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The Unknown Poster

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Everything posted by The Unknown Poster

  1. Why would free agents care about oil money or how cold it is when they aren't playing? Our brand new facility probably doesn't hurt.
  2. I think Wade miller likes Walters vision. Why else would the Acting CEO repeatedly declare that the Acting GM will be a big part of management no matter what happens. They will do an exhaustive GM search and then tell the prospective GM he doesn't get to choose his own staff? One way or another Walters' vision is what upper management wants to see. Or more accurately perhaps, what Walters is doing reflects Millers vision and the vision miller will insist of whomever is the GM. But I suspect Walters will be the GM with a strong support staff.
  3. Speaking of receivers, Mike Sims-Walker starts for Kelly this week.
  4. I would strongly suspect that Walters' vision will be the vision going forward.
  5. Let's assume TO protects ray. They want lose collaros for nothing. What do we give up in a trade for him knowing we still have to sign him?
  6. Collaros isn't going to command veteran starter money.
  7. I like the idea of Burris and collaros. We need some stability while developing the future.
  8. My main observation is that the in-stadium music in Montreal is horrendous. Really really bad.
  9. A young QB is certainly desirable. If ray becMe available is jump all over that. Wouldn't mind Burris or Glenn to bridge the gap to the future QB also
  10. Doesn't really explain anything. But he's certainly correct that the bombers are worse now than when he coached.
  11. Wade Miller said the same thing. Are we going to drag him through the mud and call him names? The mantra of this franchise right now is, there is not enough talent. Digging deeper, it's "there wasn't enough talent brought in over the last few years". It's reasonable to criticise that as throwing the former regime under the bus and you can call it making excuses, but it's the franchise mantra right now. I wouldn't rip Burke for that. It's what everyone is saying from top to bottom.
  12. I'm not even discussing the pros and cons of keeping Burke but any of you fools that think he should say "well I think I should be fired" are crazy. No doubt he'd have a better record with a better team. Then again we would have a better record if we had kept Lapo and part of the reason for that is Burke would still be our DC
  13. How dare he say what everyone else has been saying. How dare he be correct.
  14. Apparently he is injured and done for the year.
  15. The car might have been a clunker but it still ran with Lapo driving. The day he was fired, the wheels fell off completely.
  16. Logan007 - you make zero sense. If you interpreted Walters' interview that way, you weren't listening.
  17. It's foolish to assume Walters isn't up to the task just because he's "young". It's entirely possible he is the best man for the job. Very interesting comments from Burke today. He said they will be hiring an assistant GM and Director of Player Personnel and several more scouts. For an organization that doesn't have a permanent CEO and GM, the current management sure seem to think they are calling the shots next season, including Burke.
  18. It's a good thing we have so many experts on here. The bombers really need look no further to full the GM role than this board. Go listen to Walters on H&L and stop posting. He explains the trade. Period.
  19. Mike Kelly would have got another year if he hadn't had the domestic dispute with his gf. The more I listen to Kyle Walters the more I like him. That might be unpopular but I think there's a good chance that he rises to the top following the GM search.
  20. So what do we think we get for muamba now?
  21. I'm sure if Walters could make a better deal he would have. His choice was make this deal or lose hall for nothing. Good trade.
  22. The draft pick happened because that's what it took.
  23. Great trade? No. Good trade? Yes. Hall was as good as gone. Period. We got a young starting Canadian linemen with upside and a three hear contract for a 2nd round pick. It's a good trade. And everyone who disagrees would be hanging Walters when hall left for nothing. I hope muamba goes too. When's the deadline? Wednesday?
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