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Mark F

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Everything posted by Mark F

  1. They are the only ones Proven to have used them. And they are losing. and now the US is going to intervene on their behalf, again. Why wouldn't they use it? They also established that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. With high confidence. why don't they release some details if they're so sure? And finally, why are they there at all? When did Syria threaten the USA? I think I missed that. Cause if it didn't, their intervention is a war crime.
  2. As everyone except Trump knows, this will lead to direct military confrontation with Russia. Maybe the end times seekers are setting policy now in the Whitehouse. And Trump will prove he's not Putin's poodle, by starting a war with Russia. The man's insane. Got your fallout shelter ready?
  3. Trump's sleight of hand/red herring is about to land on the head's of Syrian people. The Americans have decided that it's Assad who used nerve gas, without any investigation of any kind. Amazing how they can do that isn't it? ESP maybe? meanwhile the only group proven to have used nerve gas in Syria, was the group supported by Americans. Here's some news you did not get here in North America..... The Americans, under President Saint Barrack, decided it was Assad, that used nerve gas. (It's different when we do it right?) but Testimony? We don't need no stinkin witness testimony! Also, Americans have been spraying DU all over Syria, to save everyone. Check out birth defects Fallujah if you think DU is ok. Distraction incoming.
  4. remarkable times we live in. This is probably a first of some sort.
  5. very good article, thanks.
  6. ... don't know who mark olafson is but, no match for tuff buff. No wonder Buff looks tired sometimes, he's been toiling at hockey a long time.
  7. yes, the liberals against hillary were convinced that Trump would be less interested in war than she would have been. I read that many times, articles, comments, and the like. Don't vote for Hillary, she'll start ww 3. Every political group/party/persuasion has it's share of idiots. meanwhile... What could possibly go wrong.
  8. I've heard that "what the hell is going on around here" many times, didn't know who it was till now
  9. gambit explained by Alex Whiting is a Professor of Practice at Harvard Law School. From 2010-13, he served as the Investigation Coordinator and the Prosecution Coordinator in the Office of the Prosecutor at the International Criminal Court. https://www.justsecurity.org/39426/explainer-flynns-request-immunity
  10. Lawless had a bad case of the yaknows a few weeks ago. Seems to have recovered.
  11. I should have been clearer, I meant the Flynn offer to testify in exchange for immunity. I'm starting to think that this Flynn immunity/testimony thing is just another load of mud thrown on the windshield by Trump and Bannon and friends. In their warped world view, a refusal to accept the offer, will prove to them and the twelve people left that like Trump, that Trump has done nothing wrong. I think next time the Republicans should nominate Charlie Sheen for President.
  12. Now I'm thinking this is just another big helping of B.S. served by Trump to befuddle everyone.
  13. Good thing you can get groceries delivered in the US.... Flynn won't be leaving home much now. Going to have to get plastic surgery and go into witness protection. Move to Venezuela. Trump's Lesson: don't publicly spit in the face of the intelligence and police services. Tin hat on now: look for a distraction for us..... some kind of terror attack. Imagine the consequences if it comes out that Russia interfered with US election, and conspired with a candidate for President? war drums will be pounding
  14. Good article about Texas and Trump (referring to Trump's border tax.) http://www.dallasnews.com/opinion/commentary/2017/03/08/trump-pull-one-biggest-transfers-wealth-history-texas-will-lose
  15. More to LOL about......Some blowback from Trump's ill considered attacks on Mexico: Border states also stand to lost a LOT of money and that is not fake.
  16. lol what ass clowns. They're up to their eyeballs in Putin. There's an odour of "put-ressence" coming off them. Wonder how much the Chinese elites are involved in US bidness. They have far more money.
  17. not sure I see any praise for China in that article, other than saying they are going about their business, while Trump fiddles and America convulses. re N Korea, Tillerson threatened them with war, then a day later backed down. Then suggested that Japan might need nuclear weapons. Which will never happen. Trump and company is All chaos all the time. So other countries will take advantage of this. They'd be stupid not to.
  18. http://foreignpolicy.com/2017/03/24/trump-narcissim-trancendental-solopsim-opportunity-cost-media-cycle-greatness-china/ For example America will lose some very large business opportunties if Trump manages to derail renewable energy. I don't think he can though.
  19. hockey player interviews = festival of cliches. My favourite "they were really moving their feet out there" Far too many player and coach interviews on 1290. Almost never learn anything from them.
  20. Dave Dayen. "omnishambles" Handing over the government to people who are stupid, doesn't seem to be working out.
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