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Everything posted by Bigblue204

  1. The fact that Eli hasn't been signed by any team should probably indicate he's not going to be. I'll be blown away if he's playing in the CFL this year.
  2. My point was voting to explore something does not necessarily mean voting in favour of changing something.
  3. Of course....the only difference is 4downs vs 3downs. Otherwise the 2 leagues are identical
  4. Wtf do wings on a helmet have to do with the Bombers?
  5. I watched the road to grey cup tonight. Kinda underwhelmed. Nothing I hadn't seen or heard and really focused on the grey cup game not much on the rest of the season. There were certainly some story lines that could have added to the entertainment.
  6. You're second sentence is basically my point. If teams start letting the ball bounce, kicking teams will adjust to take advantage. Not quite. Exploring something doesn't mean you want. It basically saying you don't understand it and want to know more. Voting for something, means you understand it and want it.
  7. If it's a 35 yrd punt. Grant would be moving to get under it, possibly catching it on the run. Momentum is huge in returns. And again a 35 yrd punt bouncing backwards is easily recovered by the kicking team.
  8. There will be more horizontal passes, but it will also open up the centre of the field. I completely disagree on the no incentive to catch the ball in the air. For one thing, catching in the air gives you possession faster. And in a league where the punter or anyone behind the punter can recover the kick that's very important. And catching in the air usually gives the returner more momentum than picking it up off the ground.
  9. I think this is at least a triple. I don't mind the W. I like the blue pants. Has a very real "color rush" feel to them. Overall I like them. Anyone who thinks they're as bad as the camouflage jerseys has to be drunk.
  10. Yup, I believe he is another career politician (first elected in 2004!) He was finance critic too. So he knows damn well how things work. The 1st time I heard him speak, I actually thought...wow this guy is asking questions I actually don't know the answer to, and want to hear what the answer is....everytime I've heard him since then has made me dislike him more and more. Then I knew he was just a ******* **** once he said he was "running for prime minister" nevermind the bs around cbc or justinflation....
  11. To be fair to him, I think he might be talking about a combination of UV light and air filtration. I remember hearing something about a system like that, that could theoretically be installed just inside door ways. But It wouldn't clean people of covid just the air in the building. And as far as I know it hasn't been developed at all.
  12. Yeah that's the way she goes. I'll say this when a bomber gets a penalty...he either needs to pay more attention and/or be coached up.
  13. Rules don't screw teams over unless they aren't paying attention. This will be no different. I like all the changes. I'm not gonna hold my breath for it, but I'm hoping someone takes advantage of the 2 qbs on the field at 1 time rule.
  14. A&B sound...man that takes me back! I completely forgot about that place.
  15. Just that preview got me jacked up!! Can't wait to watch the full thing!!
  16. It would be interesting to see. There must be a way to get a couple teams to agree to an extra(?) Preseason game....
  17. This would be huge if he can pull it off. A lot of people seem to forget that a bunch of the hate spewed on SM are bots/trolls.
  18. I'm not concerned at all. Though i heard he's planning on bringing in some kind of pay wall system. I won't be paying for SM to sell my data. I also reject the free speech issue around this. Musk didn't stop people from bitching about him, he just doesn't want to hear it. On top of that. Musk doesn't owe anyone free speech. He's a private citizen. Free speech(as it is right now) starts and ends with the government. Anyone complaining about SM kicking them out (this includes musk) is just bitching and being annoying. I'll give Musk credit for doing something about it (whether or not you like what he's doing is another issue) and not just bitching about how unfair it is.
  19. I think people are vastly over estimating the amount of unvaxxed people that will be going to games. The vaxxed who went last year and took up the vast majority of seats (I believe there was only 2 sell outs) will still be going to games this year. Sure there will be some unvaxxed, but the majority will be vaxxed.
  20. You're assuming preseason games are....just for fun? How would you evaluate a player based on them playing a different set of rules. And sure adding a down is just one rule change...but it would drastically change how the game is played and the way players would play it.
  21. I'd like to see the Bombers join the ranks of BC and Ott in terms of original content of behind the scenes stuff.
  22. Is the 3rd jersey reveal today? Bombers have been kinda quiet about it
  23. I agree...though I do hope he's working on ball security.
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