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Everything posted by MOBomberFan

  1. You said last, not me. And hey, if he WINS, then there can't really be any debate, can there? this is MBB. There will always be debate.
  2. Perhaps TBURG just pointed out where I've misunderstood. I thought it was 1+1 from the start, and Hammy tried foisting 'another +1' on him following his rookie season... but if he signed a 2 year deal plus an option (2013) from the start, then tough titties Chris Williams. Bottom line, I hope Chris Williams has a comfy couch.
  3. where is this coming from? This was still his first contract right? 2+1 as opposed to 1+1 no? One of us is misunderstanding those docs I linked to (I'm assuming you at least glanced at them) My understanding is the following, somebody please correct me if I'm wrong (because I read that turd from start to finish and would hate to be talking out my ass): 1) Williams signed a 1+1 from the start 2) Hamilton was obligated to confirm in writing that they were exercising his option (the +1 in a 1+1) 3) In the process of doing so, Hamilton referred him to another part of the document asking him to sign for receipt of 'my 2013 option letter', followed by a poorly worded offer to extend his contract by a year. 4) The court agreed that while the language of the contract could be construed as an agreement by Williams to add a third year to his existing 2 year contract, the document was confusing in part and in whole. 5) The court agreed that it made little sense for a skillful player like Williams to knowingly and willingly give up a full year of opportunity to pursue the NFL, citing risk of injury due to his 'small stature', the fact that the average career length of a CFL footballer is only 3 years, and the massive difference in salary. So that's where it comes from. The article is linked, it's all there. I just wanted to get the whole story for my own interest, but the frikken thing is in legalese. My opinion will change if in fact Williams signed a 3 year deal from the very start. But I don't think that's what happened.
  4. This, too. Don't get me wrong, obviously Williams is looking out for his best interests, it says as much in the court documents I linked to. But I just can't accept that he would knowingly and willingly accept an extension from 2 years (the initial 1+1) to 3 years after his breakout rookie season without even asking for a raise in year 3. That makes no sense, and is a clear indicator that something about this 'sign to confirm receipt of my 2013 extension letter' bit was fishy and misleading. At the very least, there was a bad mis-communication, and the onus to ensure things are done on the up and up falls to management, not the individual. An arbitrator saw things one way, the courts saw it the other. Rock beats scissors, scissors beats paper, court beats arbitrator.
  5. Or, this wasn't actually the standard letter that Hamilton uses, and they did in fact try to pull a fast one on Williams and his unregistered agent. It's easier for me to believe the Ti-Cats are shifty swindlers than it is for me to believe every single one of their contracts is faulty and have been since 2011.
  6. That's rough, I didn't know that. Things go from bad to worse for Williams. You're probably right, this time next year some team will be lucky to scoop him up.
  7. There is only one victim in this story, and his name is Chris Williams.
  8. I only call the third year bogus because Hamilton, through some shady and evidently improper methods, tried to have a third year tacked on to his contract following Chris Willams' Rookie of the Year season. If Williams knowingly agreed to a 3 year contract before he ever set foot on the field, then I'd agree with everyone who says he welching on a deal and is a puke and yadda yadda harrumph. But that's just not what happened! In what world would Chris Williams, coming off his rookie of the year season, have agreed to a third season without so much as a raise?
  9. If he doesn't get a sniff from the NFL there will be CFL teams lining up to sign him. Exactly. With his talent, the CFL will wait for him. I'm a bit disappointed but ultimately not surprised that people on this board would begrudge the guy for chasing his NFL dream. The window is narrow and slams shut pretty quickly. I don't blame Williams for fighting tooth and nail to get out of this bogus third year at rookie wages. Too bad for him it took as long as it did to wrap up; he is missing valuable training camp time, so this may be all for naught.
  10. No, the court essentially ruled that the letter sent to Williams prior to the 2012 season was incomplete and misleading. They (the Ti-Cats) were obligated to provide in writing a confirmation that they were exercising Williams option (the +1 in a 1+1). The letter also had him sign in confirmation that he received 'my 2013 option year letter' along with a poorly worded offer to extend his contract by one year at the same rate of pay as the previous year... it's confusing in part and in whole; the Ti-Cats meant to sign him for a third year at the same rate of pay; and it's obviously not in Williams best interest to do so. Add to all this the fact that the CFL was knowingly dealing with a contract adviser/agent that was not registered with the CFLPA, and you've got all the grounds you need for Williams to be declared FA. It's a dry read, and I don't recommend it at all. But that's my take on it.
  11. http://www.thespec.com/sports-story/4055951-ontario-curt-rules-former-ticat-chris-williams-now-a-free-agent/ This article has a link to the court ruling. Before anyone craps all over Williams any further, it actually sounds like the Ti-Cats tried to pull a fast one on him, and nearly pulled it off if not for this ruling.
  12. Did I say "no #1 receiver?" I meant no #1 receiver, AND no #1 kick returner. I'd say Woods is making a stronger case for himself every time he touches the ball, but I see your point.
  13. Agree on Poblah. His best game as a Bomber came in the LDC. Give him the chance to either silence his critics or to further prove that he can't catch in traffic at all. He's on thin ice.
  14. Good to hear Hall is well enough to throw a ball. It sounded iffy yesterday.
  15. Bummer for them. It's not a lot of fun riding your backup for weeks at a time.
  16. Peach is American lol oh, ffs. Then consider me lukewarm to the idea. LMAO. He was born in Vancouver... Washington. people assume any white non QB must be CDN.
  17. Peach is American lol oh, ffs. Then consider me lukewarm to the idea. LMAO. He was born in Vancouver... Washington.
  18. I'll take it, provided he is over his injury. He can play teams, he has the right passport, and I bet he can stay onside.
  19. they were only ever there to fill out the roster of teams that bluto's Boatmen beat every week... I think you are going to get a run for your money this week... could it be you'll be sharing first place?
  20. Sooo glad I took MTL QBs in the Fantasy Draft this year. 'The Sackos' are dominating the cellar with authority.
  21. I liked this piece from CFL.ca http://cfl.ca/article/steinbergs-mmqb-the-gap-widens-in-week-8
  22. http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/sports/football/bombers/bad--awful--crowton-fired-220149571.html Presser live right now. And over.
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