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do or die

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Everything posted by do or die

  1. Excellent judicial demeanor. And this is just a hearing......
  2. Another enlightened senior Republican.... http://www.rollcall.com/news/politics/hatch-calls-blasey-ford-attractive-pleasing-but-wont-say-whether-he-finds-her-credible
  3. Impartial? This guy came though the Republican internal vetting.... because he was seen as the most likely candidate to uphold the concept of Executive Privilege, in the high court, where and when required. That got him the green light from Trump.
  4. The proper term is "vigorous"
  5. The Republican white men on the Judiciary committee are too cowardly to question an assault victim....... but they're now chomping at the bit, to throw softball questions at the accused Republican white guy. Great optics.....
  6. Well, you could end up taking it all the way to the Supreme Court, where he can then rule against it........
  7. Coming in the wake of their refusal to have any real investigation of anything.......today, Graham and Grassley look (and sound) like absolute caricatures, at this point.
  8. With my crystal ball.......no matter what Kavanaugh says this afternoon, or how he comes across..... You are going to get a lot of "Facts vs Emotion" from the Republicans.. Just a hunch...
  9. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/408800-graham-after-ford-testimony-i-feel-ambushed-by-dems Sore loser
  10. ...and Grassley, Graham, and McConnell would be leading the charge
  11. Well, they could of taken statements from Ms. Ramirez and Ms.Swetwick, or subpoenaed/questioned Judge, the polygraph examiner, or any of the potential witnesses. With this Senate Committee not being able to bring themselves to do any of that, and not having the balls to simply ask their own questions - bottom line, the FBI could of handled all of that. But an actual investigation was simply not part of the this particular agenda, in any way shape or form. Nor was any delay in the confirmation process. 3 women publicly stepping forward, who are willing to do lie detection, and testify.....against a Supreme Court nominee, for various forms of sexual misconduct? Why would anyone want to take a closer look at that? Nah, lets vote.
  12. They will blame the prosecutor, and assert that she somehow bungled the proceedings. Of course, if Senators on a Senatorial Committee would actually do their own job......... ps.... Grassley and Graham still looked and sounded like "angry old white men"......
  13. Reactions from Fox News.... Chris Wallace: Judge Napolitano (a Trump favorite)
  14. Nichols is going to flat out burn the Esks for 250......
  15. Mission accomplished: https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/408358-trump-boasting-line-in-un-speech-was-meant-to-get-some-laughter A stable genius is never caught off guard.....
  16. Luck is the residue.... of doing the right things, the right way.....at the right time
  17. As a non-gin-drinking, virgin, in high school, who never inhaled - I just wish people would cut Kavanaugh some slack
  18. Hey, establishing that you were a non-drinking virgin in high school is pretty important....
  19. Well, at least IMPOTUS has something nice to say about somebody at the UN https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/408275-trump-praises-kim-jong-uns-courage-during-united-nations-address
  20. Unless Nichols evaporates again, doubt that Streveler gets that number of snaps.
  21. At least, we can always step up to the plate, and offer excuses.....
  22. Lets not talk too much about the Bomber kick returns, in general.................
  23. Had my Tim Burke flashback.....then realized it wasn't the gin....
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