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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. But but but they have to be failures especially Asper. Give me a break. I for one love Asper's commitment and passion.
  2. I do think they will retain Walters as GM and I think the team will be vastly improved as a result.
  3. I presume Miller has been told he's the permanent CEO if he wants it.
  4. If true: - very bad news that miller intends the CEO position to be active on football operations decisions. - Good or bad I am happy to hear Walters pushing back. He's the GM right now and these decisions are his. - Did Miller think Walters would be his boy and let him dictate football ops? - it's been said before that Walters, Burke and Miller discuss ops decisions a lot. Is that normal or is this a three headed monster ready to explode? What does worman do now? Wasn't he an OC? I think Marcel is doing a fine job with the offence right now.
  5. Can someone please call the coaches show and ask them wtf the deal is with boltus and short yardage? I could gain one yard with my dink and this clown can't?
  6. Wait wait wait. Boltus has been in the CFL for FOUR years????? Holy cow. Can we please put him in a big box and send him somewhere far away?
  7. Salary cap is the same for everyone. Including the salary floor.
  8. I think he feels pressure and that impacts his throws whereas a different QB would scramble or eat a sack. He has to know when to move or hit the turf. That's it.
  9. He does miss home but who doesn't? He seems to like Winnipeg though not the cold. He has stayed money isn't an issue. Hopefully he comes into camp next year and tears it up. He might like Winnipeg a bit more In June and July.
  10. It's difficult to judge at this point of the season but an improved Hall, an improved offensive scheme with Marcel and a slightly improved o line are positive developments.
  11. Prices will increase every year. That's the way it is. If a customer service actually said that you, you should email the bombers. Assuming you weren't exceptionally rude. Keep in mind these staff members are likely taking a bit of abuse from fans and being asked questions they can't answer. In fact asking if a ticket price increase will improve the on field product is pretty stupid.
  12. Walters will be here. His opinion of hall matters the most. I strongly suspect hall will be here next seAson and deserves to be.
  13. I know people want a house cleaning. It wold give them he best chance to market the team to disgruntled fans. "The New Blue" or something like that.
  14. Considering how poor this team is, Hall's development is rather extraordinary. I also wouldn't say he gets hurt a lot. He was getting killed yesterday. Several hands to the head that were never called by officials. A better o line that provides an extra couple of seconds of time for Hall and he'd be even better. He's pretty impressive actually.
  15. Field goal was of course the right move. Anyone disagreeing is piling on and blinded by nonsense.
  16. Forums always have people who think they know better than everyone. Really by the swagger on here the bombers' GM search should start and end with the population of this site. We need to all respect others opinions and see other perspectives. Having said that mike never "wars" with anyone but I wouldn't want to debate football with him. Because he'd win
  17. Insane if anyone thinks keeping Burke would cost 10,000 season tickets. That's just ludicrous.
  18. Lot of crystal balls on here I'll predict we do keep Burke and Walters. And Marcel. And the "improvements" will be a quality AGM and director of player personel as well as vastly increased scouting and line coaches
  19. Also Sins-walker is a beast. And Max Hall still deserves to be here next season.
  20. The field goal was the right call. Let's not get crazy.
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