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Everything posted by blitzmore

  1. You have no idea if that is why he doesn't want to come here...
  2. Works the other way too if Redblacks value the non-import talent that the have Argos more than the Collaros. Could draft a QB like Glenn and develop a QB for 2-3 years. just saying, there's a potential coup here for the GM of a team that needs to improve at O-Line and QB right away. So if Ottawa is going to 1) draft a QB under contract from Calgary (likely Glen or Tate)); 2) opt to take a non-QB import from Argos so as to maximize NI talent from Argos; and 3) not draft soon to be free agent Collaros, who may simply refuse any offers from Redblacks and await free agency to see how high Bombers will go (all of which makes sense to me), does this mean Walters can play chicken with Barker, and either refuse to give up a first round pick and wait for free agency to snag Collaros, or alternatively hold out for a lower pick like a second or third? I wouldn't be advising Walter's to be taking an approach like this. We're not exactly in the driver's seat here. If there's something we've set our sights on acquiring, we need to step up to the plate and get it. We'd be taking a huge risk to let Collaros sit until free agency. The time to grab him is before the draft. A part of me feels the same way. But on the other hand, who else will really try and acquire him before free agency, other than maybe Ottawa. It does not make sense for the other teams, who already have a number one QB. Montreal may have considered it earlier, but with Troy Smith, I can't see them giving up a high draft pick to Toronto to have a few months to try and sign Collaros. And why would Collaros sign with anyone before hearing all the offers, including ours? I know we've been burnt by the Reilly affair, but really is there anyone, other than possibly Ottawa that is in the same position as us to offer him a clear path to starting, and a large starters salary that is not limited by having to pay big dollars to another QB on the roster? I would hate to lose Collaros, but it irritates me that we may be giving up a high draft pick that could result in a quality starting NI O-lineman, when we likely will be able to sign him if we wait until free agency. And although I like Collaros, how certain are we that he is a definite improvement over someone like Willy? Is the difference between the two worth giving up the second overall pick, especially when giving it up is only going to let you talk to him a few months earlier, and not guarantee that you actually sign him? Is there not a way, short of tampering, that we can make it known to him and his agent, that if he waits until free agency, we will make it worth his while? I understand where you're coming from, but it is precisely this kind of thinking that could leave us on the outs. You want it..go and get it I say!
  3. Burke has proven he is not head coach material...period!
  4. Just because things aren't made "offical" at the moment, doesn't mean that there is not plenty being done. I would seriously doubt that Miller and Walters are sitting around chewing on Buck's chips.
  5. That's why he has been in Burke's dog house. That was brutal that he did that.
  6. Just curious as to what makes you think that Saskatchewan doesn't just resign Willy after the DD? http://ckom.com/story/drew-willy-starting-vs-eskimos/147195 free agent about half way down
  7. You mean guys like: Burke, PLAP, Kelly, Hawkins, Reed, Hall, Marshall, Cortez, Bellefeuille and Taffe? All guys who were unproven, said to have the right qualities and failed at least in their first season. Sorry but your argument is terribly flawed. For every failure there is as an unproven head coach, there are success stories like Huffer, Chamblin, Benevides, Trestman, Milanovich, Austin. You're going to have to do better than that. You can also scratch Taffe from that list as his first HC job was in Montreal and he did very good things there. His time in Hamilton was marred by a clueless GM in Marcel Desjardins, and free agent busts like Josh Ranek and Casey Printers, and the failed Jason Maas trade. Also, since you mentioned "first season" in your post, if you're expecting this team to do a complete 180 in a single year, you will be terribly disappointed. It is going to take at least 2 years to make this team good, 3 years to make it elite, assuming the correction decisions are made by all involved. ...Did I just win the internet? You've got it wrong. For every success there are 3 or more failures and most of the successes have a good to great vet support system around them, which we don't have. I do expect a turnaround next year. The 2 or 3 year plan is just an excuse to be bad for a couple of years. Drafting to become a winner doesn't work in the CFL where your best players can leave for the NFL or go to FA and play where they want to. Didn't you learn anything from the Mack years? Vet management, coaches and players speed up the rebuilding process. An all rookie team of Miller, Walters, newbie HC, and newbie starting QB would pretty much guarantee a bad year filled with potential. Fans would talk all day about how much better it will be when they have played together for a while. Rookie HC mistakes will cost us some games, but 'He's just learning his job'. Rookie QB mistakes will cost us other games, but 'He's just learning his job'. It will get better soon. After winning a couple of meaningless games at the end of the season folks will search for stats to show how we are 'on the cusp' of a good season next year. We're just a couple of good players away from a competitive team they will say. If all the newbies turn out to be good, they will be right. If one or more of them don't have the right stuff, then blow it up and start over yet again. Wow...a clairvoyant!
  8. Burke couldn't...he would find a way to screw it up....too old...too young...too much salary...too much celery...
  9. Goltz had enough chances to show that he is not as good as most backups in the league at the moment. To keep him around for red zone plays, shows a lack of being able to provide a suitable red zone offence for any quarterback on the roster.
  10. Bombers are trying to get their money’s worth out of him. They want to pick his brain on his evaluation of players, in preparation for the expansion draft. Fans might not like it, but that’s actually a smart move to keep him around for a few more weeks. We’re paying him anyways, may as well get our money’s worth. It's not a smart move at all. Why do we care what Tim Burke thinks of our roster if he's not going to be here? It's actually a very smart move. Burke may not be head coach material, but he also isn't an idiot; he was a very well respected defensive coordinaator in the CFL prior to becoming our head coach. As a GM I'd at least want his thoughts on the players, so I could factor that into my decision on who to protect. As part of his evaluation over the next few weeks, he is going to be slotting Bomber players into 3-4 categories: 1) player could start for elite CFL teams, 2) could start/play for middle of the pack CFL teams, 3) could start/play for teams like the Bombers, 4) not starter material/other issues. As a GM I would like to see this information as part of my overall evaluation. Firing Burke right now is the emotional move, but keeping him around for a few more weeks to pick his brain is the smart/strategic move. You really think Walters is not smart enough to see who belongs and who doesn't? We don't need Burke for that! He has screwed up enough selections as to what players play and when. Hell most of us can see who should be playing and who shouldn't.
  11. I'll agree Garrett was running hard...but look at the defence he was running against...they are very very poor
  12. The Bombers aren't publicly owned, their a Non Profit Organization, so the Board would have to approve any take over.To be accurate they are "community-owned team" No they themselves says they are a non profit organization. Actually read their web site...!!! http://www.bluebombers.com/page/history
  13. The Bombers aren't publicly owned, their a Non Profit Organization, so the Board would have to approve any take over. To be accurate they are "community-owned team"
  14. Usually when you make a deal and your end of it completely bottoms out, you lose the benefits on the other end of that deal, but in this case, who the hell knows? The government is going to have to eat that debt or drive the Football Club right into the ground. I have a feeling that True North will be handed the team and stadium once the Football Club defaults, which will basically be once they have to start making payments on the loan, they should make enough from the Grey Cup to make the first round of payments, so 2018-19. How do you hand a publicly owned team to a private enterprise?
  15. You have no idea whether he is or isn't Nope. And neither does anyone else here. Then why did you make the post when you have no idea?
  16. Missing the point, again. Miller is putting the message out there that he is a hands-on kind of guy. Potential GM's with winning ways can read the tea leaves and see the potential to lock horns. That was Pentons point and I agree. No you're missing the truth...that you have a vendetta against Miller...it's splashed all over your posts Nothing against Miller. I have BIG issues with how our club has been managed. I want him to be different. So far, it hasn't been. Quit trying to psychoanalyze people over the internet. And just how do you want him to be different? What has specifically disappointed you so badly to date? I guess I was just hoping he would send a stronger message. I know the season isn't over yet and Burke's fate is basically sealed, but really, all he's done is hemmed and hawed on the GM vacancy, sent out letters raising our ticket prices, and given a job to his business associate. Don't get me wrong, theres still a lot of time. Just would prefer he did first things first, like hire a GM. Preferably a very good one! Ok...so he was supposed to hire a GM before the season is over, when he can't talk or interview the people he might be interested in....people give jobs to business associates all the time, not just the bombers, especially if they are qualified. There you go again with the Pinnacle thing...get over it already!
  17. Yes Johnson was flawless when he was making all those mistakes ALL on account of the rookies. and Edwards drops balls especially last year because the rookies were annoying him.
  18. Missing the point, again. Miller is putting the message out there that he is a hands-on kind of guy. Potential GM's with winning ways can read the tea leaves and see the potential to lock horns. That was Pentons point and I agree. No you're missing the truth...that you have a vendetta against Miller...it's splashed all over your posts Nothing against Miller. I have BIG issues with how our club has been managed. I want him to be different. So far, it hasn't been. Quit trying to psychoanalyze people over the internet. And just how do you want him to be different? What has specifically disappointed you so badly to date?
  19. Think again. Ownership approval on trades is pretty much standard in ANY professional sport. Has to be....there are many $$ involved
  20. Missing the point, again. Miller is putting the message out there that he is a hands-on kind of guy. Potential GM's with winning ways can read the tea leaves and see the potential to lock horns. That was Pentons point and I agree. No you're missing the truth...that you have a vendetta against Miller...it's splashed all over your posts Nothing against Miller. I have BIG issues with how our club has been managed. I want him to be different. So far, it hasn't been. Quit trying to psychoanalyze people over the internet. Don't need to analyze you...your posts do it for themselves
  21. Missing the point, again. Miller is putting the message out there that he is a hands-on kind of guy. Potential GM's with winning ways can read the tea leaves and see the potential to lock horns. That was Pentons point and I agree. No you're missing the truth...that you have a vendetta against Miller...it's splashed all over your posts
  22. Burke should have just kept his huge mouth shut....period and we wouldn't even be talking about it...no wonder the press wants him back
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