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Posts posted by pigseye

  1. Control the narrative, show that the impeachment was nothing more than a coverup, the Republican spin doctors really are the best,



    The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee on Wednesday voted to subpoena Blue Star Strategies — a company connected to the Ukrainian natural gas firm Burisma Holdings -- as part of the panel’s investigation into Hunter Biden’s role on the board of the firm. The subpoena would cover records dating back to January 1, 2013, regarding their work for Burisma Holdings, or individuals associated with Burisma’s founder, Mykola Zlochevsky. He also wants Blue Star CEO Karen Tramontano and Chief Operating Officer Sally Painter for depositions. Trump's pressure campaign against Ukraine prompted a whistleblower complaint, and, in turn, the impeachment inquiry.


  2. 37 minutes ago, Tracker said:

    James Woods is a diehard Tea Party right-winger, but if he said this, it would mean that he is back into the nose candy again.

    Loved James Woods the actor, heard he got into MIT with an IQ of 180 but dropped out to become an actor. Pretty sharp dude. 

  3. 12 minutes ago, JCon said:

    Ironically, he hates Americans. He loathes the people who support him. He doesn't want anything to do with them. He knows they are dumb, just like we see his supporters here. Makes stuff up and they go for it. 


    lol, talk about making stuff up. 

  4. I wouldn't hold my breathe for a vaccine, SARS has been around for 18 years and they couldn't come up with a vaccine for it, despite it being far more dangerous, same with MERS.

    Maybe they will surprise us but they are already talking about living with it, like AIDS.


  5. 5 minutes ago, Tracker said:

    There are some broad similarities that can be used to assess at first report whether or not the allegation is likely to be credible: these predators are clever and experienced enough to choose the time, place and victim- they will choose a time without witnesses in the immediate vicinity, in a secluded spot without surveillance, and most will pick a victim who is not likely to report; and as soon as one victim comes forward, there is almost inevitably a cascade of other victims- as happened with Nygard, Trump, Buchanon and others. 

    You mean like this,



    According to Law and Crime, Reade was one of eight women who “previously accused Biden of sexual harassment and inappropriate touching in early 2019.” Former Nevada State Sen. Lucy Flores had come forward with her own allegations first. The New York Times reported that Flores alleged that Biden touched her inappropriately and kissed her “on the head during a Democratic campaign rally in 2014, when he was vice president.”

    Eight women who have all been silenced by Handsy Joe and his media friends. 


  6. Wow and you think that I'm a Trump fan-boy, get a load of Conrad Black,


    I do especially love his closing,


    Like all jungles, the U.S. is run by 30-foot constricting snakes and 700-pound cats, and one group of jungle beasts is being defeated and overthrown by another. It is great drama, for those who have the intelligence to perceive it, instead of clucking over lapses of etiquette in the White House.


  7. 12 minutes ago, do or die said:

    Well, we don't really have to worry about it, at this point. Problem solved.

    lol, for sure.

    I tried to find other examples of this crime but nothing comes up, you'd think someone at sometime would have been charged with this? Guess not, go figure. 

  8. Quote


    McCarthy told Hegseth what likely happened in Flynn's case is that the agents wrote a draft of a report on January 24 -- the day they conducted the interview -- but the actual "302" was not completed until three weeks later. He noted that texts between agents Peter Strzok and Lisa Page show that Flynn's "302" went through "major revisions and edits."

    "So, they looked at [it] and somebody wrote it and they said, 'Gee, we don't like how that came out.' So, one guy edits it and then the next person -- Lisa Page says to Strzok: 'What a piece of garbage you gave me.' And, Strzok says to her, 'You've seen it when I got it,'" he continued. "So, you know, who knows how many iterations there are of this thing?"

    "But, whether it's representative of what Flynn said by the end is questionable," he told Hegseth. "And then, the other thing, Pete, that you have to bear in mind is the agents who interviewed him didn't think he lied. So, that's like the cherry on top."


    Sorry about the tweet comment, it was text messages with Page, going from memory and it was a long time ago. 

  9. Quote

    Pompeo and his wife are accused of using government employees as their personal servants, which is against the law.

    Yes, better get right on that investigation, it might lead to some Russian collusion, lol. 

  10. Quote

    “This firing is the outrageous act of a president trying to protect one of his most loyal supporters, the secretary of state, from accountability,” Engel said in a statement. “I have learned that the Office of the Inspector General had opened an investigation into Secretary Pompeo. Mr. Linick’s firing amid such a probe strongly suggests that this is an unlawful act of retaliation.”


  11. Quote

    When Linick departs he will replaced by Stephen Akard, a former career foreign service officer with close ties to Vice President Mike Pence, a Trump administration official told the AP. Akard currently runs the department's Office of Foreign Missions. He had been nominated to be the director general of the Foreign Service but withdrew after objections he wasn't experienced enough.


  12. 2 hours ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    What are you on about?  What tweet?  Trump is a Russian asset.  What are you talking about?

    His text messages with Page,




    The Washington Post reported that Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report includes an August 2016 text message exchange between Strzok and then-FBI lawyer Lisa Page about Trump’s chance of being elected president.

    “[Trump’s] not ever going to become president, right? Right?!” Page texted Strzok.

    “No. No he won’t. We’ll stop it,” Strzok responded.



  13. Didn't anybody actually fact check this?




    As the COVID-19 disease caused by the new coronavirus has spread around the world, a number of politicians, news organizations and public figures have made the false claim that the Trump administration cut the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s anti-pandemic work in over 40 countries to just 10. The CDC told us that’s not true.  


  14. Birds of a feather, when these two agree on something, they are probably both guilty as sin. 



    Joe Biden’s presidential campaign says it doesn’t think that President Trump or his re-election campaign had any role in bringing forward former Senate staffer Tara Reade’s allegations that Biden sexually assaulted her 27 years ago.




    The president’s also declined to take aim at Biden over the sexual assault allegations.

    “He’s got to fight that battle. I’ve had battles, too, where I’ve had false accusations many times. I think you understand that,” Trump said in an interview with "Fox & Friends" last week.

    “I don’t know if it’s false or not. I mean Joe’s going to have to prove whatever he has to prove, or she has to prove it, but that’s a battle he has to fight. I’ve had many false accusations made, I can tell you that. Many. And maybe this is a false accusation. Frankly, I hope it is for his sake,” added the president, who has denied roughly two-dozen accusations of sexual misconduct in recent years.



  15. 1 hour ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    No surprise key evidence is lost now that it's Barr's DOJ.

    I couldn't agree more.

    And what is with this Strzok character tweeting out in the middle of the investigation that he was going to get Trump and had a back plan? No self respecting FBI agent would do that. Probably a Russian spy or Trump dupe planted to discredit to the whole thing from day one.

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