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Jimmy Pop

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Posts posted by Jimmy Pop

  1. I've had enough of Kane.  I don't know what caused the healthy scratch but I have enough faith in Paul Maurice to believe Kane probably deserved it.  But forget the off-ice stuff.  Our premier, 6 million dollar sniper is on pace for yet another sub-20 goal season.  That will be 5 out of 6 seasons in the NHL now.  What are we paying this guy for??


    $5M just doesn't buy what it used to.

  2. The Hockey News has an interesting take on the Kane scratching saying that benching a player in his hometown in front of his friends & family is humiliating and could drive a pretty big wedge between team and player.


    Well the Hockey News is a trash mag, no question. Besides, I'd say it's more humiliating for his teammates on the 2nd half of a back-to-back & mired in a losing streak to not have one of their better players.

  3. Have to agree with Maurice's assessment. Pens dominated the 1st, we controlled the 2nd. Pens get benefit of doubt from two blatant misses from the refs; goal scored with 6 skaters at the end of the 2nd, and a phantom penalty on Lowry for bodychecking. 

    They've played well enough to earn a pass on this game from me. Regroup and hammer Philly. They play better in front of Hutch anyway. Have to wonder what PauMau really thinks of Pavs after a performance like that...


    Would you make a claim.


    No.  Wasn't a good idea during the summer and hasn't gotten any better now.  His salary would have to get a haircut, followed by a buzzcut, and we already have players on our lineup who have many of his intangibles.



    K, well I'd answer Jpan85's question with the same answer you gave as well, but...


    - Bringing in Richards makes far more sense now than it did in the offseason. We were largely considered a playoff longshot then, now - legit playoff team who *may* be aspiring to reach round 2. Clearly the weakest link on the roster is the bottom 6 FW group, which Richards fits perfectly.

    - We don't have anyone who matches his intangibles. I have no idea how he's fallen as far as he has the last couple of years, but what he has accomplished is signifcant and shouldn't be ignored (nor should his play this and last year for the record) A champion at every level - Jrs, Pros, International. Tough, physical 2 way forward with goal scoring ability.


    No, I wouldn't want him for anything near $5M. And no, certainly not for another 5 years.....but let's not pretend this is the worst idea ever. Richards would certainly help the Jets.



    So does that mean an additional 278 seats will exist?  Or is the capacity remaining the same?  Or decreasing (premium seats tend to take up more space than regular ones)?


    278 additional seats.


    If I understand what I've heard correctly, they're basically stripping down the current LED ribbon, extending the overhang of the 300 level over the suites a bit and using that space to add 278 more seats. They'll add the new ribbon to the face of those seats.





    I guess an additional 3000 seats added to the overhang was out of the question.



    Not to mention absurd! :)

  6. Email from TNSE this morning providing update on 2015 upgrades to arena, most notably a new scoreboard and ribbon.




    True North Sports & Entertainment remains committed to the long term plan of continual improvement to your fan experience in the MTS Centre and the long term development and investment in our team.

    We are excited to announce this year’s major new structural renovations, improvements and building upgrades scheduled for completion during the summer of 2015.

    Installation of a new High Definition Centre Hung Scoreboard and 360 Degree Power Ring as well as a new state-of-the-art control room will allow the production of High Definition images throughout the MTS Centre.   All of these additions and features are being completed with the intention of improving your Winnipeg Jets game experience.   

    Fans will see the installation of new Premium Loge Seating.  These 278 Premium Seats will be accessed through the upper concourse and initially made available to patrons currently sitting in Row 1 of the 300 Level.   Additionally, new seamless glass will be installed in the front row of the 300 Level, replacing the existing mesh railing, providing improved sightlines for 300 Level patrons.  




    Quite a hangover that grey cup 2013. Nothing like mortgaging your future.

    We interrupt your childish ongoing pot shots at the Riders for this public service announcement:  The Riders at least won the grey cup in 2013 unlike the Cats who have lost 2 in a row. Are you going for a three peat this year?     



    You're aware of which forum you're on, correct? Shots at the Riders are encouraged, expected and welcomed. 


    They will make the 'practical trade' to adjust the lineup IMO, that will reset the surplus of D-Men they now have.

    I don't see them jumping into a big trade, unless something remarkable comes their way.

    Maybe from a fire-sale team.


    Here's an article identifying players from each team that might be available:


    Pardy's name was put forward from the Jets.



    Those bleacher report slideshow articles are exhausting. 

  9. 9th time he's been suspended.  Enough is enough already.  Give him 1000 lashes and 3 years in a middle Eastern prison.  Or ban him from the league.  Whatever is more reasonable.  Obviously the suspensions aren't working.


    He gets suspended once every 47 games. I don't how much more you can say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!





     Chicago Blackhawks forward Daniel Carcillo has been suspended for six games, without pay, for cross-checking Winnipeg Jets forward Mathieu Perreault during NHL Game No. 658 in Chicago on Friday, January 16, the National Hockey League’s Department of Player Safety announced today.

    The incident occurred at 19:50 of the second period. Carcillo was assessed a minor penalty for cross-checking.

    Carcillo is considered a repeat offender under the terms of the Collective Bargaining Agreement and, based on his average annual salary, will forfeit $40,243.92. The money goes to the Players’ Emergency Assistance Fund.

    As Carcillo sat out Chicago's game Sunday night while awaiting his hearing, his suspension will remain in effect through the Blackhawks' next five games.

    For a full explanation of the decision, complete with video, please click on the following link:http://video.nhl.com/videocenter/console?catid=60&id=730890〈=en.



    He can return Feb.3 against Minny, and CHI next game is the 6th at WPG. Tony P, be ready.

  11. Interesting read on Brohm from back in the summer. (apologies if it's been posted before)


     - ESPN college fball writer once said Brohm has a greater "upside" than Aaron Rodgers.

     - Some feelings from Brohm that he should have stayed with Green Bay, as opposed to bolting for a chance with Buffalo

     - says Winnipeg fans are "intense" and "some of the best fans in North America"



  12. I like Buff better up front as I think keeping his mins down limits potential mistakes and keeps him fresh. He's also a guy I wouldn't mind seeing moved after the season. The way he's played this year, you'd have to figure the return would be as massive as his frame. And with only one year left after this, it's nearly time to look at chances he re-signs (& at what price) or walks.


    All that said, he's easily our most exciting player and his filling in on D has been beyond impressive.

  13. I think you have to continue to give Hutch more starts if he continues to perform. Ride the hot goalie and reward the guy playing better - and that's Hutch right now.


    Pavs has played well this year. He's responded well to the critics and by all accounts came into camp in much better shape. Still tho, despite playing better, some of the same old same old from him. #1 goalies on playoff teams put together long stretches of solid play (think Pavs has shown he can do this), but they also limit runs of below avg play. Taking a total guess here...but I suspect Rask, Price, Lundquist etc don't have very many stretches of 3/4/5 games in a row of poor play - Pavs does, and has, repeatedly. Some will point to the team - BOS, MTL and NYR are better teams than us, sure. But take the recent losing streak we had. Pav starts vs MIN, DET & STL. We're playing well, we're on a roll. Then... 3 games. 10 goals against. Pulled in one, coughed up leads in the others. That, for me, just isn't good enough - and unfortunately reminds me all too much of Pavelec of years past.

  14. Season ticket holder since day 1, and that's easily one of the better games I've seen at the Phonebooth. Jets played real well - engaged, fast, physical, positionally-sound. We deserved the 2 pts, and were the better team without a doubt. Build off this heading back on the road...same play vs. Ott, Car and the like, and those are W's.


    Surprised at the way Pitt plays this year - extremely chippy. Game got out of hand at various points, due to Pitt being pesky buggers and some boneheaded officiating. Refs: The Pens already have Crosby and Malkin, they don't need biased officiating on their side too!! Numerous calls missed when a Jet was hauled down or hooked, then head-scratchers like the interference call in the 3rd where our D (who?) stood up a Pen at the line. That's not a penalty. Pavelec gets absolutely mauled twice, one time they even it up, 2nd time it's a PP Pitt. We go and get in Fleury's grill, who in turn gives Scheif a nasty slash on the back of the leg - Pens powerplay (huh?). Buff... I won't complain too much there...he got away with only getting a 2min to end the 2nd, and the 10 min misconduct was clearly the make up call. I've never seen a misconduct on a uneventful little scurmish like that.


    The crowd, took it to another level last night. Very much reminiscent of year 1 - which is phenomenal. So few games at MTS have that energy these days.


    Pitt fans...eeesh...they're not Mtl or Tor bad. But on the uninformed/dickish scale, they're near the top for sure. Mocking Pavs strong play because it's occuring in a contract year (whaaa?) was a favourite. We had 3 Pens fans from Ohio sitting behind us...pretty good ribbing back and forth...until the game ended and the overly excited/inebriated bloke behind us tumbled down 1.5 rows while spilling his beer. Kind of hope he's concused....not going to lie. 

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