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Everything posted by GCn20

  1. I agree that it's a valid point that every poster should be aware of, however, overstating a point breeds apathy to that point. Just saying.
  2. Get used to it. Best is to just ignore when you see him going off on one of these rants. He's a passionate guy when it comes to trying to get his point across, even though no one's debating them. No use getting caught up in this merry go round for another full season. Change the topic is about all we can do. Booch will discuss the new topic once he sees there are no takers for that discussion again. It's a valid point he raises, it's just been done to death.
  3. I am not so sure that a lot of those "anonymous inside quotes" weren't copied and pasted from some CFL fan forums. Not saying they all were, but I think some of them were.
  4. I agree. However, if we were to lose a Neuf/Eli/Dobson early in the season to a season ender. I could see Gray coming back at a salary in line with our SMS savings from the 6 game, or us making room in the SMS elsewhere because Gray becomes more of a priority. The fact that no one else has signed Gray is comforting because I can see him as a safety net to the reduction in our depth right now.
  5. If we ran into injury problems, Geoff Gray is still a FA. We could very likely go that route unless he is picked up before the season.
  6. I am hoping we get a good hog in the draft or else I am in agreement with JBR. However, there are quite a few journey man OL that would be serviceable that we could pick up in a pinch too.
  7. Exactly right, this is the court of public opinion not a court of law. We owe Chad Kelly exactly zero benefit of the doubt if that is how we feel about it. "Where there is smoke there is usually fire" has been an expression that has served me well for many years. Is there a small % chance that this woman is mentally unbalanced and looking for attention? Sure. Is that likely? I would say absolutely not. I doubt the amount of instances in a thousand where the accuser has totally fabricated the story is less than a handful. No accuser, short of someone being mentally ill or a professional con woman, goes to this extreme without there being some basis in fact to their story. By all accounts she was a model and competent employee with a sterling track record. I get everyone wanting to give the benefit of the doubt, and I want to hear the whole story from both sides too, but you would have to be out to lunch to not think there is a very bad odor to this just based on what we know so far about the story, and the people involved. I guess at this point it is whether you believe that the ex-employee is of poor moral perpitude and is making false allegations, or Kelly/Murphy are guilty of poor moral judgement and behavior. I know which way I'm leaning and it's based on the past behaviors demonstrated by all 3. I will fully admit that I have bias against Kelly and Murphy for their past actions and that is deeply impacting my take on this. Luckily, I don't have to be non-biased in any way as I am not their judge or jury.
  8. I am willing to wait for an investigation into the matter on Kelly's guilt/innocence this time but his past behavior is very concerning to me as a CFL fan and I, of course, think it has a large role to play in the veracity with which the CFL should conduct it's investigation. I certainly don't blame anyone for calling out Kelly's behavior, IF TRUE, as he is a repeat offender of acts that are not befitting of a professional CFL player. This isn't a new opinion of mine, not jumping on any kind of bandwagon here. I personally feel that the CFL should have never ratified his contract in the first place and have held this opinion before the Argos even signed him. He was initially a guy that I wanted the Bombers to sign a few years ago, then I did some digging on him and wouldn't want him within restraining order distance of my team. My opinion of him will never change, but it is not grounded in these current events. I hope these events are not true, and are a fabrication, and Kelly really has gotten his life straightened out. He is a talented football player and our league needs those. I am, and I believe rightfully so, highly skeptical that he is innocent.
  9. That's your opinion. Committing a felony trespass, then cozying up next to a sleeping woman and child, then uttering threats at her and her room mate on the way out....yea,,,,that doesn't scream weirdo at all. Ms. South Carolina would probably fill you in on a thing or two about him as well.
  10. Splitting hairs. He was also sued for assault that same night against a camera man, and was in an "altercation" with a woman afterwards. He just innocently walked over to the wrong house, went in, got cozy on the couch next to the female resident with no ill intentions. Not buying it. He traumatized this poor woman. He was charged with 1st degree criminal trespass which is a felony offence. This was later plea bargained down to a 2nd degree which made it a misdemeanor but that is likely the function of having an NFL player calibre lawyer.
  11. I have not decided guilt but if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, This isn't new or out of the ordinary behavior for him. Sorry, but if this was some out of the blue accusation against a guy with no priors I might be more inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt. Sorry, but this isn't some new concept. Past offences are always used in court to establish a person's past proclivity for committing the offence.
  12. He was charged and convicted of breaking into a woman's home, sitting on the couch next to her while she slept with her 2 year old son, before being chased out by the woman's room mate when she awoke to find him there. God knows what his intentions were. This was while he was a player with the Broncos.
  13. People do not need to stop throwing around the term sexual predator, he has been charged and convicted in the past for it. Maybe, it doesn't apply in this case exactly but when you add up his history with the current situation the term is maybe a bit harsh but certainly not by much.
  14. "He's got a reputation" is about the nicest way you can sum up Kelly's past transgressions. Here is a reminder of the who exactly Chad Kelly has PROVEN himself to be. It shouldn't be minimized. He has two past serious transgressions against women, one that resulted in criminal charges. You want us all to give him the benefit of the doubt? Why should we? This isn't the same as some guy with a squeaky clean record being accused, there is a crap load of very serious precedents here. Could the allegations be false? Certainly they could, but in the case of Kelly he has set the bar of perception for himself and he needs to wear it. I have no sympathy for the guy whatsoever. Toronto knew full well who he is when they signed him too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MM2yuF56dzk
  15. Nice...minimizing sexual harrassement. You must be a fun guy at the office parties. In what world is hitting on a co-worker to the point of harrassment, then starting rumors about her to her co-workers, then threatening her with harm, acceptable to you? This is not acceptable behavior in any professional setting....EVER.
  16. Not the same comparison at all. Night and day difference in the offence for most people. Harris, whether roiding or not, did not hurt anyone but his own reputation and body if he was guilty. This is violence against women. Like I said, night and day. When Harris got caught, I was mostly who cares about it. That's because I personally believe that there is a good % of athletes who are doping and at the end of the day I don't really personally care if they are or not. Violence against women is a much different type of offence.
  17. Maybe. Should be a pretty easy investigation then. However, not many professionals burn their bridges in a close knit industry for attention or just to randomly character assassinate someone. Is it possible? Sure it is. The probability of that is very, very low though.
  18. I disagree on Lofton, with the caveat that I hope someone else is better. Last year, Lofton was actually middle of the pack in the CFL for OTs by PFF. So not stellar, but certainly not a terrible option either. If someone else beats him out in TC, we will be in pretty good shape at RT.
  19. No, it is not obvious at all. The amount she is asking for is not worth it at all. This isn't some kind of frivolous attempt to get rich.
  20. Don't compare this to an acrimonious divorce. You are trying to minimize the situation by reframing it and it shows. This isn't the case of a lover scorned and you putting it into that kind of comparison can only serves to minimize the victim's credibility while garnering sympathy for the accused. This is a workplace sexual harrassment investigation, let's get that straight. I get it that you really want Kelly and the Argos to be blameless here, a victim of a hatchet job by a crazed ex-employee hell bent on revenge. The investigation will tell us whether there is an inkling of truth to that. Right now all logic points to the victim being credible. She really has nothing to gain in comparison to what she has and will lose.
  21. Him even asking the girl out is at best highly inappropriate. If any of what she says is true as to what took place afterwards than Kelly is most definitely a harrasser. We likely wouldn't be too pleased with Dalton for being such a bonehead.
  22. Yea...Leo was a really good player. I remember him being traded. Tough day for me, I was a big fan.
  23. Yea...unfortunately his baggage comes into play whether it is relevant or not to this particular situation. Maybe it is a hit piece from a disgruntled ex-employee, but it very well might be that this employee was earnestly wronged. You seem to be dismissing that possibility. Kelly has a long history of troubled behavior, and this unfortunately lends some credence to the need for an investigation of these allegations. If it found to be much ado about nothing, then I am sure the CFL will move on and the Argos will still have their star QB. Restoring his reputation? You may not realize this because you are a died in the wool Argos fan, but most of the fans around the league regarded Kelly as a wingnut even prior to this.
  24. I'm thinking like 81 or 82. I was about 11 or 12 so it's a bit murky exactly what year. It was at a BBQ at his house. My brother took us there as he was our babysitter and he was invited by Leo's sister. There were other Bomber players there but I wasn't a fanatic until I was about 15 or 16 so I don't really recall who exactly.
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