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Everything posted by Jaxon

  1. I can go on 9 CFL fans sites and post that the team isn't good enough to win the cup this year. Then at the end of the year, I can go back to 8 and say "I told you so".
  2. The Matt Dunigan Roast is on May 6th. I've been to the last 2 roasts (James West, Jeff Reinebold) and both were great fun. Tickets available at Ticketmaster Link from the Rifles site. www.riflesfootball.com
  3. Ha ha ha ha ha. He didn't seem too excited by the thought of Edmonton. In fairness though, Edmonton has great experience at turning top picks into mediocre NHLers.
  4. I'd look at trading our 3rd pick (#15) for Gaydosh. I think he is a strong talent, and I'm not so sure he will get another NFL shot.
  5. Ducks have Thursday and Saturday booked. Not sure what the dates in St. Louis are.
  6. Oh it's white for sure. I didn't want to comment before the math was certain, but now it's white all the way. I was a season ticket holder from 1973 until they left. (now sitting on the waiting list). I've been craving a good whiteout for 2 decades , and now it's going to happen!
  7. Well, my heart still works. Great to see this dig down when they need to.
  8. I'd take Demski at #2. I'd love it if Archambault was still around at 11. I just don't see us taking an OL at the top spot, we need guys who are ready to play this year, and we used free agency on 2 o-line with experience.
  9. I don't know what time frame you are comparing to, but is the change in percentage due to reduction in transfer payments, or increase in other taxes? I know that on a per capita basis, we draw way more money in federal transfer payments than all other provinces west of the maritimes. We draw almost double of what everyone west of Quebec gets. We draw more than Quebec. I find it all quite embarrassing. We need to be self sufficient. What offends me even more, is the cost of subsidy that we provide to the territories. Manitoba (per capita) $ 2,626 (2014-2015) Quebec $ 2,390 Yukon $24,901 NWT $29,412 Nunavut $40,352. I don't mind helping others get through tough patches and offering short term assistance, but we need to let unviable communities close and move rather than subsidizing the HE** out of them year after year after year. http://www.fin.gc.ca/fedprov/mtp-eng.asp#Manitoba
  10. I was a Jet 1.0 season ticket holder from '73 on. The old barn actually had good site lines prior to the upper decks getting installed. Once they put in the 2nd level, many quirks and obstructions occurred.
  11. By far the worst premier in Manitoba in my lifetime was Howard Pawley. Selinger is bad, but he doesn't quite get to the Pawley standard. Overall, I believe that Filmon was the best. Yes, there were some blemishes, but he had the heavy lifting to do after the Pawley disaster. Filmon cleaned up the financial mess and took us to a surplus position, and did so without massive tax increases. He reduced the size of the bureaucracy and put us onto a sustainable path, including the building of a reserve fund. I don't think that he had much choice but to privatize MTS. Those old enough may recall the millions and millions that the MTX subsidiary of MTS lost on a deal in Saudi Arabia. MTS is a much better organization now than it was as a crown corp, and the taxpayers haven't had to cover for any MTX type of schemes. Unfortunately, most of the good work that Filmon did has been destroyed. We now have one of the highest ratios of government workers to population size, and this is unsustainable. The reserve fund is long gone. Our taxes have increased to some of the highest levels in the country, and yet we are entirely reliant on transfer payments from Alberta and Saskatchewan. We spend the most on education (which isn't a bad thing) per capita, but have the worst results (which is a horrible situation). Manitoba desperately needs a leader with the fortitude to make hard, tough choices to clean up the mess. Margaret Thatcher -- Ralph Klein -- Angela Merkle type of person. I don't know that we have one, but it sure as heck isn't Selinger. In general, I prefer a smaller government with lower taxes, but IMHO, a good government isn't solely based on high taxes vs low taxes, it is based on value for our money. Currently under the NDP, we get poor results for big dollars, and way too much influence from the big Unions.
  12. The Union control of the NDP is far more entrenched than the business influence on Conservatives. Yes, there is some funding from businesses to the conservatives, but financing laws limit that influence, and businesses don't speak with one voice. The Unions have guaranteed votes at the NDP convention. Un-elected by constituents, the unions control huge voting blocks. No business nor business group has the same privilege at either the Conservative or Liberal conventions. For this reason, the NDP really are the puppet that dances at the end of the Union strings.
  13. I don't see this working too well long term. Most of my friends and colleagues who had Moose season tickets are now Jet season ticket holders. Most have sold off portions of their tickets to other friends because it is difficult and expensive to go to 40+ games per year. I don't see any of them stepping up to buy Moose tickets, as they are tapped out. On the positive side, there is renewed interest in hockey in this market, and there is some interest in the young guns in the AHL that we may be calling up to the big team in the next couple of years. Tickets to the Moose would be significantly cheaper than NHL tickets. Unfortunately, all of these factors would be consistent with casual ticket buyers, not with season ticket buyers. A team needs a strong season ticket base to survive long term in a market. I hope the issues in T-Bay get resolved.
  14. Apparently Selinger is the best that the NDP have to offer. Next Provincial election is April 2016. They should start packing now, and I for one will not be sorry to see them leave. Too bad the convention wasn't next weekend, because then they could have stabbed their leader in the back on the Ides of March.
  15. It's also almost 10 times of Ft.Mc. QC and surrounds are 760,000, FTMC is 70,000
  16. Very funny actually.. They have two editions.. Guess first one was such a hit.
  17. Would not trade: Buff, Hutch, Trouba, Ladd, Wheeler, Lilttle To get Buffalo's #1 pick: Anyone else (ain't gonna happen though. Buffalo isn't parting with it for anyone.)
  18. Fyi. Goodrich was a protected player last year when he went to camp. Now that he has consumed his junior eligibility, he has signed a CFL contract. Last year, as a protected player, he didn't count against the numbers. IIRC, now he will. Each CFL team can have up to 4 junior players in camp, and indeed they can practise with the club all year without using up a practise roster spot. (Kind of like extra P.R. Spots). Once they sign a CFL contract and/or play in a regular season game, they lose that special designation. (They are allowed to play in pre-season games without losing status) The Rifles are hoping to see 4 more players invited to camp this year.
  19. I'd take Jagr if the price wasn't too high. The guy's a legend, and he can still put the puck in the net.
  20. Glenn is an upgrade from Joseph. Riders just got younger.
  21. IIRC. Demski and Goodrich were teammates once before. Team 'Toba provincial team u-17 at the Football Canada Cup.
  22. I'm glad that this has finally been formally announced. Nobody works harder than Kurt; on the field or in the gym. He's got great strength, and really good speed. He also has a fantastic ability to adjust to the football in the air. I've seen him deliberately move away from the football to throw off the defender, and then back to the ball to make the catch. I've seen lots of players make lots of moves prior to the ball being released, but not many can make a move away after the ball is in the air....he can. 2014: 60 receptions 924 yards 5 touchdowns 2013: 41 receptions 985 yards 9 touchdowns It's hard to compare a player coming out of junior to players at the pro level. He has been the dominant receiver in the CJFL for a few years now. His numbers at that level are impressive, especially once you factor in that the Rifles play an 8 game schedule. (prorated to 18 game schedule last year would be 135 catches, 2,079 yds, and 11 tds) He was the "Milt" of the CJFL (I'm not saying that he'll be the "Milt" of the CFL, but at the CJFL level, he was the guy that other teams had to scheme up against) When he and Brett Carter played together, part of the Rifles "fab 5" a couple of years ago, Goodrich was the big play guy, while Carter was the Joe Pop kind of player, go over the middle and catch everything, even the stuff that shouldn't be caught. IMHO, Carter has the better hands, Goodrich has better moves and better speed. I'll be watching with great interest, and cheering for him all the way. Disclaimer: I know him, from football connections, but despite the gushing report, I'm not a relative.
  23. Our 2 newbies played very well. It takes some time to adjust to new line mates and new systems. I thought both worked hard and shoed well in their second game with us.
  24. As a 47 year season ticket holder.....I prefer the Royal Blue. (As does my father who went to his first Bomber game in 1935) Just in case you are keeping track.
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