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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. Lol at trading him at the deadline... He was one of the healthy players on the club. The amount of money the team made fr making the play offs was well worth it.
  2. I'm pretty sure most people are thinking this is what is going to happen... it would be a long shot for them to make any big moves
  3. Crompton grows out his hair and cuts for kids with cancer... he's a good dude
  4. JGF seems to produce during the game and make clutch catches yet they rarely gave him a chance to start and shine... he is Stoddard.... 2.0
  5. Lawless is right the fringe players can rest easy.. Welcome back Antropov, wellwood and Galiardi lol
  6. What makes Shell washed up? How come when ancient Korey Banks was signed this was a smart move to add a veteran?
  7. Maybe if we had an o-line like Calgary then a guy like Brohm would make more sense.... We will have to wait and see how the line holds up after a few games.
  8. I would take Anatolin... Then Sanders then Brown..
  9. Marve is our version of LeFeveour with a better arm... I think he would have where he would simply destroy a defense and others where he would just get contained and really stinks it up.
  10. Keola Anatolin would be a great guy to get. Was impressive last year and runs real hard.
  11. Richards injured again... Bastien making 4 catches....
  12. Bombers should sign him asap, he will add a tonne of veteran leadership! Kuale 2.0!
  13. The only way I see pavs leaving is if we are out of the playoff hunt and Helle continues to shine
  14. He has definitely dropped substantially since his early movies. Clerks, Chasing Amy , Dogma and JSBSB are all great watches.... Clerks 2 I thought was one of the worst movies I've ever seen in my life. Smith appears to be going through some kind of Uwe Boll like mid life crisis and has turned into a huge cry baby.
  15. LeFevour has had more playing time then Crompton and if the coach thinks that he is the better guy then why not make the move right away rather then waiting until it's to late. Crompton IMO did a good job last season considering he came in cold and just won... but lots of those wins were Bishop in Toronto going 12-2 type of wins...
  16. I was thinking the same thing. Lawless said Edem might be available. Marve for Edem? I'd do it. This is a joke right?
  17. Johnny Sears 2.0?Kuale 2.0Hefney 2.0
  18. Peluso is better with the puck then Thorburn he also is a good locker room guy from what I heard.
  19. Come on people get it right... He's Logan 2.0
  20. They signed him to a big deal because of the Olympics and his win at the Arnie challenge. Vince loves muscles and strength...
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