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Posts posted by JohnnyOnTheSpot

  1. The one and only reason the media is so gung-ho about talking to assistants... is because they were told they can't...

    You ever listen to Irving on the pre-game shows?  Tossing puffball questions to different members of the coaching staff was his bread and butter until this year. 

  2. I became a fan because my parents were.  They took me to one game a year until I was old enough to go on my own.  Also all the kids in the neighborhood were CFL fans too and we'd play pretending we were Bomber players or else I hate to say it George Reed because he really was that good.  Having only 3 channels and one TV helped too I have to say. You'd watch any game that was on and knew all the players at a young age.

  3. From CJOB post game approx 27 minutes in:


    Irving: Was that your read on the play?

    Willy: I was looking to Denny in the corner and Grigsby was in the flat, I didn't think any of them were really open. So I just wanted to give them a shot to make a play.

    Irving: The pass was a bit of a prayer was it?

    Willy: Basically, wasn't too skillful. There wasn't much there so I decided to give our guys a chance.


    There was no mention of Willy being aware of the Hammie penalty one way or the other,

  4. Burke came here from Montreal for one reason: to have the opportunity to be a head coach. That's on record. Now he says he never wanted it. Ok, then why come back for a second year? Surely the Bombers could have found someone else with an entire off-season to work with. He's a lying sack-o-crap who takes responsibility for nothing. Even as DC he gets Creehan to do his dirty work.


    Does anyone else think that Pencer ought to have been a lot more prominent in the training camp reports by now? He's had two years to prepare for his Big Moment and I haven't hear his name mentioned so far.

    Generally speaking, the less you hear about OL, the better...


    Usually they practice so far away you can't see much. I remember when they had TC at St Johns-Ravenscourt  being ten yards away from the one on ones with the DL. Geez, you could feel the ground shake. They were having a light practice once and a rook knocked off Bill Frank's sun hat. Holy crap, I thought he was gonna explode. Also you could hear what the coach (Joe Faragelli at the time) was saying.

  6. Paris Cotton stood out for me at RB. He just looks like a CFL back, small but strong and fast. They had him catching some punts too.  Renaud is here to fight, great effort and good hands.  The one on ones were deceiving to me. Give the receiver all day, no pressure on the QB and knowing the DB has no help and yeah they are going to win that 90% of the time. The biggest cheer came on a pick on which I thought was a terribly thrown ball so not sure why so happy. Etch seemed like a real teacher, lots of explanations and direction. I'm thinking I may have judged him too soon. Wiley I didn't recognize at first, he's put on a ton.

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