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Captain Blue

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Everything posted by Captain Blue

  1. His first half was pretty darn bad still. If we are setting that as the acceptable level that is trouble. At one point he was 2/7 (I think). Buck's story is always the same. One decent drive a game, pumps up the stats a little to look closer and then he's terrible for the rest of it. He used to be inconsistent. Now he has fewer highs and a lot more lows. And Matthews has to be fuming that he's stuck in this offense right now - though he also missed some very catchable balls.
  2. Bomber management really needs to sit down and figure out what they're doing at QB. Mack and Burke have to win this year or they're gone. This defense is great and it'll be a shame if its wasted this year, but also in coming years. Look at the ages of the players on D. They're almost all young. If Burke and Creehan can do this with a bunch of young guys, imagine how good they can be when the players mature a little more. But unless we win games that potential may be decreased.
  3. Apparently Burke said in the post game that he didn't ever think of pulling Buck. I really wouldn't expect a coach to say much otherwise, but it was depressing nonetheless.
  4. Don't see this at all. He's been the one consistent factor through all the Als teams the past decade. He's not happy with where the team is headed this year, and really no one would be if they were in his position. As much as I hate him he's been a class act in the CFL for a long time.
  5. I say that then they block a field goal to have a chance...
  6. How long before Hawkins is canned for Doug Berry? I jokingly said that to my Dad...but now I'm not so sure...
  7. Looking forward to seeing Montreal just to see if we made them look that bad or if they're just a mess this year.
  8. You have to wonder who decided to dress the Riders in all white for away games. Cracks me up every time.
  9. Riders will fall apart eventually and care most about us winning the division so I'll root for Saskatchewan. Black and Suitor really helps TSN lock up all their terrible announcers in one booth at least. I like Cuthbert and Ford.
  10. The Kohlert play was a good job by Buck escaping pressure, keeping his eyes down field and hitting the right player but it was also under thrown. Just sayin'.
  11. Generally blitz responsibility falls on the QB and coach. There are 5 linemen and they can only block so many people. If there's 8 at the line then its up to the QB to recognize that the numbers aren't in favour of the offense and adapt accordingly. The exception to this is when you have Morley basically high-five the DT on his way to the QB.
  12. Fair enough, I disagree but can definitely understand where you're coming from.
  13. Calvillo was majorly peeved after tonight.
  14. Hopefully this doesn't come off too harsh Spuds (that's certainly not my intent) but it seems like you are working off of a lot of anecdotal evidence here and not looking at the sum of the two performances. For instance I know Pierce CAN hit quick throws, but whether he can do it consistently is the bigger question. If he played the full game like he played that 105 yard drive we'd be golden, but Buck is definitely prone to streaks. Sometimes the hot or cold ones last a little shorter or longer than usual, but it's an up and down ride and I can't see that changing.
  15. Is Pierce? I'm being facetious but it's not like Pierce is really killing it out there.
  16. I am clearly anti-Buck and would have started the season with a different QB but you can't hook him coming off this victory. Give him another chance (or chances) and eventually he'll provide a better time or opportunity to make a QB switch if needed. Check out the timeline of the game here. The Bombers had maybe 3-4 good drives, and specifically Buck-related drives would probably be about 2. It's just not good enough to win consistently, which is why I can confidently say that there will be an opportunity at some point later in the year to pull him. I should add that there is no way Burke is going to make a QB switch any time soon. He'll ride the Buck roller coaster this year for as long as he can.
  17. Guess its a good thing they play the games, right Wiecek?
  18. You can win a Grey Cup with this defense. The issue is always going to be our offense. We would've wiped the floor with Montreal had we put up points or even moved the ball more consistently. If the offense doesn't improve then we'll always be playing below our true potential. Hopefully they figure it out.
  19. Is the site/thread loading slowly for anyone else now? Increased traffic perhaps on the thread?
  20. I think I've made this point before, but I wouldn't blast Crowton too much yet. I want to see his offence with a different qb. I don't know if anybody else sat up high last week and saw the same thing, but I swear there were receivers running open. We've had a lot of different offensive minds here the last few years and the variable that hasn't changed is Buck.
  21. Very excited for tonight and seeing our defence again. I don't think Buck will win, or even not lose, this game for us though.
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