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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Denmark improved as the year progressed. Max Hall improved as the year progressed. Muamba. Jade. This team is not a total loss.
  2. So we have a very talented team with a terrible coach? Because I dont think a talented team would lose with Burke as coach. Call me crazy.
  3. I dont know Miller and Lyle did some great things here but maybe we dont need that sort of CEO who openly says he will be involved in football ops. Perhaps we need a CEO from outside the organization with no ties to the Bombers. Buchko was unqualified and in conflict from his time negotating deals with the club on behalf of CJOB. Although I'd still love to hear an official reason for Buchko's dismissal. He must have rubbed a lot of people the wrong way in a short amount of time.
  4. I dont think it would be as big a PR nightmare as people thing. I think sites like this dont represent the fanbase at large. I think a lot of people like Burke and respect him as a coach (one of the best DC's in the league) and feel the talent is more of an issue than the coaching. With that being said, ofcourse they have to fire him. But I wouldn't be *that* surprised if they didnt. And as much as people here would lose their minds, a winning season next year would end all of that.
  5. True. Burke is barely qualified to work at Burger King. *rolls eyes*
  6. The last thing I want is the fans electing board members.
  7. I wonder what significantly means. Isnt the floor $200,000 less than the cap? What happens if you're below the floor?
  8. I guess it depends what the expectations are of the board. They are unpaid so you're hoping to attract quality people that will donate their time, energy, intelligence, effort and resources for free (or whatever perks come with the job). I would like the Board to hire a quality CEO and then get out of his way. I do expect the CEO to report to the Board on a regular basis but I dont want the board interferring with the CEO just like I dont want the CEO interferring with the GM.
  9. Come on Mike, they cant all be bad. We dont know what happens behind closed doors. We know there was a split over the hiring of Mack which should give some hope that some of them know what they're doing. Doesnt Bob Cameron sit on the board? He cant be an idiot.
  10. I understand the point of getting fresh faces in there but if someone is a quality Director, I want them to stay.
  11. Worried that Miller with meddle? He's admitted that the GM must discuss decisions with him first. He *will* meddle.
  12. David Asper would buy this team tomorrow. But not with $90 million debt. Wade Miller is the real GM. So it really doesnt matter.
  13. I think the point Lawless is making (and Miller certainly seemed to confirm that if you read the article past the by-line) was that Walters *does* have the power to hire a Coach & trade for a QB.
  14. Couple of comments worry me: Miller: " In the structure of our organization we would have discussions first" So Walters can do anything a GM can do...once he asks Miller for permission. "Miller said the GM would report directly to the CEO, who will be involved in football operations"
  15. Leo??? Hahahahaha his own brother quit the family business. Please tell me specifically what Asper meddled in that caused the downward spiral of the bombers.
  16. At the time Mack was hired, there wasnt a CEO was there? Buchko came after if I recall. Besides which, thats a terrible answer. Because the BOD hired a GM, Asper should go? Come on...
  17. What is Asper actually doing that is so negative to the team? Wasn't he one of the BOD members who didn't want Joe Mack in the first place? He didnt get his way then. If he had pushed his agenda maybe we'd be in a better position.
  18. I was sort of looking forward to Boltus just for the comedic gold.
  19. I agree. The Asper Hate is idiotic.
  20. Well I believe his deal that fell apart did result in him putting substantial money into the team.
  21. Asper is very successful. Look, I wish I was wealthy and famous too but Im not jealous of the guy's success. A bit of that going around here. Id rather have more people like him involved with the Bombers, guys who passionately love the team and want it to succeed.
  22. Why do people think we spend less on talent because of the stadium? There is a salary cap that includes a floor. I believe the floor is $200,000 less than the cap. So everyone is spending around the same. We suck because of a poor general manager and CEO both of whom weren't cut rate options.
  23. Creswin isn't successful. Lol. Is Asper the boogie man too? Is he son of Sam?
  24. Spending billions on newspapers when that was a declining industry sure didn't help. Creswin is certainly not a failure
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