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Mark F

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Everything posted by Mark F

  1. American politicians think these people have it too good: " But, apparently not bad enough yet, need to take away healthcare, and give them more handguns and assault rifles. That's the solution! They are f^%$ed.
  2. 50,0000 people packing a pistol? No background checks needed? They used to be so nice.
  3. that actually was a good rendition of the Canadian anthem...
  4. Accident or not, these wars are illegal, and the bombing is a war crime. Under Obama, the US was a practitioner of the "double tap"
  5. Which war has Trump stopped? His troops just bombed a mosque in Syria and killed forty or fifty non combatants... accidentally though. so this makes it ok they think. ditto in Yemen. American wars continue, no matter who the President is. Their wars can not be stopped. That country can no longer exist without a war somewhere or other. Anyway, going to be interesting to see which American bigshot hasn't been buddies with some Russian or other. List appears to be lengthy. Putin and friends are generous. Manafort and friends have had interesting clients http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2016/04/13/top-trump-aide-led-the-torturers-lobby.html someone is going to walk the plank, to placate the natives. silver lining, it's Good Times for the damage control PR firms.
  6. President Mike Pence? Republicans are ditching Trump.
  7. nuclear clock ticking loud. This guy has a problem "WASHINGTON - President Donald Trump’s former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, secretly worked for a Russian billionaire to advance the interests of Russian President Vladimir Putin a decade ago. The work appears to contradict assertions by the Trump administration and Manafort himself that he never worked for Russian interests. Manafort proposed in a confidential strategy plan as early as June 2005 that he would influence politics, business dealings and news coverage inside the United States, Europe and the former Soviet republics to benefit the Putin government. Manafort pitched the plans to Russian aluminum magnate Oleg Deripaska, a close Putin ally with whom Manafort eventually signed a $10 million annual contract beginning in 2006, according to interviews with several people familiar with payments to Manafort and business records obtained by the AP."
  8. Paul Ryan (a top legislator) says in an interview already got people with no health care, he wants there to be more. dreams of it.
  9. The American government went after the wheat board time and again, and lost. Then the job was done for them by the Canadian government. Just the fact that the Americans wanted it gone, tells you a lot.
  10. cleanup of this man's trail of disasters is going to cost a lot.
  11. Rural Trump voters will regret their vote. National Farmers Union President: “Family farmers and ranchers are currently enduring the worst farm economy in well over a decade and an inadequate safety net that is hamstrung by $23 billion in budget cuts. These cuts and the message they send to rural America are deeply disappointing. “President Trump’s budget blueprint calls for a $4.7 billion cut to USDA, which equates to a 21 percent drop for programs that serve rural and farming communities across the U.S. This huge cut to discretionary spending will put rural development, food safety, conservation and research programs on the chopping block. “The proposal recommends eliminating the Senior Community Service Employment Program that provides job training for older unemployed Americans. This program serves older Americans across the country, but is critical at addressing the challenges faced by older people in rural America. “The President’s blueprint also provides for a $2.6 billion cut to EPA funding. This 31 percent drop guts the agency’s ability to provide very important environmental services and pesticide approval. It even limits the administration’s ability to rewrite or remove the unnecessary regulations that the President promised to address. Regulatory relief comes from having a system that works. “To this point, the president has put the needs of rural America and agriculture on the backburner, and, in many cases, on the chopping block." Heard them griping about this on North Dakota radio today. And why in hell are agricultural commodities in a down turn? oh yeah could it be cause there's a near monopoly on the buying end? side note. Canadian farmers may regret their man Harper destroying the Canadian Wheat Board. Wonder what Mark H thinks. or KBF from a farming background.
  12. Trump still doing campaign type arena meetings. why? I heard him this AM frothing about a judge who ruled against one of his orders; He's doing a WWE type appearance, fomenting a lack of respect for the judicial system. One of the pillars of democracy. This kind of public lambasting and belittling the judiciary is frightening. Appeal the decision if you don't like it and think it's wrong. Not supposed to discuss it at all while it's before the courts. Don't promote hatred of the judiciary amongst the average people. American Judges better be careful about their personal safety. Some Trump nut case might decide to carry out some frontier justice. Horrible. This guy is far worse than I imagined he would be. The wreckage he's already leaving.... check out the Canadian Healthcare workers that work in US hospitals turned away at the border, (CBC today).
  13. In all honesty I believe this usage was alluded to in an earlier post, but going forward, I think we can let this one pass, since it was part of the process of arriving at concensus on the issue at hand.
  14. The car culture was partly made possible in North America by the construction of the Highways built in the fifties, under a Republican plan, and paid for with government money. "The Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956, popularly known as the National Interstate and Defense Highways Act (Public Law 84-627), was enacted on June 29, 1956, when President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed the bill into law. With an original authorization of US$25 billion for the construction of 41,000 miles (66,000 km) of the Interstate Highway System supposedly over a 10-year period, it was the largest public works project in American history through that time." US currently has money budgeted for interstate highway charging stations. Don't know if Trump and Ryan will delete that. Electrification in Canada was paid for by governments. Otherwise there'd be no electrical power in rural Canada. That's part of how charging stations will get built. Musk will probably build some as well.
  15. a few years ago, there were bigger rebates for cars that weighed more, had bigger motors, and guzzled the most gas. Pickup trucks, big SUV. But electric cars are coming, and nothing can stop them. ditto renewable energy. even the oil companies admit it and are finally getting off their butts and getting into that field. I know that most i.c.e. lovers can't accept this, but it's a fact. Trump can't stop it. Neither can Alberta or Saudi Arabia. big changes in energy are coming. Exponential rate of change.
  16. Is Brandon any good, and what chance does he have of making a team as a quarterback?
  17. not bold? what's "no move" got to do with criticising a player on air? a player the team recently signed to a very large contract? in other words indirectly criticising the signing. I listen to other host broadcasting stations, and rarely do I hear any criticism of any aspect of the team, management, coaching, players that the station has the broadcast rights to. None of the on air people on 1290 hold back in their opinions about the Jets. pretty unusual I would say.
  18. Reminds me of "We can have filters on Internets where public money is spent." Final definitive proof that a stupid person can accumulate large amounts of money. He's the final decision maker for nuclear launch/ attack.
  19. glass half full: Buf was just trying to help with the tank.
  20. internet radio broadcast is five minutes behind.
  21. Hustler and Lawless just mentioned a game with Noel as coach, (maybe against Columbus) where it was plain that he players were playing to get the coach fired. some of those guys still here. enough of that crap.
  22. credit to Hustler and Lawless not afraid to say what they think about the Jets. Lawless just said move Buff. Very outspoken today. good for them. I agree. trade the guy.
  23. millions of "smart " home appliance that ar connected to the internet can be and have been used to mount denial of service attacks. This has got nothing at all to do with wiretapping Trump. All of the previous Presidents and their representatives were miles ahead of this group in the department: "Bullshitting and lying with sincerity" These Trump people are surprisingly bad in this area.
  24. Not sure I understand then. I thought the genetic legislation was brought in by a liberal senator. article didn't see who introducted it to parliament. If it was Harper then he's superior to Trudeau on this. In general my statement above is accurate. re Oil, resources extraction, pipelines, international trade agreements, there's no difference between the two.
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