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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. I don't remember him having any drug issues. I thought it was purely him not listening to the coach and throwing a careless interception in the endzone when we were only down by 2. Max Hall was the one with the drug issues.
  2. Most of his movies now are direct to dvd and I would assume a much smaller cheque. I remember for the last Expendables Stallone was really disappointed that Willis wouldn't join the cast because he's all about money. Kevin Smith also talked about what a **** head Willis was....
  3. The time they invaded WCW arena was kind of interesting... could of been way cooler. The time ECW invaded WWF was super lame... Both of them were not nearly the best parts of that era...
  4. Bruce Willis will work for any pay cheque these days...
  5. Nope it should be 3 guys who identify as 3 lady witches...
  6. Collaros is damaged goods... The Riders would be better off with Glenn for another season.
  7. That is not much of an achievement considering they have been terrible both seasons. The 2013-2014 St John's team would be a better team to surpass since they were 46-23 ...
  8. Somewhere Bobby Jay is burning all his old tapes of him wrestling as a Jannetty lol. That's some sick crap, Marty has some serious Buck Zuhmoff like issues.
  9. On the radio this afternoon it sounded like Maurice will either have Poolman as our 6th D otherwise he's being sent to the Moose to get play time. I'd imagine he is going to the Moose to get prime minutes. He really really liked Poolman and spoke very highly of him .
  10. Maybe the commis wanted the focus to be on the play offs and teams and not on the freak show of Johnny Football. Also I did not see anyone post about Montreal contacting Colin Kaepernick about playing in Montreal. That'd be fun to see!
  11. I'm glad that the league is welcoming with open arms guys like Richardson who recently were arrested for domestic violence... http://www.al.com/news/birmingham/index.ssf/2017/02/former_alabama_running_back_tr.html
  12. TUP may know better... but I thought I heard that Flair used to be used by the boys to buy everyone everything and that he used to carry their bags and would try to buy everyone off for acceptance. A good listen was when the Rock N Roll Express were on his podcast and they mentioned quite a few exploits of picking up ladies and the crazy nights out that they had. He most definitely had a lot of over the top stories of picking up ladies and being the man at lots of clubs.
  13. I'm sure in his prime he had a tonne of women, I've heard more then enough wrestling shoots about Ric having several women hanging off of him everywhere he went. I just find it hard that a 60 year old Flair is doing the same.... It reminds me of the Wilt Chamberlein claim of 20 000 women in a 15 year span .... you would have to spend all of your free time finding and bedding ladies.
  14. I always find it funny when athletes or movie stars claim to reach the 10 000 total. He would of literally had to sleep with a different lady every night for 30 + years. While I don't doubt that he's hooked up with a tonne of ring rats... I can't imagine that he had the time to find a new lady every night.
  15. Comparing a QB and a receiver is apples and oranges. Ricky Collins couldn't crack the Ti-Cats who have crap for receivers... Why bother wasting time on the guy. I'd much rather they bring in guys like Givens who may be able to be elite talent in the league.
  16. Bring a guy who couldn't crack the two worst teams in the league? No thanks...
  17. Based off of 1 pass? A little bit of a stretch at this point. I'll take Reilly/Franklin as the best combo at this point.
  18. IHOP is probably a step down from Denny's.. why would anyone get excited about it?
  19. On 1290 this morning, the guest they had from I'm guessing some website that does predictions, had the Jets making the play offs. However he did say that Hendricks was useless and that Mason is a below average goalie.
  20. Maybe those wins from Masoli may be as result of a new coach....
  21. Would it be inappropriate to say that it is not uncommon that they have several kids by the time they come to the CFL..... Regardless making PR money with a good chance of getting on the roster is probably better then selling used cars back in the States....
  22. The Stamps are a better team... however in bad weather I think this team definitely has more grit...
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