d take Dave Dickenson but he probably has a job for life with the stamps. And I’ve looked at a few asst. coaches but there’s not one that is a sure thing. Plus not sure I want to go thru the growing pains of a new coach who’s learning on the job. So my preference is to keep the status quo but hope that miller and Walters pressures O’Shea to can our OC and DC.
  19. ok...are you hearing yourself? You're starting to sound like nasty nate without the tinfoil hat. Go have a stiff drink and think about what you wrote. Normally I would have you write a 10 page single spaced report on why conspiracy theories do not exist. But given your longterm tenure here, i'll give you a break. Inspector Rebus would go to the Oxford Pub and have a whiskey and a pint. I suggest you do the same.
  20. Do some of you guys still want us to go after franklin?
  21. I’m not sure talent or lack there of is our biggest problem. The talent is there but deployment of that talent is an issue and play calling. Bringing in nfl cuts at this time is not going to help our current problems.
  22. Did you read my post? I said that the offence was given a chance to win the game as the defence limited the cats offence in the 2nd half. Not happy with the defence at all but the offence was given the opportunity to pull the game out but couldn’t put any points on the board except for a medlock fg. This is why we lost!
  23. With a game like this one. We shouldn’t even start a 3 stars thread. Waste of time and all we do is find the least awful players out of a bad bunch.
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