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Mark F

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Everything posted by Mark F

  1. man chopped with Machete in own garage in Niverville Mb, injuries not serious. http://www.thecarillon.com/local/Man-attacked-with-machete-in-Niverville-409550955.html I drove through Niverville a couple of months ago, it was closed up at around five pm. except for an icecream vendor. also a guy was found dead in his home east of Anola after a stand off with police last night. same newspaper. what's on in East man news "Dan Thiessen and Kevin Bell from Jake Brakes hosting Open Mic & Jam, Granite House Lounge, Steinbach Curling Club." also "
  2. exactly. Just stupid lack of focus. ( I wasn't blaming the goalie on that) %^$* stupid. This team is hard to be a fan of. If they were just lousy it would be one thing. But they should be much better than they are, with the players they've got.
  3. The players on the Jets don't seem to be able to concentrate for an entire game. Attention span problem. Like the goal they gave up at the end of the first period. Completely outplay the other team for 19 minutes, period coming to a close, relax, and let one in. Duh. They just seem to lose attention for minutes, and sometimes entire periods, and just go from very good to crappy for no apparent reason. Need to learn to focus.
  4. Incorrect. need some Androids that can do acrobatics . Not happening within two years.
  5. The conversation seems like a web site worth checking in on. But as the author says, fake news is not a new thing. Some examples of planted false stories in my lifetime that resulted in war are ....Gulf of Tonkin, Iraqi soldiers bayonetting Kuwaiti babies in incubators, Sadam has WMD (New York Times). The Americans are the current absolute masters of Propaganda. Right now it gets exposed more easily I think. But who knows.The world really is a house of mirrors isn't it? Sometimes it might be preferable if the leaders would just tell the truth. "I'm doing this cause it will make me vast sums of money, because I can because I have the power right now. And I don't care what you think." I would prefer to hear that. Also not sure why they bother, cause they never do anything other than what they want, and most people realize that.
  6. former CIA head quits trump yesterday spy head Clapper publicly saying Trump's wrong about election interference... doubt this has happened before....maybe Clapper's going to have to quit. It's new political ground with Trump, the loose cannon. somebody save us.
  7. can't believe they didn't go after Franklin!!!! #$@Y^%$#$# Get going Walters! &^%$HLllh^ also, why don't the bombers ever develop a quarterback! *&^$) Bombers!!!!
  8. Yeah, there's a biography of Trump, I haven't read it, but a friend said it has all the details of his mob ties. Course Kennedy won Chicago through mob ties/influence so they say, his old man was a bootlegger, and the CIA used the mob to try to kill Castro, so mob ties are not new in high level US politics. Probably goes back a long time. Doesn't excuse Trump. Some smart people think he's going to be impeached sooner or later. Amazing eh? The very first thing the Republicans try to do, is ditch the ethics department. Geniuses I tells yah! What a bunch of morans.
  9. Nik is a huge onfield factor! He'll be in the thick of things next season for the Als. going to be very big on the field, and in the locker room.
  10. The group that I find hard to follow to are the radio talk show people. Getting worse by the month. It's Like listening to unfunny standup comedy much of the time. Canada, and the USA. Don't care what Joe talkshow thinks about the new starwars movie.
  11. Even after joining the team staff, Ed has not hesitated to write about problems with the Bombers as well as the more postive side of things. Which, since he works for them, makes him even more credible, and worthwhile. In addition to which, he's a very good writer stylistically; He's a national level writer. Pretty sure someone mentioned here that traffic to the Bomber site increased a great deal after Ed started there. Great move by the team.
  12. hasn't finished with other player's contracts, College championship, superbowl, and other football stuff yet. Will move on to Syria and the middle east later. Although some of them are muslims, so who knows. /sarcasm. also an important holy person once said: "Be careful about not living righteously merely to be seen by people. Otherwise you have no reward with your Father in heaven" #idiotic.
  13. Starting to wonder if Trump might not be as bad as I thought "Republicans are to drop a plan to gut the independent body that investigates political misconduct, after an outcry. President-elect Donald Trump had criticised Republicans after they voted to strip the Office of Congressional Ethics of its independence. "Focus on tax reform, healthcare and so many other things of far greater importance!" Mr Trump said in a tweet. The proposal was dropped in an emergency meeting at the new Congress, unnamed lawmakers told the US media." also, Ford just cancelled plans to move a factory to Mexico. government by tweet.
  14. got two samsung things, TV and printer. Manuals for both are incomprehensible to me. is there an advantage to disk, over putting it onto a drive of some sort? but sorry, can't help you with the problem.
  15. Don't think Drew is the type to complain in public. We don't know what he thinks about his time here, but I did hear an interview the other day in which he said he was surprised when he was traded.
  16. thanks for the breakdowns guys Laine does remind me of Bossy now that you mention it. Good point! What's Meyers 6' 5 and around 210 pounds? Too willowy to take the pounding? Sometimes the Jets do resemble the Blackhawks, when they take over the game completely, spend long periods in the other teams end, endlessly bombarding the goalie. Happened a couple of games ago. No idea what exactly triggers that.
  17. Their system has been degrading for decades. At one point the Transnationals were under control, and would not have thought of doing the things that are commonplace now. I think it started under the Democrats at the election of Carter, "What Speaker O'Neill and Majority Leader Wright have done this April day is exactly what the Reaction requires: They have invited the heads of the largest corporations in America to walk into the offices of congressmen, make free of Capitol Hill and direct all the influence they can muster to kill off any legislation they do not like; a "limited agenda" which will leave the "outsider" President without a single democratic reform to his credit and which will alter, in due course, the political atmosphere of the country." And I agree, Trump won't do anything for Christians any more than he will for anyone else. other than himself and his business associates, friends, and family. Same as those before him.
  18. Can't imagine paying that much money to sit and watch that crapola.
  19. less giveaways + less penalties = more wins. The failure to stop the stupid penalties for coming on three years, is hard to fathom.
  20. correct. although I would say not blindly. Princeton and Northwestern University study: Not really a big shock is it.
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