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Mr Dee

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Everything posted by Mr Dee

  1. Your condo fees seem to be in line with what you would expect to pay in Winnipeg for a similar sized unit. As I understand it, most condos fees do not include phone and the inclusive cable must be part of the building security system arrangement. The gym is an extra, but is much cheaper than if you had a pool. Those, with pools, are very expensive, and personally, I wouldn't go to a condo with a pool. Too costly, especially in Winnipeg's climate. Condo living is not for everyone, but neither is owning a house. There's a huge trade off, with the ease of condo living as opposed to the maintenance of a house and yard etc. This fee seems exceedingly low.
  2. ………"Believe none of what you hear, and only half of what you see".
  3. Not every thing we hear is Bogous, nor that Troubasome, but I think I'll wait to hear 'waz up' from the team's limo driver before I comment.
  4. The way we do any kind of Health Care in this Country needs to be re-examined. To simply blame the erosion on any one Government, be they Liberal, NDP, or Conservative is over-simplification. They all got us into to this mess and nobody, so far, has the footballs to propose changes that will address the problem. Why? Because they fear the proposed radical changes will get them voted out, so they keep wasting and wasting, because "that's just what it costs". And we accept it.
  5. Sounds to me like an age old problem.
  6. I don't envy the decision to choose at #2, but we worked so hard to get it, I don't want them to be too hasty in their choice. I'm leery about taking a receiver at #2, what with our past choices. Recently, we've been getting better production from non-drafted Nat. receivers than our own hot picks. But, if we go receiver, I'd prefer Durant. I like Demski, but I'm not sure about him at #2 - our 1st pick. Super important to make that 1st pick count. And it certainly would help the cause if we make the best use of our first 3 picks. The boys are doing their homework, and I'm praying the dog doesn't end up eating it.
  7. Speak for yourself! Our carbon tax is the dumbest tax I've ever seen - just soooo stupid. A Gordon Campbell Special. Don't see Christie Clark getting rid of it. The sky high gasoline taxes on the Lower Mainland is pretty stupid. Why do voters allow the politicians to rape them everytime they fill up their vehicles??? It's a trade-off. "As for the economy, B.C.’s GDP has slightly outperformed the rest of Canada’s since the carbon tax began. BC simply raised taxes on pollution and lowered them on income. Since 2008, the province has cut income taxes by almost $1 billion more than it has taken in carbon revenues –so taxpayers are ahead overall. B.C.’s personal and corporate income tax rates are now among the lowest in Canada, making it an attractive place to do business." - The Financial Post Jan 2015 "The result is that taxpayers are coming out ahead. B.C. now has the lowest personal income tax rate in Canada (with additional cuts benefiting low-income and rural residents) and one of the lowest corporate rates in North America. You shouldn’t need an economist and a mining entrepreneur to tell you that’s good for business and jobs." - The Globe and Mail July 2014 Because the tax must, by law in BC, be revenue-neutral, the province has cut income and corporate taxes to offset the revenue it gets from taxing carbon. BC now has the lowest personal income tax rate in Canada and one of the lowest corporate rates in North America, too. The Economist July 2014
  8. Speak for yourself! Our carbon tax is the dumbest tax I've ever seen - just soooo stupid.
  9. Talk about crossed messages. C'mon down iso, it's a great place to live and enjoy the fruits of your labor. The climate, the people and yes, even the taxes are fine. It's just the way it is. But if I'm not mistaken, even you 'mighty' Albertans have to leave your PST money here if you take possession of purchases here.
  10. Of course, they have different policies according to their party's beliefs, that's undisputed. I didn't say all politicians have the same policy. I said all politicians are the same. There's a difference. Maybe that's a good thing. Somebody has to do it. Think of what it takes to be a politician…then tell me that they are selfless, in that they will always serve the people before they ensure they, and their parties, are not safe first. There was a movie once, many years ago, called Dave, where there was a stand-in President, and he made policy decisions because they made sense, not because they were politically correct. He wasn't a politician. He wasn't the same. And if you vote with me on this one, I will lower your taxes.
  11. OK, now you're actually getting close to being Saskatchewan-ish creepy with all that Weston Dressler talk
  12. LOL - I think you need to look in the mirror Mr. Dee. You seem to be a pretty big apologist for the NDP. That being said, I don't want to make any enemies with political talk here, as I did enough of that on OB, and it's easy to let your emotions get the best of you on this topic. I don't see how you can compare Alberta and Manitoba, extremely different situations and totally different economic factors governing each province. BC has some similarities to Manitoba in that we're stuck with an entrenched party that has won 4 elections and no matter how many dumb things they do, they keep winning too, because our NDP here is so weak and stupid that they couldn't win an election by acclamation. Normally I am ok with the NDP having no chance of winning as I think the NDP are awful and their ideologies are brain-dead, but in BC that has left us with an arrogant dictatorship. I don't know what you do with that, but it's not healthy for democracy. Just like in Alberta, I was hoping the Wild Rose would really shake up the Conservatives, and I think it did a bit, but not enough. Actually, I consider myself to be apolitical, and it's just that I have heard the same renderings over and over from different people about the same things. One party are the villains, while the other party knows what to do. Fill in the correct party into what I said as it suits your needs, or your personal opinion. The NDP, in Manitoba, are no worse or better than the Cons were in Mb, who were no better than the Liberals were in Federal politics who were no worse than the Cons. are now. It all boils down to timing, and what's going on around the Canadian economy at the time. Hey, if things are going well, the party in power is the way to go…until they're not. Next up, and the cycle repeats itself. You, yourself, have it in big time for the NDP, I don't. I don't have any political affiliation, it's just I don't like to hear the same old thing about the same old party, when really, when it comes right down to it….they're all the same…they're politicians.
  13. So now this is a separatist thread….
  14. What's the problem if a country can live in a different way and their economy can sustain it? If the people in that country are happy with the way they are doing it, and things are going well, then good for them. I think we all can learn something in the way other people do things. Let's face it, if it's a good idea, who cares if it was thought of by a Con., or a Liberal, or even (gasp) a Socialist.
  15. Fantastic finish for the boys who took over the title of Team Canada and after making that unselfish change, played smart, controlled games the rest of the way and defeated some very good teams along the way. All I wanted was the best representative for Canada and I had believed that that was Team Jacobs, but when you can play them 11 ends and come out on top, you deserve to be Team Canada. Kudos to Pat Simmons, John Morris, Carter Rycroft and Nolan Thiessen for believing they could still win after the change in skips, and then going out and proving it.
  16. They didn't get the big money Alberta was fortunate to dig up. that's a defeatist attitude. Manitoba could have worked to build up some type of industrial or commercial base, but instead the province has had a long tradition of socialism and anti business policies. High taxes and pro-union governments make Manitoba into what it is. There's resources in Manitoba too, but there isn't a lot of incentive for companies to base themselves in Manitoba. Sure sounds like somebody's bought into the political propaganda.
  17. They didn't get the big money Alberta was fortunate to dig up. Really, it boils down to whomever is in power having the wherewithal, and the gumption to do it right. It is rare to see any government get that combination right.
  18. I'm not commenting on any one player but I'm totally against those long term 7-8 yr. deals that pay the big bucks. Too many teams are left holding the bag on ill-thought out long term contracts. Pay them big money, but for a shorter term.
  19. what a ridiculous statement to make. Alberta has seen it's population grow by something close to 1 million people in the last decade, you think it's cheap to build infrastructure to support that many new people? Especially without raising taxes? Give me the government who keeps taxes low rather than the one that raises taxes at the drop of a hat. Oil will bounce back and Alberta will be rolling in the money again within a few years, Manitoba is still going to be stuck with their ridiculously high tax rate in a few years though. My my, touchy on such an innocent statement. Manitoba has worse infrastructure problems than Alta. has, and way less money to have spent on it. Alta., with any kind of competent governing, should have quite the nest egg, even with a minimal Prov. tax, but they don't. Even though my statement was tongue in cheek…it still stands. So the question is, who's statement really is that ridiculous?
  20. So, who really did a worse job of governing in the last little while in their respective Provinces - the Conservatives in Alberta, or the NDP in Manitoba? Who had all the money and blew it all? Or, who didn't have the money and still blew it all. If it's one thing I'm learning, as times move along, is that there not much difference when it comes to political parties, it boils down to what happening around them and how they manage those circumstances. Hey, if you have the resources, you're the smartest team in town, right? Change is good, so why not a blockbuster trade between Mb. and Alta…..for political parties? Wouldn't that cause a stir?
  21. Who doesn't look to TSN for the best in ranking all facets of sports and the inner workings of the CFL. For me, they rank right up there somewhere between: ......and obviously, the best...... And, they must be doing something right, because it's causing quite a stir on the Rider site, and that's never a bad thing.
  22. I don't know about that, BUT, I do know Barbera Streisand thinks "People…who need peepholes are the luckiest people in the world." So, how can you argue with that?
  23. Curling is a mental game, but each game still is isolated, one team against another. With that in mind, I'd rank The Jacobs team as being the best at that in a sports competition arena. However, I still wouldn't bet against the McEwen rink, at any time, against the Jacobs rink, in any competition. They can match up with anybody in the world. In this Brier field, no matter my personal preference, the team I would want representing Canada, no doubt, is the Jacobs rink.
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