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Posts posted by pigseye

  1. On 2020-05-09 at 4:35 PM, Mark H. said:

    Normally we would be seeding our crops by now - global warming, where art thou? 

    At the peak, we farmed about 4,000 acres and were always done seeding before the May long weekend. Then it was off to Falcon Lake camp ground with about 20 friends for good time, when that used to be allowed. 

  2. 12 minutes ago, Tracker said:

    Team Trump Pushes CDC to Revise Down Its COVID Death Counts

    The president and members of his task force are skeptical of the numbers and want the methodology changed.

    Erin Banco
    National Security Reporter
    Asawin Suebsaeng
    White House Reporter
    Updated May. 13, 2020 9:52AM ET / Published May. 13, 2020 3:53AM ET 
    President Donald Trump and members of his coronavirus task force are pushing officials at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to change how the agency works with states to count coronavirus-related deaths. And they’re pushing for revisions that could lead to far fewer deaths being counted than originally reported, according to five administration officials working on the government’s response to the pandemic.


    Interesting read, I found this,



  3. Uh oh,


    On Wednesday morning, the president declared victory on Twitter: "Big Congressional win in California for Mike Garcia, taking back a seat from the Democrats. This is the first time in many years that a California Dem seat has flipped back to a Republican. Also, Tom Tiffany beat his Democrat rival BIG in Wisconsin. Two great Congressional WINS!"


  4. 23 minutes ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    You cant see reality through your orange goggles.  If you cant see the problem here is you, then you're a lost cause unfortunately.

    Then why is 17to85 getting the same response? Shout them down, we won't discuss it. 

    At least you take the time to show me the errors of my ways, isn't that the whole point of discussion? 

  5. 2 minutes ago, 17to85 said:

    Sure there is, they were subpoenaed by congress as part of their over sight on the executive branch of the government and every court has said "Yeah bro, you gotta hand em over"

    But you knew that right?  

    And the SC will decide if the subpoena is valid or if it's just harassment of a political rival. 

  6. 23 minutes ago, Tracker said:

    It within the realm of possibility that Trump would start a war in order to boost his popularity as Margaret Thatcher did over the Falkland Islands. It worked for her, as it did for Reagan when he ordered the invasion of Grenada to oust the few dozen engineers from Cuba who were working to update Grenada's infrastructure. Everyone forgot the Lebanon disaster. Thus he is a danger to other nations as well.

    Well he did lob some Tomahawks into Syria so technically that was a military incursion of some sort. 

  7. 39 minutes ago, 17to85 said:

    and you wonder why people think you can't reason with them. 

    There is an awful lot of intolerance from the left. Instead of dismissing people you need to engage with them. Easier to be a condescending ass on the internet though so that's what a lot of people default to these days. 

    I've tried every approach, you are wasting your breath. 

  8. Just now, Tracker said:

    You are assuming that they are open to changing their minds, and the great majority are not- I have several of these in my extended family. when they forward tripe to me from say, The Rebel News website and I bother to send them links to credible sources that refute their beliefs, they just become annoyed, restate their beliefs and then say something along the lines of ,"well, that's your opinion". A total waste of time.

    So shouting them down is the answer then? 

  9. 7 minutes ago, 17to85 said:

    It is impossible to fathom especially considering some of previous rulings out there. Yet here we are. Judges are now political hacks making rulings not based on the rule of law but on partisan sides. And before anyone screams both sides it's only the one side doing this. 

    You do realize that there is no legal obligation for a president to turn over their financials, don't you? 

  10. 32 minutes ago, 17to85 said:

    Cause there are no degrees of criminality! lying about something personal like a BJ from an Intern is exactly the same as all the **** Trump has done. I mean christ Trump has lied about plenty of BJs I am sure. 

    Yeah but obstructing justice to cover it up is a crime even if a BJ isn't. 

  11. 31 minutes ago, 17to85 said:

    No you don't shout it down, that just makes people dig in and get defensive about their position and shut off to reason. You have to get them to explore why they believe what they do because change only happens from within. A person has to want to find the correct answer, and you are more likely to get them there by engaging them as opposed to just trying to silence them. 

    It's also good to do these exercises to re-assess why we believe things ourselves. Everyone believes they're informed and correct, but we all need to make sure we're not just swallowing whatever point of view we happen to initially agree with. It all needs to be help up to a critical light. 

    So is the polarization of the left and right a construct of foreign influence, Russia, China, N Korea and other countries that want to tear the west apart from within? Isn't shouting each other down exactly what they want us to do.

  12. 3 minutes ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    What does Clinton’s impeachment have to do with trumps?  They were both impeached.  Why are you trying to deflect discussion to clinton?  Does any criticism of trump sting you that personally?   

    I have no problem with criticism of Trump, he deserves pretty much everything he gets but some people go overboard with it and I just try to bring them back from the edge. I worry about some of you, you shouldn't let him get to you personally. For so it almost seems to be life or death, he's just another bad president, let it go. 

  13. 1 hour ago, 17to85 said:

    yes it's a construct that is effective because of people who want to label everything they don't like as some kind of ism. Just gives the right an out to ignore all concerns. 

    I am telling you, if you focus your energy on the very obvious and blatant stuff you do more to change people than by trying to paint everything as awful. 

    I really don't see the racism in a tirade about wet markets. That this started in China doesn't mean it's racist to think those practises are bad. 

    They are called 'thought crimes' and it is all the rage. 

  14. He can always try the Clinton defence,

    "It depends upon what the meaning of the word 'is' is. If the—if he—if 'is' means is and never has been, that is not—that is one thing. If it means there is none, that was a completely true statement."[

  15. 32 minutes ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    Did you consider the possibility that he wasnt guilty?  Like many Republicans also thought?

    Also you said the vote was purely partisan which it wasnt.  You were wrong.

    Since Mitt voted guilty I guess Trump's wasn't partisan either then. 

  16. Just now, The Unknown Poster said:

    What is wrong with you?  10 Republicans voted not guilty on one count and 5 on the other.

    And feel free.  Im sure you've talked to them a lot lately.

    Not a single Dem voted guilty on either Article. 

  17. 3 minutes ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    No, the SENATE acquitted him.  In a Bi-partisan vote.  He was also impeached by the House in a bi-partisan vote.  And if you want to re-try the Clinton impeachment which 1) was an obvious witch hunt and 2) resulted in Ken Starr completely reversing himself years later with Trump, feel free to start a thread.  

    Unless you're suggesting if one President is acquitted, ALL Presidents should be acquitted?  

    I'm not going to argue this with you, you can check wiki for yourself, the vote in the Senate was purely partisan. 


    3 minutes ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    You probably think OJ Simpson didnt do it.

    Careful, I will have to report you to Rich for trolling. 

  18. Just now, The Unknown Poster said:

    Id have to review their remarks at the time as I cannot remember offhand.  I think they certainly would have looked seriously at it since the Meuller Report laid out clear signs of collusion and obstruction.   But we cant predict woulda coulda shoulda.  Trump felt vindicated even though he wasnt, probably because he cant read very well so he relied on Barr telling him he was a good boy and went right back it with Ukraine which presented an easier path for Dems.

    Regardless, your boy was impeached so whats your argument here?  He wasnt impeached enough?

    Not at all, he was impeached. Someone started this by holding up the Mueller Report as some smoking gun evidence of his crimes. I'm just saying if the evidence was so over whelming them why wasn't it used for impeachment, Mueller left that door open for the Dems to walk through. I posted a quote from Schiff saying he didn't believe there was enough evidence and that is why they went with Ukraine. Seems to me that even Schiff agrees that for all the pages in the Mueller Report, there was very little hard evidence of anything the Dems could use to impeach. 

  19. Just now, 17to85 said:

    The Democrats are afraid of getting down in the dirt with the Republicans. They are focused on the election rather than trying to hold anyone accountable other than token gestures. Not holding the senate they are basically abdicating their responsibilities because they know the GOP will circle the wagons and defend their criminal organization. 

    That goes both ways though doesn't it? I mean Bill Clinton committed perjury and the Dem Senate said oh well. 

  20. 1 hour ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    Either you’re engaging in troll behaviour or all of this is way over your head.  He was impeached.  You’re effort to defend your hero because he was “only” impeached on certain crimes is hilariously transparent.  Why do your values align with a liar, racist and serial sexual abuser?

    Well, let me ask you this then. Do you believe the Democrats would have gone ahead with impeachment just based on the Meuller Report? 

    Put aside the Ukraine thing for second and answer honestly if you can. 

  21. 1 minute ago, Brandon said:

    Snowflake generation,   you never read stories like this in the past where people twist anything to make people look like villains.   People have waaaaaaaaay to thin of a skin these days.   

    Only a racist would find what Bryan Adams said as racist.   

    The guy called out idiots that harvested disease infested bats to eat them....  nothing wrong at all with what he said.   If this happened in Germany he would of said the same damn thing.   Absolute morons who get mad over things like this.  

    Crap like this takes away from real racism that happens in the world.  

    And it's not the first time, SARS, MERS, all the same thing. About time someone spoke about these practices that endanger the rest of the world. Second hand smoke has been banned for just this reason, time to ban this too. 

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