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Posts posted by JohnnyOnTheSpot

  1. Austin did what his players couldn't. If a player goes after Stala they would likely be suspended. With Austin doing it, the players get to play and the team doesn't suffer.

    You think that love tap got back at Stala? Obviously intentional though.


    I don't know if the CFL can suspend a coach but this is deserving of a game in addition to the fine.  Absolutely repulsive. Woody Hayes 2.0 

  2. Personally I feel the coaches who yell on the sideline are more likely to be a nut job than a Vince Lombardi. I like the quiet, cerebral type like Bud Grant, Trestman, Shula and Tom Landry.  To me O'Shea is fine except for his willingness to let MB run the offence come hell or high water. He's a QB killer and this is a QB's league.

  3. Montreal's not out of the hunt for the last playoff spot. They're tied with us at 3-5. Riders aren't even out of the hunt if they manage to beat us a couple of times,

    One September day when the Ti-cats had yet to win a game that season, then Head Coach Ronnie Lancaster surprised all when he said in an interview "Mathematically we haven't been eliminated yet".  It's the CFL!!!  Mathematically you stay alive along time.  Realistically it would take a miracle for Sask. Popp is career .444 as HC and he had some better teams than he has now too.

  4. The only positive thing out of this whole situation was the Willy injury was a result of a clean hit. The Ti Cat player made no attempt to hurt Drew. It was simply bad luck & the position of his right leg when he was hit. If Willy had gone down because of a dirty hit that would have been even far worse for me to accept as a fan. It doesn't help Willy or make things better but the knowledge it wasn't deliberate is easier to accept, I believe.

    Agree BUT with the pounding he takes and two close calls this year there was a sense of inevitability about it.  Still, nothing was done any differently. That's the one thing that I can't get over.

  5. I don't know why anyone thinks we're suddenly doomed for this season. It is still QUITE possible we could stumble ass backwards into the playoffs, especially considering the Labour Day / Banjo Bowl games are anything but an automatic loss.


    But it's going to be tough.

    We're one Lulay injury away from the playoffs.  Hells no we're not out of it. 


    We were getting steam rolled and the game was not a must win, not even a conference game. If not pull Willy at least call some plays that didn't put him in so much jeopardy.


    Waggoner: Muamba played nothing but special teams his first year did he not?

  6. Almost every team in the league will bid, Bombers too I hope.  I'm sure they had an offer ready if he had made it to FA. As for the Riders having cap space THIS year, Heenan will only be of help to them next year as playoffs are a pipe dream. I think he ends up elsewhere.

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