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Everything posted by GCn20

  1. I agree. Anytime only union shops can be utilized the more danger there is for cost overrun and poor workmanship through decreased competition and lack of option.
  2. The timeframe was aggressive. It had nothing to do with design flaws. It may have contributed to some of the shoddy workmanship though.
  3. The general contractor, architect and engineering firm are all national companies. They are forced to hire unionized workers, regardless of who the best trade for the job may be. Funny, I always thought that whether you are unionized or not, you still had to pass the same standards to be qualified as a journeyman. Ooops. Sorry. More logic. Have to pass the same standards yes. Union labour is not unqualified labour. If you are going to make an argument against unionized labour it would be that it generally costs more and is less productive. If you are forced to hire unionized workers then you can only hire out of union shops. That takes many very good companies out of play as options for subcontracting. It narrows down and limits options and effects cost control. That's just straight up logic for you. When cost control is effected, so too will the final product.
  4. I found it hilarious today that a few Riderfans were crying about the Stamps ability to sign BLM to a contract. Whining about the SMS....what an about face they pull when a team not named the Riders appears to be pushing the SMS limits.
  5. I think Taj Smith might know the answer to that.
  6. Absolutely, he didn't cost us a draft pick. Nothing to lose.
  7. Absolutely. I was one who You think they keep all of them around? Unless Grigsby got some balls surgically added in the offseason he's not as good as the other two guys. Call me over sensitive but really beginning to think you don't like Grigsby. He gave us high hopes coming outta camp after.cottons injury... Then we realized he can't block, barely catch and is a lightweight when any contact happens... Any dislike is based upon his brutal season with us AND then blaming everyone but himself.. That's just incorrect... catching is one of the things he is good at... I believe there was even discussion around here about how effective is would be in the slot... Absolutely, I was one of a few members here who mused that perhaps we could convert him to receiver.
  8. Griffiths is likely a long term project for the PR or just a body who will give us some bodies at OL in mini-camp. He is an extreme longshot, but hey, he's got a better shot at making the CFL than he did yesterday. Hope he works hard and surprises. Any of these fringe signing right now leave me a little skeptical with mini-camp nearing. Teams always struggle to have enough new recruits at each position for mini-camp and begin signing longshots to fill out the camp.
  9. I get why Huffer may have drafted him. What I don't get is how this guy was able to have so many CFL lives.
  10. You and Aards are really carrying around a bad case of the jinx today. At BB.com, Aards told us we should watch out for Pall now that he has real coaching...CUT. Now you with Jackson. On behalf of all current Bombers under contract, I will please ask you not to mention any more names today, lol
  11. Shocker. Pall looked like he was on the cusp of CFL superstardom.
  12. Exactly, he offered ridiculously high contracts to guys like Casey Printers that completely changed the pay scale at QB. He did this with several positions. If the average going rate for a star receiver is 100k he will offer 200k and get his guy, well guess what every other comparable talent wants now. He has no regard for the salary structure of the CFL. He spends like a drunken sailor.
  13. You really think Walters had no say in ranking the players. SMH Or that he wasn't a big part of the scouting of them and overall evaluation. Mack may have overruled Walters on a few picks, in fact there is likely little doubt that he did, but the guys he over ruled them for were people that Walters felt strongly enough about their potential to rank them as possibilities for their respective draft picks. That shows equally bad talent recognition imo. I am positive that picks like Pencer, and Etienne were taken highly based partly on glowing scouting reports. Those glowing scouting reports would have come from Walters. He did most of the NI talent evaluation. I am certain that if Walters initial scouting of Penser, Etienne, etc. had stated that they weren't top prospects that Mack would not likely have even considered them. Walters floated these names as potential 1st round picks along with probably a few other names and Mack did not do a good job of narrowing the list down. These are not names that should have been on that list. That's on Walters. Picking them is on Mack. Both wear the stink.
  14. Grigsby is, at best, a guy who will have a few offensive plays and will see only limited playing time.
  15. All you gotta do is look at what he's doing now that he's outta football. Nothing that requires any serious effort or work ethic. What does he do now?
  16. Despite our media being highly critical at times....I will take it any day over the tripe that Pederson tries to peddle. He is by far the biggest homer in sport journalism and it taints him because of stupid crap like Kevin Glenn=FA winners.
  17. It appears we will recruit our new LBs. Hope they are gooders.
  18. Lots of ways good players end up getting run out of town. Coaches and GMs looking for someone to blame, or to appease an angry fan base are just a couple that immediately spring to mind. Look at the defensive stats and win/loss record for Saskatchewan while Hurl was MLB. Pretty impressive, if you ask me. However, blaming and then ditching a MLB is much easier than placing the blame on an underperforming big money offence and QB.
  19. I don't think that's true. I think he worked hard. The big obstacle for Jade was his strength and lack of experience at the position. He just could not put weight on his frame and wasn't savvy enough of a receiver to make up for that lack of weight.
  20. be fair, he also took Muamba over MItchell and I am sure we can find some other instances. Drafting, especially in the CFL is a crap shoot and everyone loves Kyle Walters but how would we feel about him if he took MItchell over Muamba? Which is something he likely would have done. I'll give you Muamba over Mitchell but that's one of the few. Mack did a poor job of drafting. I could add Carl Volny over Matt Walter in 2011, Johhny Aprile over Billy Peach, Chris Smith over Ryan Bomben. be fair, he also took Muamba over MItchell and I am sure we can find some other instances. Drafting, especially in the CFL is a crap shoot and everyone loves Kyle Walters but how would we feel about him if he took MItchell over Muamba? Which is something he likely would have done. I'll give you Muamba over Mitchell but that's one of the few. Mack did a poor job of drafting. I could add Carl Volny over Matt Walter in 2011, Johhny Aprile over Billy Peach, Chris Smith over Ryan Bomben. None of us should be so willing to let Walters off the hook when it comes to our drafting. He may not have had final say, but what was Pencer even doing on the radar at that draft position. Walters was our NI scout. A lot of the duds in our draft were names he put forward for consideration in the respective rounds. Unless, of course, you are of the belief that names like Penser and Etienne were Mack discoveries that had nothing to do with Walters. However, we do know that it was not Mack or Moll that were scouring the CIS for talent. They were in the States the vast majority of the time.
  21. Do you mean Migs was incorrect when he said that Durant would be ready to go for the playoffs last year? Can't believe it, blasphemy! He was throwing in the dressing room! He was ready!!! Do you mean Migs was incorrect when he said that Durant would be ready to go for the playoffs last year? Can't believe it, blasphemy! He was throwing in the dressing room! He was ready!!! He was throwing darts....DARTS....40 yards downfield hitting receivers in stride. I wish the Bomber stadium came with glory holes that we could see what we want to see on game day. I'll admit that I don't know what glory holes are and I'll also admit that I don't want to think about what they could be. Last year a Rider fan came on here in September or October and told us all that he had personally witnessed Durant practicing and that he was lights out and would be ready for the playoffs. When challenged about the accuracy of these claims because the Riders do not hold open practices to the public, a backpedal of epic proportions began. He stated that there is a hole in the fence at Mosaic stadium that he was able to peer through to witness this. This assertion was so ridiculous, and creepy at the same time, that even posters at Riderfans began ridiculing the claim, referring to this hole in the fence as 'the glory hole".
  22. Do you mean Migs was incorrect when he said that Durant would be ready to go for the playoffs last year? Can't believe it, blasphemy! He was throwing in the dressing room! He was ready!!! Do you mean Migs was incorrect when he said that Durant would be ready to go for the playoffs last year? Can't believe it, blasphemy! He was throwing in the dressing room! He was ready!!! He was throwing darts....DARTS....40 yards downfield hitting receivers in stride. I wish the Bomber stadium came with glory holes that we could see what we want to see on game day.
  23. Durant suffered the same injury that ended the careers of Terry Bradshaw and Joe Montana. Others like Jake Delhomme were able to recover, however, despite all the Rider fans thinking it is a slam dunk that he will regain his form, I think the Riders management is not prepared at this point not to have a backup plan. One injury does not make a person injury prone....but one injury can still derail a career. There are reports that his elbow is still not fully recovered yet and he is only lightly throwing,
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