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Posts posted by pigseye

  1. 2 hours ago, HardCoreBlue said:

    So just to be clear, you're the third kind of person, just trying to enable a fair and equal environment by objectively showing all sides of the coin so people can make an informed decision yea. 

    Geez man, it's just a discussion forum, lay off the caffeine for awhile. 

  2. Looks like Flynns lawyers may have found an out for him, how do you lose your key piece of evidence, lol. 


    Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, told Fox Business' Maria Bartiromo that the original 302 document — which typically summarizes witness interviews with agents — was “missing.” Nunes said the document is where Flynn is accused of lying to investigators.




    Nunes laid out what he said he knows about the original report. He said it was written and transcribed and recalled FBI sources saying, “Look, there’s nothing to see here, Flynn wasn’t lying.”

    “So we knew this at the beginning of 2017, so you can imagine my astonishment when it began to leak out in the press that General Flynn was being busted for lying to the FBI,” he said. “And that, that’s what the Mueller team — the dirty Mueller team — that’s what they were going to bust him on.”

    Nunes said the original report that was used to initially brief Congress vanished. “It’s gone. Poof. It’s out of — we can’t find it.”

    “And I told people at the highest levels of the FBI and the DOJ, I said, what are you doing here? Like, we have, on the record, from the highest-level people that he didn't lie to the FBI,” he said.




    Late last year, Flynn’s attorney sought “every document” pertaining to the interview with agents after allegations that FBI officials manipulated the original 302 report. His attorney asserted that separate handwritten notes from the interview drafted by since-fired FBI agent Peter Strzok and another agent are plainly inconsistent with one another, as well as the final FBI 302 that underpinned Flynn's guilty plea for one count of making false statements to investigators.



    Although the government has insisted that the FBI's after-the-fact edits to the 302 report were "largely grammatical and stylistic," Flynn's lawyer argued that they were in fact highly substantive and improper alterations that inaccurately made it appear that Flynn had issued blanket denials to agents' questions.




    Sidney Powell, one of Flynn’s lawyers, told Fox News that FBI agents did their best to hide their investigation and attempted to entrap her client. She mentioned a meeting on Jan. 5, 2017, at the White House that included Obama, then-FBI Director James Comey, then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and former CIA Director John Brennan.

    Powell said the “whole thing was orchestrated and set up within the FBI, Clapper, Brennan and in the Oval Office meeting that day with President Obama.”

    Bartiromo asked Powell if she believed the scandal reached up to Obama, and Powell responded, “Absolutely.”



  3. Just now, The Unknown Poster said:

    Dude, Ive been saying this since day one.  You post nonsense, ofcourse Im going to see it that way.  You call everyone hypocrites and yet its you who is so blinded by your support for the alt right you actively post nonsense and remarks in support of it.

    It's not my nonsense, it's the Trumpkins playbook to control the narrative, I just post it because no one else will and occasionally it actually brings up some good discussion

    The Democrats already admitted that their treatment of the Biden accuser was hypocritical when compared to Kavenaugh. If the glove fits, wear it.

    Enough of the alt right insult carp and get back to discussing politics.  

  4. 3 minutes ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    I think you're deflecting from the fact you're an unabashed supporter of his and trying to make it seem like you're playing devils advocate.  There is no real mystery to a lot of Trump's support.  He has the racists and gun nuts and religious nuts on his side.  And yes he'll have some that are too stupid to know better or just like reality TV or just hate the liberals.  

    Everyone here is capable of seeing both sides. The truth and Trumps.  

    Suit yourself, you are going to see what you want to see, no matter what I say.

  5. Just now, The Unknown Poster said:

    You don’t think people are capable of doing that themselves?  If you’re saying you present a side you know isn’t true I’d suggest that is behaviour not usually acceptable on most discussion forums. 

    If they were, there wouldn't be any Trump supporters now would there. How can he fool half of the American population, don't you think that in itself is worthy of discussion? 

  6. 5 minutes ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    And some here too.  But are you admitting you post things you know are untrue in an effort to convince people otherwise?

    Not really, it's up to the reader to decide for themselves what is true and what isn't. I just believe that everyone should see both sides of the coin before doing so. 

  7. 7 minutes ago, The Unknown Poster said:


    Okay so let's turn the page on this alleged Obamagate and the unmasking of FLynn.

    Unmasking (asking the identity of otherwise anonymous individuals caught up in surveillance) is common.  Happens thousands of times a year (or at least the requests are into the thousands).

    Flynn got caught up in this because he was communicating with people who were under surveillance.  Flynn was not identified in those reports.  When someone asks for an unidentified person to be unmasked its because they dont know who they are.  So any suggestion Biden or anyone else asked to unmask Flynn because they wanted to get Flynn is simply hogwash.  

    But it does explain why Obama told Trump not to hire Flynn.  He knew he was in trouble.  Obama did the right thing.

    The only issue Trump can be pissy about is that someone leaked to the press that Flynn had these conversations with foreign parties which started the road down for Flynn.   In other words, Trump is mad Flynn got caught.  And the reason the FBI knew Flynn was laying when he said he never discussed sanctions with the Russian ambassador is because they had the ambassador under surveillance and caught Flynn in that surveillance. 

    Why would Flynn lie?   Because he knew what he did was bad.  Which is what he plead guilty to.  Lying.  He did it.

    All of this is designed to protect some of the awful people around Trump and try to undo Mueller.  Its Trump's campaign strategy.  He has nothing to run on for re-election.  Economy is awful.  Tens of thousands of Americans are dead due to Trump's bungling.  He's an international embarrassment.  The country is more divided than almost ever before.  He has nothing,

    So he has to run on "we're bad, but they were too."  He's trying to chill voters away from voting for Biden.

    Anyone above a grade 3 education can see this.  You'd have to be incredibly aligned with the values of a racist sexual abuser to buy into this stuff and defend it.  Im glad none of us are.

    You over estimate the intelligence of the average Merican (sorrry to all Americans out there but it's true).

    The truth is what you can convince people to believe. 

  8. Uh oh, someone lied to Congress and it wasn't a Trumpkin this time,


    During the impeachment hearings, many witnesses were questioned about their knowledge of the Biden-Burisma connection, and the firm's reputation in Ukraine. Former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch, during House testimony last year, said she didn't have much knowledge about the firm, and noted that she only learned of its connection to Biden through "press reports" she read while preparing for her Senate confirmation hearing.


    But through a Citizens United Freedom of Information Act request for emails related to Burisma sent by former deputy assistant secretary of state for Europe and Eastern Europe George Kent, the organization obtained more than 160 pages of emails and memos sent during the fall of 2016, including communications between Yovanovitch and U.S. Embassy officials about Burisma Holdings and documents indicating that she met with a representative of the firm at the embassy in December 2016.


  9. And so it begins, I expect the ratings are going to be huge for this episode,


    “The unmasking of General Flynn by the Obama Administration regarding conversations during the presidential transition are deeply troubling and smell of politics, not national security,” Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said in a statement Wednesday. “The unmasking of General Flynn by the Obama Administration regarding conversations during the presidential transition are deeply troubling and smell of politics, not national security.”


    Meanwhile, Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., said he was “greatly disturbed” by the list of unmasking requests concerning Flynn and said that the newly released information “gives a window into possible abuses of power motivated by political decisions, by individuals at the highest levels of government, including Vice President Joe Biden.”




    The heightened speculation came after Sens. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, and Ron Johnson, R-Wis., made public a list of Obama officials who purportedly requested to “unmask” the identity of Flynn, who at the time was Trump’s incoming national security adviser.

    The list was declassified by Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell and sent to Grassley and Johnson.

    The roster featured top-ranking figures including then-Vice President Joe Biden, then-FBI Director James Comey, then-CIA Director John Brennan, then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and Obama’s then-chief of staff Denis McDonough.



  10. So here is the master plan, Flynn was 'taken out' before he could expose the 'Russian Hoax'. Have to hand it to Trump team, they are imaginative if nothing else,


    "And I think it's because, you know, Flynn had a bull's-eye on his back. People like Comey, McCabe, Brennan and Clapper all knew that once Flynn took the helm...as national security adviser, he would expose the Russia hoax," Jarrett stated. "And so they went after him with a vengeance. They targeted him, and they got rid of him."


  11. Can a President be impeached twice?



    The Foreign Emoluments Clause prohibits the president or anyone else in office from receiving “any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State” without congressional approval. D.C. and Maryland claim that money earned as a result of foreign officials staying at his hotel to curry favor with the president constitutes such an emolument.

    The Domestic Emoluments Clause says that the president cannot receive any emolument from the U.S. or any individual state other than his or her salary. The lawsuit alleges that Trump is receiving such emoluments when state officials stay at his hotel.

    In a blistering dissenting opinion, Judge J. Harvie Wilkinson III wrote that what is really “clear and indisputable” is “that this action should never be in federal court” in the first place. He said he would order the district court to dismiss the case entirely, and that “the federal judiciary has sorely overstepped its proper bounds” in the case.

    The dissent notes that if the president is violating the law by receiving illegal emoluments, Congress has the power to impeach him for it, which they have not done.



  12. Most our land was Red River clay, real tiger **** when wet, had to use rice tires on the combines many years and could only put 100 bushels in the hopper at a time, trucks had to stay on the roads and combines had come to them, what a marathon. At least in the drought years you get half a crop as that clay always seemed to have some moisture left in it. Good times. 

  13. 8 minutes ago, Tiny759 said:

    The late 80’s..... I’m sure I would remember if I was born in the 80’s lol 

    Believe me, the weather here goes from one extreme to the next, just have to ride it out. I can remember swarms of grasshoppers that would you swear were locusts ravaging the crops. 

  14. 1 minute ago, Tiny759 said:

    Livestock rancher here. I can’t remember The last time we have had a normal spring/summer. Flood in 2011-2014. 2015-2017 was recovering from the floods. And then 2018-2019 have been droughts. Past 3 years in my area ranchers have been scrambling to get enough feed for the animals 

    Remember the dust bowls in the late 80's - 90's, everyone started trying zero tillage and planting shelter belts and then...…..it was over and back to normal for a decade. 

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