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Pete Catan's Ghost

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Everything posted by Pete Catan's Ghost

  1. And...music and passion are always the fashion.
  2. Smart move actually. At season's end they can be re-gifted as Sasky wedding presents.
  3. He tried to imitate W Jefferson by shouting “smoke em if you got em”.
  4. Longest explanation ever by a ref. Crowd is glassy eyed and slack jawed by Bradbury’s inclusion of 3 syllable words.
  5. Huge opportunity lost, not having Maas on the mic today.
  6. Impressive that his passers rating was so high given that he missed his first two throws.
  7. With the financial limitations that some clubs face, I hear that Ambrosie is conducting feasibility studies around signing players with larger heads so that the teams won't have to spring for new chin straps.
  8. Everyone thought Chris Jones was the CFL's biggest villain, all dressed in black with his safe house full of practice players. Yet there was old Konsequences Kavis...hiding in the reeds while embezzling from his own club.
  9. He mentioned it on the pre-game show. He also brought up the point that Hall was as good as gone last year if it wasn't for Osh rallying hard for him. Milt and Sanchez nodded in agreement. They all seemed to agree that it was a good move not to release Richie. Benevides is excellent on the panel. He adds a good conterpoint to the hysterics of the other guys and drops little morsels like his opinion on Hecht and this Hall scenario. He said something else that made me sit up but I cant remember what it was.
  10. Laing was giving some of the guys trouble, but that's how you get better; by facing strong opposition. Was it Speller who replaced Hardrick? If so, good job.
  11. I’ve never been a Suitor fan but last night his colour commentary was pretty good. His video comparison between Cleon Lang and J Jeffcoat’s tackling style on the QB was good.
  12. Looks like a fantastic forecast for an asskicking. Go Blue!
  13. Since we’re playing “What would the Avatar Think?” In this fantasy world you’ve built, give me your thoughts on Cal’s sideline reaction to the Hardrick shove/penalty. Bearing in mind, he would have no problem seeing the play because it was obvious to everyone.
  14. Even if it claws back the most beautiful touchdown catch you're likely to see this season? OK. Right. The thing is, it was such a ticky-tack play on his part, that you can't even call it payback. If he wanted to send a message he should have done it in the scrum not the beside the QB.
  15. What purpose was it designed to serve? To a degree I agree with your line of thinking, but your argument is really just speculation. I love the player and I'm not saying that he should be fined. What I am saying is, he lost his composure and got caught. It was a bad penalty on his part.
  16. I'm equally curious. You sound like an expert on game strategy, so tell me what purpose a shove after the play in full view, that calls back a TD serves?
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