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Mark F

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Everything posted by Mark F

  1. Augustine? somewhere or other.
  2. America is fast losing respect around the world with Trump and the rest of the ignoramuses they have in government. Trump invites President of the Phillipines to the Whitehouse, (idiotic move, Duerte claims to have personally murdered people) and gets turned down. Does Trump ever think about anything he says or does? What a humiliation. At least it should be. If they weren't so dim witted. This has to be a first. Has any head of state ever, in modern history declined a meeting at the Whitehouse with the President of the USA ? Americans as they always do, pretend this did not happen. America on the downside now of it's run as foremost power in the world now with the insane, ill educated, wifllfully, gleefully ignorant people they have running their country leading them off the cliff. Utterly amazing to see this happening. (side note......had to look up spelling of ignoramuses)
  3. lundqvist gives up some big rebounds..... like that last one. great game.
  4. anderson abandoned by his teammates. kind of a low skill goal to tie the game 3 all. exciting game though. do not like Ron Mclean.
  5. who is the best player in the draft? That's who they will pick, if they keep the first pick. the increased awareness of the dangers of playing football probably contributes to some of these players being less than one hundred percent interested in playing at pro level. Top guys are quitting after a few years of playing. Both leagues.
  6. Don't fool yourself. There are lots of politicians in Canada that would destroy our healthcare system if they thought they could get away with it. They would be supported by the people that have a ton of money who hate the fact that they have no better health care than people that are poor. Notwithstanding the fact that they can go and buy whatever they want in the States, or Mexico, or Costa Rica, if they want to. I knew a guy who was a newpaper business columnist for a big paper. He told me that he was amazed at the level of hatred that some politicians/important business people have for our health care system. And I'll give Harper credit for the fact that he left it alone.
  7. I would like to see Johnny Augustine on the Bombers one way or another. He looks elusive, strong, and he's really determined to do something in the CFL.
  8. R. Pederson website. http://www.rodpedersen.com/ It's a well put together site.
  9. unrelated but since you live nearby Oregon, what do you think of this? I know that driving through cities and towns in the states of Washington and Oregon I was struck by the large number of people on the street, and the amount of shabby housing, and people who were poorly dressed, and looked beaten down. somewhat worse, and more widespread than the worst of wpg. Stayed at a motel six in Portland, a trash collecting guy was basically living in their parking lot, there was a drug dealer doing business right on the street by the motel, and he came in and did some money transaction with the front desk staff. (also may have gotten bed bugs or fleas at said motel ... but it was cheap!) http://www.oregonlive.com/pacific-northwest-news/index.ssf/2015/06/new_drug_report_paints_a_less-.html
  10. Maybe he could take over for Lawless? I heard he's worked in sports media before. This would be good as part of 1290 new expanded CFL coverage too!
  11. Related.... Has anybody noticed any increase in Bomber /CFL coverage on 1290 since it was mentioned last week that this was going to happen?
  12. There are a few hundred espn guys and gals they could get to take that job. Or...... NOELLER!
  13. What a great job, an hour and a half or so away from Los Angeles and the endless numbers of things you can do there..... Good for him. Next stop LA Raiders? Onward and upward Gary Lawless.
  14. David Foucault, O lineman is on on the Carolina Panthers. Don't know if he was in the group you're referring to.
  15. There's someone better than Ekakitie ? Yikes. He, or someone like him is what the team has missed on the D line. Must stop Messam.
  16. They do look disinterested. Maybe don't like getting hit. edit...... on cue, goal senators ..... how tall is pageau?
  17. I have not watched a lot of full games, just parts of games; pretty boring hockey once the playoffs started. Leafs are fun to watch, also Oilers, and Sharks.... Otherwise I've seen smothering defence, some remarkable goalkeeping and a fair bit of dump and chase. Goal keeping is fun to watch, but dump and chase / banging along the boards is not. The Jets do not play that kind of hockey. Do not know if this limits their future.
  18. Yee Hah! Looking forward to seeing the Stanley Cup on the Grand ole Opry stage!
  19. Think I saw a gif of that. What an A hole move that was. The little guy was actually looking frightened. Then he laughed. intimidating a little guy..... something only a bully would do. Oilers fans seem to think the goalie stole that one.
  20. These west coast games start too late. get off my lawn. Go Oilers! Duh-ks are the only NHL team I really dislike.
  21. So Macho is a good person. some insight into why coach oshea likes him. I'm starting to like this good citizenship thing.
  22. Feist covers mastodon (they have a split ep) mastodon cover feist
  23. You are deep into the area of alternative facts. Just stating your opinion is pretty meaningless. If you want to respond to something I post, to persuade me that you are correct, add a link to some facts somewhere or other. Iraq gave an 11,000 page report to the UN. The Americans refused to respond to it. Iraq was fully in compliance with UN orders and requirements. Iraq was crawling with UN people who were finding nothing. Bush got impatient, ordered them out (without any authority to do that) and invaded. The post war American effort to turn something up which cost hundreds of millions of dollars, found nothing. It's all in the public record.
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