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Posts posted by JohnnyOnTheSpot

  1. He said exactly what I would say if I was stuck with him too. I wish I had a nickle for every vote of confidence followed by a firing in sports.


    I do recall a heated argument between Mack/Burke over personnel at a practise last year so at least we can say they weren't in 100% agreement.

  2. QB by committee is fine with me as long as they win. If each QB is used to their strengths then I think it's a good thing. Leaving a guy in a game come hell or high water has never made sense to me. That said, Buck should have a shorter leash if he does get in a game.

  3. Anyways, I hate it too when I hear Burke say how close we are. We have a good D, terrible special teams and worse offence. This team is in no way close. If we lose both Hamilton games, the season is over. Now that I WOULD call "close".

  4. I'll go with Higgins just to bring stability and sanity back. I like Murphy too but more of a risk.


    I saw my first practice today in a while and all we can do is hope they don't play like they practice. Burke looks more lost than ever. Despite all the promises I've never seen so little accomplished, not even in the Doug Berry country club years. Half the team was on the sidelines almost the whole time. Motivation looks non existent.

  5. I still say Berry single handedly wrecked Glenn in 2008 and then tried to do the same for Durant in 2010. Any coach who has an Eastern MOP babies him and makes sure he's happy. Berry said call your own plays and I don't care if you like it or not. That's just lazy and stubborn.

  6. As much as I enjoy watching the best running back in the league run the ball, doing it at this point is just asking for an injury.

    I'm surprised there hasn't been more comment about this. They use him like they want to pad his stats and go for records when the game is already over. A speed guy like him (a Fred Reid type) can really be hampered by small injuries, so why the unnecessary contact? They may regret this come November. Terrific season for him to this point but I don't expect it to last.

  7. while i'm not a fan of Crowton, our offense didn't look much better with Lapo pre 2012.

    The same offense worked well enough in Regina that they got to a Grey Cup and convinced Mack that LaPo was one of the great young offensive minds in the league. Are you saying Mack was fooled? I recall the fans at the time loved the hire.

  8. Veteran leadership..... goes on the radio and blames the offense and the team for missing assignments and throws in  at the end that he himself is a part of the problem.     I'm sure the guys are loving him.....

    I'm guessing that Buck is getting heat from the coaching staff behind closed doors and is desparately trying to deflect blame. He's never done this before. Based on that I'd say his time was up but then I hear this morning that they are going to cancel today's practice (reason: to give the D a rest) which likely means we go with status quo.

  9. Perhaps people should re evaluate the system. This is reminiscent of Mike Kelly burning through a stable of QBs with similar results and then trying to make Bishop into a pocket passer. Clearly not one of Bishop's assets and another failure. That group of QBs said Payton Manning would have failed in that situation. The difference being he would not have stood for it and people would have listened.

    Not that it matters now but Bishop had a hammie the entire time he was here and that's the reason he didn't run. It happens a lot when guys are flown in and quickly put into games without a TC behind them.

  10. Lets just not talk about how this team could be awesome if Elliott had at least been given a chance at TC...  its really too much to take.


    Buck is terrible, even the fanboys know this deep down.  Hall ends up as our only option... until then, its a lot of 3-7 point losses.  Maybe even after that too...

    Elliot was given a chance at training camp... BC's. He's 3rd string for them.

  11. Kent was a coaching decision. And they had identified a replacement but he refused to play the position.

    I thought Kent was cut because they had younger, better athletes they wanted to keep. Their plan seemed to be to find places for youth and worry where they will play later, just as it is now.

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