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Posts posted by tacklewasher





    I dunno about that last part. I go a lot of places and all they seem to have is hipster beer.


    and by hipster beer what you really mean is good beer right? Cause all the mass produced pilsners are fizzy yellow water. Can't blame people for demanding more from a beer. 



    like raspberry flavouring? Something no one needs from a beer.


    The beers with fruit in them are for chicks. 


    Which is why I don't get Raspberry Porter. "Chicks" don't typically drink Porter and guys don't drink Raspberry. Tree does this and it drives me nuts. I used to be able to get the Porter without the Raspberry and it was really good. Don't know WTF it is with the Raspberry.


    This thread has become lol worthy.. Turner tells us there's no cancers on this team and tons of chemistry and next we are talking about turner sucking (wtf?) And Walters sucking at trading... (again, wtf!) We traded a guy who wasn't going to be relevant here again and a second rounder for a starting canadian oliner.. Would we have landed one in the second round? Doubtful. Is our oline playing that much better since he was brought in? Yip. Lastly, with who we have seen at GM in the last 3 seasons... do we really have any grounds to complain ?

    I can't click the "like" button enough for this post.


    So you don't click it at all???






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