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Everything posted by blitzmore

  1. Comments....on pure conjecture? really? you buy all this cloak and dagger stuff? Glad you're buddy is not posting here!
  2. You want to protect Palardy who is no longer here? He posted that on July 9th lol ahhh...now that makes sense
  3. You want to protect Palardy who is no longer here?
  4. Sandro has a worse average than Palardy and has missed some clutch field goals..for what 2 or 3 extra yards per kickoff?
  5. Typical Sun headline...hardly an exodus!....not so sure it is about the chaotic atmosphere...more like MONEY! The lack of winning and negative atmosphere plays as large a roll in attracting and retaining players as money does .. what incentive does a top tier free agent have to stay in (or come to) Winnipeg when there's little chance of making the playoffs (and making the extra coin associated with a post season birth)? If two contracts are being considered, both offering similar money, what would entice someone to join an organization that's constantly under the microscope and in a state of continual change? There are too many other factors that don't necessarily make these decisions that simple...one example...chance of making the team and being a starter...but in the end it still boils down to money for these guys. If a guy is sitting at home and not working and gets a chance to be on a team in turmoil or not and get a pay cheque...what do you think he would pick? Missed the point of my reply .. what top tier free agent is concerned about whether or not they will be a starter? What top tier free agent is going to be sitting at home? So again, all things being equal .. if I'm a coveted free agent .. being offered two contracts for similar money .. where do I go .. a team that's a hot mess .. or one where there is a winning atmosphere and culture? Sure you can overpay for free agents - offer premium cash incentives - but then you run the risk of being hard up against the cap with little flexbility and depth. No I didn't miss your point...you never mentioned top tier free agent....now you are, and using that to try and change the fact that for players it is follow the $$. Teams do not usually stay in a disorganized state like the bombers have been in this year. So if you really want to say that disorganization rules over $$, then maybe we can agree that $$ comes first, disorganization issues come second given two exact same scenarios with two different teams.
  6. Typical Sun headline...hardly an exodus!....not so sure it is about the chaotic atmosphere...more like MONEY! The lack of winning and negative atmosphere plays as large a roll in attracting and retaining players as money does .. what incentive does a top tier free agent have to stay in (or come to) Winnipeg when there's little chance of making the playoffs (and making the extra coin associated with a post season birth)? If two contracts are being considered, both offering similar money, what would entice someone to join an organization that's constantly under the microscope and in a state of continual change? There are too many other factors that don't necessarily make these decisions that simple...one example...chance of making the team and being a starter...but in the end it still boils down to money for these guys. If a guy is sitting at home and not working and gets a chance to be on a team in turmoil or not and get a pay cheque...what do you think he would pick? So we can sign the guys sitting on the couch with nothing better to do. But can we sign the guys with other options? Obviously we can...for the $$...which will happen before next year
  7. Road Griller....good one....I hope your signature tag is no longer thinking that Goltz is the man, but rather kick him out of town, because he can't play, and slides rather than try and get the extra two yards for a first down at a critical point in the game.
  8. Typical Sun headline...hardly an exodus!....not so sure it is about the chaotic atmosphere...more like MONEY! The lack of winning and negative atmosphere plays as large a roll in attracting and retaining players as money does .. what incentive does a top tier free agent have to stay in (or come to) Winnipeg when there's little chance of making the playoffs (and making the extra coin associated with a post season birth)? If two contracts are being considered, both offering similar money, what would entice someone to join an organization that's constantly under the microscope and in a state of continual change? There are too many other factors that don't necessarily make these decisions that simple...one example...chance of making the team and being a starter...but in the end it still boils down to money for these guys. If a guy is sitting at home and not working and gets a chance to be on a team in turmoil or not and get a pay cheque...what do you think he would pick?
  9. According to Burke, Pencer was terrible last week because he quits moving his feet...but he still has potential. You would think with a very good offensive line coach, that could have been overcome some time ago injury to shoulder or not. It's hard to know what is true or not, from Burke, he is just bus throwing almost every day now... This three import thing is ridiculous, it just prevents them from making better moves elsewhere...
  10. Typical Sun headline...hardly an exodus!....not so sure it is about the chaotic atmosphere...more like MONEY!
  11. yeah hire the guy that finished even worse than us last year...nope. I'd rather give Dickenson a shot at the HC job. Definitely hire him as OC... Everywhere Cortez has gone offenses have been pretty damn spectacular. (Look at Burris this year... Austin is already starting to transition him out of the starting QB role) If you get Dickinson you also get the offence
  12. And if he does, he further ruins his already tarnished reputation.
  13. the point is that if they'd kept Garrett he'd have been able to play the past 2 weeks because he's a better option at RB in my opinion than Ford is. This team needs all the RB help it can get to have a chance and Ford just isn't cutting it. Yup...Ford is really supposed to cut it with a band aid offensive line! that sound you may have heard is the point zooming way over your head. Garrett is much more versatile and better at running when there's less blocking. He helps more with a poor o-line than ford does. Better runner in traffic, better hands I think, two things that could immensely help the team in it's current state. Ford is a good chance of pace guy but as an every down back he's limited. No I saw the point you were feebly attempting to make, but you completely missed the real point, which is that with two guys in camp for less than a week, how would you ever expect to have a back have a really good running game. Garrett had nine rushes for 30 yards yesterday for a 3.3 yard average....Wow! way better than Ford...with an intact offensive line...I guess you just like saying sh.t
  14. Oh give up the I love Mack thing already!
  15. the point is that if they'd kept Garrett he'd have been able to play the past 2 weeks because he's a better option at RB in my opinion than Ford is. This team needs all the RB help it can get to have a chance and Ford just isn't cutting it. Yup...Ford is really supposed to cut it with a band aid offensive line!
  16. bah Tim Burke loves his athletes as well, case in point all the raving he did about Cauchy Muamba in preseason, specifically his athleticism. All the raving he did about Markett, specifically the athleticism, all the raving he did about Goltz, specifically the athleticism. Hell remember that Goltz didn't get his own special package in the offense until Burke took over... All this blaming Mack for Goltz is ridiculous when Goltz biggest and most vocal supporter was Tim Burke, until Goltz had some bad stretches of play, then Burke was pretty quick to turn on him. Course Burke is a smart guy, he knows that the fired GM is a great scapegoat so he can try and buy himself some breathing room by joining in on the piling on. Com'n now...nobody has accused Burke of being smart
  17. Not really, Garrett didn't show enough in camp after his injury, we have another RB in camp now who looked good with the Vikes, and on film he showed enough to be kept around the team, it's pretty obvious that Crowotn and Burke liked Ford, but perhaps the old GM liked Garrett better and that's why he was kept cause he knew if we needed a rb he was a better choice? Having a new guy brought in hasn't helped the last couple games we've had to play without SImpson. The new guy has been here a week...so you're point is? Ford was playing, which is a coach's decision.
  18. 17to85 time to give up on the Mack vs Walters thing...Mack is gone gone gone...Walters is here and doing a damn good job at the moment! No one knows what the future wlll bring, but he is doing his job and all you are trying to do is make it look too simple...it's not!...
  19. Not really, Garrett didn't show enough in camp after his injury, we have another RB in camp now who looked good with the Vikes, and on film
  20. Leader??? are you ever using the term loosely! Leaders don't throw their employees under the bus in public!
  21. Develop into what? How many years has he been playing?
  22. Well glad Walters is going to do things his way, with all the facts and discussions, and considerations...a little premature to be trading Muamba for Willy at this point, and now you are basically starting the Willy thread instead of this thread, which is Collaros.
  23. You don't think they take a combo of Willy and Glenn? At most Ottawa will draft 1 QB. They need/want to stock up NI's in the draft, and drafting a QB gives that team the opportunity to protect more NI's. Collaros, Willy, Glenn are all free agents anyways. And of those three, if you were the GM...which one would you set your sites on talent wise only?. except in Glenn's case I guess age would have to be a factor
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