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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. I think there are legalities with trek as far as the films versus the TV and paramount versus CBS. That could cause a lot of denials. Remember it was trek people that lied about khan and lied about Shatner being approached. They protect their info.
  2. I think Armia has been hurt too. And acclimating to new systems. Next season is a fresh start.
  3. Latino review is a good source especially for trek.
  4. I didn't say he was a lousy teammate. I didn't name anyone in that post. It was a general comment in regards to a player needing respect if he plays well. I have no idea if Pavs is a lousy teammate or not. Seems like a nice guy to me.
  5. I really don't care how many games he wins or how many goals a skater scores if he's a lousy team mate.
  6. I think you always want to keep teams behind you. If it comes down to us and Calgary they currently have the tie breaker. Better for Minnesota to run away from us than for us to miss 8th hoping to catch 7th
  7. CNN Germanwings co-pilot Andreas Lubitz was hiding an illness from his employers and had been declared "unfit to work" by a doctor, according to German authorities investigating what could have prompted the seemingly competent and stable pilot to steer his jetliner into a French mountain. Investigators found a letter saying that Lubitz, 27, wasn't fit to do his job in the waste bin of his Dusseldorf, Germany, apartment, city prosecutor Christoph Kumpa said Friday. The note, Kumpa said, had been "slashed." Just what was ailing Lubitz hasn't been revealed. A Dusseldorf clinic said he'd gone there twice, most recently two weeks ago, "concerning a diagnosis." But the University Clinic said it had not treated Lubitz for depression, as some media reports have indicated. ***So, doctor rules him unfit for work. Let's assume whatever the condition was, he was not going to be able to continue as a pilot. He wants to die but cant do it himself so he sets the plane on it's crash course. If true, wow, what a devastatingly cowardly thing to do. I wonder what his thought was when he heard the screams of the passengers moments before impact.
  8. Prediction time. Im usually pretty bad at this as I tend to over think it or inject "what I would do" too much (but to be fair, what I would do is almost always better than what WWE does *wink wink*) I was amused to hear Hustler express shock that betting on Wrestlemania is very popular and places actually accept bets. He would be more shocked to learn that the odds change drastically shortly before the show when the production meeting is held and employees know the results and start placing their own bets with insider information. Anyway... Pre Show: WWE Tag Team Championship: Cesaro & Kidd vs New Day vs The Usos vs Los Matadores Prediction: Cesaro & Kidd retain. They are new champs and are a good act. Wrestling is always more interesting with heels on top and babyfaces chasing. Cesaro deserves a singles push and a good run as tag champs could lead to that. Plan B: Usos regain the championship. They are a fantastic team and very over. But one of them is injured so this is doubtful. WWE usually books for the faces moreso than heels so you never know. Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royale Prediction: Mizdow. The crowd will pop big for his turn (finally). They've teased the break up for a long time and in fact broke them up a couple of weeks ago and then pretended it didnt happen which makes me think they wanted to do it in a bigger spot. Plan B: Hideo Itami. He won the NXT tournament this week to be entered into the Battle Royale. If last years winner indicates they want to use this spot for a popular worker to get over (even though the dropped the Cesaro push later) this would be a good way to introduce the former KENTA to the WWE audience, the smallest man winning the biggest trophy. Plan C: Sheamus wins. Main Show: Intercontinental Ladder Match: Wade Barrett© vs Daniel Bryan vs R-Truth vs Luke Harper vs Dolph Ziggler vs Stardust vs Dean Ambrose Prediction: Daniel Bryan. The IC title means nothing. If this match is designed to make it mean something, the Bryan for the win. WWE might also see it as a way to get the fans to stop rejecting every main even angle that doesnt involve him if they accept that he's a top guy in the mid-card. Plan B: Hard to say. I waffle on Ziggler or Ambrose. Ziggler deserves the push and WWE keeps teasing it. Ambrose has already had his balls dropped to a degree. Ill ride the fence on this one and claim I was right either way. AJ Lee & Paige vs The Bella Twins Prediction: Bellas. They are the Diva darlings right now and a solid act even though WWE seems incapable of pushing both of them at the same time with Nicole being the twin de jour. Randy Orton vs Seth Rollins Prediction: Orton. Though i dont really care. Seth has the MITB briefcase and is in a holding pattern until he can use. He doesnt need the win. Orton just returned so he goes over. The Undertaker vs Bray Wyatt Prediction: Undertaker. No reason to beat him again especially if they have him pencilled in for a retirement match in Dallas next year (against Sting perhaps). United States Championship: John Cena vs Rusev© Prediction: John Cena. Rusev is great but the feud is over is he goes over again and neither have anything else to do right now. A cena wins keeps him away from the top of the card while Reigns is being established. And Rusev will eventually get the win back which is better in the long run. The Real Main Event: Sting vs HHH Prediction: Sting. No other outcome makes any sense whatsoever other then the fact it's Hunter and he has a habit of cutting people's balls off, especially guys from WCW. A Sting loss renders his arrival moot. A Hunter loss/win doesnt change anything for him. if they are thinking Sting vs Taker in a double Retirement Match in Dallas next year (home State for both guys), Sting must win. WWE Championship: Roman Reigns vs Brock Lesnar© Prediction: Roman Reigns. Because WWE sucks and this is what they want to do, fans be damned. Plan B: Roman wins when The Rock shows up and helps his cousin, teasing Rock vs Brock for next year in Dallas Plan C: Roman wins when Paul Heyman turns on Brock Plan D: Brock wins because he just re-signed for three years and he's the best thing they've got. Plan E: Roman Wins, Seth cashes in. Truth be told, I expect Roman to win clean. But the Rock will likely be there so his involvement seems likely. Rumor has it Hunter was trying to change Vince's mind and keep the strap on Brock due to fan backlash. Seems like in recent Hunter vs Vince battles, Vince wins. We'll see...
  9. http://www.latino-review.com/news/star-trek-exclusive-trek-is-going-to-return-to-tv So, GREAT news, Trekkers, CBS is looking to bring Star Trek back to TV. The last we heard of a Star Trek TV series, was around 2006 before the Abrams movie planted its flag and destroyed most of what we knew (except Spock and - presumably the plot of Star Trek: Enterprise) there were two competing versions: Bryce Zabel (writer, Dark Skies) and J. Michael Straczynski (Babylon 5, but I like crediting him as the good writer on The Real Ghostbusters) pitched a version called “Star Trek: Reboot the Universe” that actually made it online in PDF form. The second was developed closer to the JJ reboot and was written by producer Geoffrey Thorne, novelist and writer on things like Leverage and Criminal Intent and was called Star Trek: Federation and was conceptualized with producer Robert Burnett, Bryan Singer (the X-Men director and producer of TV’s House among others) and Christopher (director of Mission: Impossible Rogue Nation). This other series wouldn’t reboot the Star Trek universe, but would vault it forward past the DS9 and Voyager series timelines into a far flung future where the Utopia Federation that we knew from other TV series had become boring and complacent. Federation would have seen the titular group reduced to a mere peacekeeping force as the old ways broke apart. Vulcans withdraw from the United Federation of Planets and reunify with the Romulans, the Bajorans of Deep Space Nine would have also withdrawn and become a planet full of religious monks, like a “Tibet in space.” The Klingons wouldn’t be as warrior-obsessed anymore, but would instead be warrior mystics. The Ferengi would have a female Nagus. The Cardassians would have abandoned war and become an artist/philosopher race. In essence, Federation would have advanced the timeline of the Star Trek Universe far enough in the future to re-define some of the characters that had been the same since the original series’ inception. We don’t have too many details about the new Star Trek series CBS is going to get working on, but I spent some time filling you in on Federation, because it seems like the same people who made that pitch could be involved. Bryan Singer's name has been mentioned for the new CBS Trek as a possible Executive Producer through his Bad Hat Harry productions. While "Star Trek: Reboot the Universe" was invalidated by 2008's movie Trek, Star Trek: Federation still has a trio of enthusiastic producers, a script and a writer ready to go should CBS decide to give Singer the ahead to develop this new series. Robert Burnett is rumored to be working on a non-Trek project with Skydance Productions (Skydance worked with Paramount, McQuarrie and Bad Robot on M:I 5) and simultaneously keeping one foot in the Trek world. He's currently producing (one of the producers) a project independent of all previously mentioned parties, Star Trek: Axanar, a 90-minute fan-made feature film about "The Four Years War," as mentioned in the TOS episode "Whom Gods Destroy." The film has scraped up and impressive cast and released “Prelude to Axanar” last year to show how this great venture can be pulled off on a fan-donated budget: That’s the sort of Star Trek product Brunett can use as an example of how producing a reasonably-budgeted TV series set in the Star Trek Universe this day and age should be a piece of cake. Back to our Federation three: CBS is interested in Bryan Singer developing (and Singer reportedly loves Prelude to Axanar) and Federation co-conspirator Chris McQuarrie was still game for the project as of last December, if Twitter is to be believed. As far as when to expect some sort of official announcement about who snagged the NEW Trek production job, that’s a bit tougher to predict. Star Trek 3 seems to be the Trek Paramount would like us to focus on (Elba for Mogh of the House of Martok, right Simon Pegg?), Singer is only tweeting about making the new X-Men movie and McQuarrie is wrapping up the edit on Mission: Impossible Rogue Nation for later this year. The Star Trek: Federation story document still exists, though, and I’m told Geoffrey Thorne might have taken that treatment all the way to a pilot script before the project cooled, which would allow this show to get off the ground much faster. For the sharp-eye’d Trek fan, all eyes are on Star Trek: Axanar (official site here) to show off what Trek on a budget can look like. If that can work and CBS can see it work, then we might get a riff on Star Trek: Federation. Either way, CBS is convinced it's a good idea to probe the idea of a Star Trek TV show, so TV Trek’s likely on the way. I’ve been saying it since summer of 2005… ...no, I’ve been saying it since summer of 1990: There should ALWAYS be Star Trek on TV
  10. I agree with Noeller that I dont think 'face of the franchise' is going to be a deciding factor for Buff. he seems like a pretty quiet guy. I think he would accept a fair deal. His current contract was signed pretty easily if I remember correctly and that was by a franchise that had no money or future. All things being equal, he shouldnt be hard to re-sign. But its the age he's at that could be the wrench because this is his last chance to sign a massive deal and the Jets will shy away from a long term deal. I think other considerations for him will be: - Where is he going to fit into the team (ie. Defence or Forward, which pairing, how much ice time) - is the team going to compete every year. I think its fair to say his committment level was lacking when the team sucked, from Atlanta into the first couple of years here. When the team showed compete and changed coaches he got into a lot better shape. Whereas he previously rejected playing forward, he accepted the role. We've heard Maurice say that Buff's attitude when injuries happened was "play me anywhere you need". He wants to compete and win. Being close to home might be a consideration though he signed his deal in Atlanta so what does that tell you.
  11. I think people are debating Slater only because the Jets are letting him run out his contract which makes you think the Jets want to get better then him at that position. I agree that he has value. People saying Andrew Copp will take his spot, well that's a nice thought but he's a rookie. He could be a Trouba-style guy that slides right in and plays like a veteran (though we've seen Trouba have some rookie "moments") but there is no guarantee. I'd rather players fight it out in camp and make those decisions then. If the Jets have someone in the system that they know can fill that spot, like O'Dell (not saying him specifically but using him as an example of a guy that has played with the big club) then so be it. But I wouldnt have a problem with re-signing Slater to a one year deal and if he gets beat out in camp, then he's the 13th forward in the box or trade bait for a low round pick. I'd rather have a veteran we know then a rookie we dont, to be honest unless there is a reasonable expectation that the rookie is good enough to be an every shift NHL player.
  12. Thank you. From the article: Currently, the cockpit voice recorder allows investigators to listen to the cockpit. But without video, they cannot fully understand the actions of the pilots or make safety enhancements to prevent similar events from occurring in the future. They can, through the flight data recorder and voice recorders, "see" exactly what the pilot is doing or not doing as the case may be. Do you honestly think that looking at the pilot's face as he's doing something is going to provide that "aha" moment? "See that sardonic smile he has when he turns off the autopilot? Clearly he has murder on his mind..." or "Hey, the video shows that he really did forget to lower the wheels. I know that we had no voice confirmation that the wheels were down and that the flight data recorder shows that they were never lowered but with this video, now we know!" or "Oh hey, look, he picked his nose right before it happened. We'll need the FAA to immediately ban nose picking in the cockpit." Honestly, if some in the NTSB want them, if seems that they can't really justify them or they would already be there. The FAA doesn't fool around with safety stuff.
  13. How can you tell whether he's glaring at anyone specific or angry with himself. To be fair I cannot. But it has been reported by commentators and other media when he's done it in the past and on the first goal last night he was staring a hole through someone. I thought it appeared to be the Jets D but I suppose it could also have been the Habs player. Generally people dont glare at others when angry at themselves I dont think.
  14. Thank you. From the article: Currently, the cockpit voice recorder allows investigators to listen to the cockpit. But without video, they cannot fully understand the actions of the pilots or make safety enhancements to prevent similar events from occurring in the future.
  15. I'm all for giving investigators tools, but maybe it would be a better idea to have them tell us what they think would be useful and I don't think I've read or heard of the FAA or any other agency saying that they need to be put into place ASAP. If they decide to use armchair investigators, then clearly, it's got to be cameras, lots and lots of cameras, and backup cameras for the main cameras, oh and body cameras too, one for each person. Can never have enough video... Yes, because that is exactly what is being suggested. Tons of cameras & we want them installed yesterday. Oh by the way, the FAA recommended cameras 10 years ago as a post crash tool for investigators. Some pilots objected due to privacy concerns. http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/tech/news/surveillance/2005-09-20-faa-cameras-wireless_x.htm Well..... This has nothing at all to do with a camera in the cockpit. Other then this.other then this.... -Federal safety officials have recommended installing cameras in the cockpit as a way for accident investigators to review pilots' performance after a crash. Pilots have strongly objected to that use for cameras because of privacy concerns.- This whole thing talks cameras to watch the cabin and passengers. Speaking of weak arguments,, let me point something out that you don't seem to be aware of. The agency referred in the article is the Federal Aviation Administration. They have regulatory authority for any aircraft in the US. Therefore, if they really felt that there was a pressing need for cameras, if they really felt that cameras are integral to passenger safety and accident investigation, guess what? Cameras would be mandated, period. They are not though. This tells me that the FAA is not too concerned with having them because they can already, through the avenues already available, do their jobs. You, and a few others want them, but it would seem that the real experts are managing just fine. But hey, what do they know. th Unless the FAA goes on record we cant really be sure what they want. They might be content with the tools they have. Then again, there have been air disasters where the limitations of the flight recorders was an issue and suggestions have been made to either increase recording time to 2 hours or have the information beamed off the plane in real time. Remember that technology is always ahead of it's real-world use and because there is an expense involved in making changes, it takes a major incident and public pressure to generally make changes that would normally seem like common sense. For example, after 9/11 when they decided that cockpit doors should be more secure than dry-wall, who argued that "gee they dont need that" and who thought "you mean they arent already?" In 1955 a passenger placed a bomb in a suitcase, blowing up a plane in Denver. This led to changes including armed guards being placed on aircraft when requested by airlines or the FBI In 1969, several planes were hijacked to Cuba resulting in the FAA developing profiling to be used with metal detection at airports. In 1970, the official Sky Marshals program was created. FAA reports that airport screening detected a "horde" of weapons. 1972 after many violent hijackings, the FAA requires all passengers and carry-on bags to be screened and that armed guards are to be posted at airport check points. The point being that improvements to security often seemed unneeded until disasters or incidents prompted changes. As it related to flight recorders: - The first coupled FDR / CVR prototype designed with civilian aircraft in mind, for explicit post-crash examination purposes, was produced in 1958.[5][6] However, aviation authorities from around the world were largely uninterested. - A "Cockpit Sound Recorder" (CSR) was independently invented and patented by Edmund A. Boniface, Jr., an aeronautical engineer at Lockheed Aircraft Corporation and originally filed with the US Patent Office on February 2, 1961 as an "Aircraft Cockpit Sound Recorder"; the 1961 invention was viewed by some as an "invasion of privacy".
  16. If it turns out this coward didnt want to be "sick" and decided the easiest way to kill himself was to also kill 149 other people...that's just crushing. Interesting decision about the cockpit rules given our discussion about cameras. Because having two people in the cockpit at all times seems like a knee-jerk reaction. Personally, I think there should have been two people in there moreso in case of medical emergency or malfunction. But one would likely argue that these planes practically fly themselves, especially at cruising altitude. EgyptAir shows us that two people in the cockpit wont prevent one of them from crashing the plane. But I suppose in a case like this one, you wonder if depression combined with opportunity caused his actions and taking away the opportunity might have caused him to simply not do it. There really is no reason why flight decks cannot be designed to have whatever they might need locked behind a secure door. Bathroom, sleeping quarters, galley etc.
  17. CNN • 9:23 a.m.: Lufthansa, together with other German airlines, has announced the immediate introduction of new rules for the cockpit. It will now be a requirement for there to be two authorized people in the cockpit at all times. • 8:45 a.m.: Medical notes were found in a waste bin in Germanwings Flight 9525 co-pilot Andreas Lubitz's apartment in Dusseldorf, Germany, said Dusseldorf prosecutor Christoph Kumpa. • 8:01 a.m.: The medical leave notes issued by a doctor for Lubitz included the day of the crash, the Dusseldorf public prosecutor's office said. • 8:01 a.m.: The prosecutor's office did not say if the medical leave note related to a physical or a mental health issue but said Lubitz appeared to have been under treatment by a doctor for some time. • 8:01 a.m.: The fact that Lubitz appears to have ripped up recent medical leave notes "leads to the preliminary conclusion that the deceased kept his illness secret from his employer and his professional environment." Full story: The Germanwings co-pilot accused of intentionally setting a plane on a fatal descent in the French Alps had an illness that he kept secret from his employer, German prosecutors said Friday. A statement from the Dusseldorf public prosecutor's office did not say what the illness was, nor whether it was a physical or mental health issue. But documents found in a search of Andreas Lubitz's home and that of his parents "indicate an existing illness as well as adequate medical treatment thereof," the prosecutor's office said. The fact that investigators found "ripped, recent medical leave notes, including for the day of the offense (crash), leads to the preliminary conclusion that the deceased kept his illness secret from his employer and his professional environment." Dusseldorf prosecutor Christoph Kumpa said the notes were found in a waste bin in Lubitz's Dusseldorf apartment. The crash of Germanwings Flight 9525, headed from Barcelona, Spain, to Dusseldorf left 150 people dead. Asked earlier Friday about news reports citing unnamed sources that queried Lubitz's mental health, a Germanwings representative told CNN the company could not go into specifics about his medical record for reasons of confidentiality. "The pilots had a clean bill of health, and all medical data is subject to medical confidentiality," a representative said. "We can't confirm or deny this report due to medical confidentiality." Police searchDuring their search of the Lubitz family home in Montabaur and Lubitz's Dusseldorf apartment, authorities took away several objects and papers, German police said. Objects taken will be examined, "which might lead to more information," Marcel Siebig, of Dusseldorf police, said Friday. Marseille prosecutor Brice Robin, who is overseeing the criminal investigation into the crash in France, said the documents would be handed to French authorities. Two French police officers are on their way to collect the evidence, he said.
  18. Whatever Pavs is doing, keep it up. Although I still dont like his habit of glaring at his D-men after a goal. I dont recall many players glaring at him when he was playing poorly. You look at the standings and two things spring to mind. Will that final game against Calgary be a win=in, lose=out game? And what are the odds we lose the tie-breaker and miss because of it. That would be crushing.
  19. When it comes to players wanting to play here and giving a discount to stay, Im not as sure about Ladd. Which is to say I have no idea how he feels. We can only speculate. When the team moved here, he came here on his own dime to "check it out" did a ton of media. Signed a long term deal when he didnt have to. Rented Toews' condo that first season, got married, reported built a house and had two kids. Sounds like he was comfortable being here. But he has a wife and young children now. That will factor into it. He has an agent and probably an accountant who will give him advice that might involve "this is your last chance to make generational money" Buff signed his contract during the Thrashers' last season and I listened to an interview when he did and he was asked why would sign a long deal when the team might move and you dont know where and *gasp* it might even move to that hellhole Winnipeg? His response was I dont really care, Im here to win. And when pressed about 'yeah but Winnipeg?' he said sure why not, close to home I'd love to play there. So he seems pretty grounded. As for Copp, his Michigan coach sounds like sour grapes. If he's good enough to play in the NHL, then he should be happy for him not whining about how he loses his best player. Dont blame the NHL team either. If he doesnt like the system, talk to the NCAA and the NHL about changing the rules so the drafting team doesnt lose their rights if a player plays his full four years down there.
  20. That's not even remotely what we are talking about though. Compare apples with apples not oranges. You didnt just say privacy is a very weak argument? . Yes and then specified why. Because their concerns have nothing to do with privacy.
  21. That's not even remotely what we are talking about though. Compare apples with apples not oranges. You didnt just say privacy is a very weak argument? . Yes and then specified why. Because their concerns have nothing to do with privacy.
  22. Andrew Copp was torn about his future on Monday. MORE LIKE THIS Berenson unsure of Larkin, Werenski and Copp's futures Honored icers may be NHL-bound Andrew Copp: Off the gridiron, onto the ice Money in the Bank: Brendan Morrison's lasting legacy of embodying Michigan hockey Three days later, the junior captain has made up his mind and has decided to forgo his senior season, signing a three-year entry-level contract to join the Winnipeg Jets organization. Copp was a fourth-round pick in the 2013 NHL Draft and tallied 81 points over his three seasons in Ann Arbor. Copp, an Ann Arbor native, centered Michigan’s first line this season and finished third on the team with 31 points — 14 goals and 17 assists. He centered a line that featured sophomore forwards Alex Kile and JT Compher. Michigan coach Red Berenson said on Monday that Copp could potentially leave after this season, but didn’t expect this decision to happen so soon. “I gave him all the reasons he should stay. It’s not a rush. It’s an emotional thing,” Berenson said. “It was a tough three days the way he explained it. He thinks the opportunity is exceptional, but they tell you all those things and you believe them. “I just wish he would stay and do it right — graduate with your teammates and classmates. Take this team to another level. We lost to a senior-laden Minnesota team. Well, how about a senior-laden Michigan team?” Copp is reporting directly to Winnipeg, and the Daily has learned he will likely play in NHL games this season — perhaps the deciding factor. He will be joining former teammate Jacob Trouba, who left Michigan two season ago to play for the Jets. However, that doesn’t mean Copp will remain there next season, and he could very well end up playing for the St. Johns IceCaps in the American Hockey League. If that is the case, it won’t sit well with Berenson. “I just told Andrew that I hope he makes it,” Berenson said, “and plays in the NHL next year because I will feel sick if he is playing in the minors and giving up his senior year at Michigan to play in the American Hockey League.” Berenson cited previous examples of players who have stayed for their senior year and ascended to the NHL quicker than their counterparts who departed early. Berenson referenced Carl Hagelin and Luke Glandening, who now play for the New York Rangers and Detroit Red Wings, respectively, as players who benefited from returning for their senior years. More notably, Berenson thinks former Hobey Baker winner Brendan Morrison is the epitome of why a player should stay all four years. According to Berenson, the New Jersey Devils tried to convince Morrison to bolt after his junior year after he led Michigan to a national championship in 1996. Morrison’s dad, however, refused to let him leave Ann Arbor, and he went on to win the Hobey Baker award the next season, before being placed on the Albany Devils — the New Jersey Devils’ AHL affiliate. “The general manager from New Jersey immediately signed him to Albany to prove a point,” Berenson said. “And then a couple weeks later, the GM called me and said ‘Red, I just watched Brendan Morrison score five goals tonight — he’s way too good for this league.’ “So I reminded him that’s why Brendan stayed another year, to become more NHL-ready, not ready to play in the minors.” Berenson wishes Copp could have the same opportunity Morrison once had. Berenson isn’t blaming Copp for anything, though. He reiterated that NHL teams are vicious when trying to sign their prospects. “I was hoping he would take some time and think through the gravity of the situation and not just jump at the opportunity,” Berenson said. “I warned him a couple of weeks ago that this was going to happen — that they would pressure on him when our season ended. “They want them out as soon as they can so they have control. The biggest fear they have is if he stays and plays his senior year, and then doesn’t sign with them next year and becomes a free agent. “They are going to try and sign all juniors they can. They don’t care if they are ready.” The first game Copp could feasibly see NHL action is on Sunday against the Chicago Blackhawks, and Berenson said he doesn’t think Copp will be “out of place.” But it still hurts Berenson knowing Copp won’t ever don a Michigan sweater again, especially on a team that was lining up to be the best in years. “I’m not mad at Andrew Copp for leaving,” Berenson said. “I’m disappointed that he’s leaving. I’m disappointed for our team. It’s a big loss for our team, and I don’t think it’s necessary.
  23. That's not even remotely what we are talking about though. Compare apples with apples not oranges.
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