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do or die

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Everything posted by do or die

  1. Even if Republicans keep the Senate.....a House loss, would result in Trump blaming: Mitch McConnell Paul Ryan The Media FBI Justice Department Michael Cohen Migrants Rogue elements Leftist Mobs Feminists Mexicans Transgenders Canada SNL John Oliver Turkey Yoko Ono Black Lives Matter Hillary Clinton ...........notable exception: himself
  2. Don't worry, Hannity and Tucker Carlson can manage.....
  3. He had a thing with Workers Comp.....
  4. Targets: Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, John Brennan, Maxine Waters, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, George Soros, Robert De Niro Yup, no outlandish insults, inflammatory statements or threats made about any of these folks..... by Trump and his supporters
  5. ......complete with FAKE VAN!
  6. Clearly, Democrats have pulled off the greatest false flag operation of all time.
  7. Got a picture of the dude's van https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DqcdGMEWsAICOPq.jpg
  8. In reality, the suspect is a bearded, fruit drinking, liberal left wing socialist, with mob leanings....
  9. His computers will have Breitbart, Infowars, and Daily Caller bookmarked.....
  10. Well, seeing that that phony baloney election commission, that was investigating the mythical millions of fake ballots....didn't work - they have to try some other techniques. Voter suppression has a certain appeal. in some quarters....
  11. Infowars had at least 10 headlines, this morning, that included the phrase "FALSE FLAG OPERATION!!!"
  12. Trump and his echo chamber (Fox) are simply pissed that the bombs story, has sidetracked the current fear factor agenda, against the caravans.......you know. CRIMINAL MOBS! SOROS-BACKED DEEP STATE PLOT!! AMERICAN SOVEREIGNTY UNDER ATTACK!!!
  13. Important Update from NHL Central: League games are 60 minutes in duration
  14. They are dumb enough to listen to the likes of Limbaugh. https://thehill.com/homenews/media/412969-limbaugh-on-bomb-threats-to-democrats-republicans-just-dont-do-this-kind-of
  15. Over the years, I have realized that one has to cut down somewhat, and be a more responsible citizen, on this planet. Hence, no mix with my gin......
  16. Never mind the Riders......Bombers have serious business to take care of, next couple of weeks
  17. In my day, people would sell you green fertilizer......if they could....
  18. ...and provide the young-uns with some veteran savvy
  19. If you have to ask the question, you already know the answer.....
  20. Police were responding to a call about somebody driving erratically on both sides of the road. They then find him passed out from booze in a running vehicle? Football player, politician, or just a joe......doesn't matter - sheer criminal stupidity.
  21. Well,if ever i am proven wrong, whenever that day comes......I certainly will admit it.
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