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Posts posted by tacklewasher

  1. Mike O'Shea did not say it was ok for him to miss the game. When did you hear him say.that? oh you mean in the news article 2 days after he was on video off the blue bomber website saying ''Turner will be playing on Thursday''..... the reporter asked him ''so you expect him to be back for the game?'' and MOS said ''he will be playing.....


    So that obviously means this fellow fans. Turner lied to the BB and said he was going to come back. When he got home. His wife probably had personal issues. Maybe they had nobody to assist her. Then Turners told the BB and say ''hey i'm not coming back'' but then MOS in his way said it was ok. Well he didn't say that back in the club press conference.....


    i'm telling you as a former football employee. Every single BB coach/player knows Turner should have been at the game. Turner could have left the day before but he decided to fly to Winnipeg last night.


    If it wasn't a big deal then it wouldn't be discussed all over. Why? because athletes miss their child birth. Maher did it..... And for the record. She had the baby he was there and he could have made it in time. It's not so much that he left. It was that he decided to stay for the extra days.





    This guy be trolling .. no sense in hashing it out with him or continuing in this thread ..


    On that note .. who likes bacon? 


    I'm not impressed by bacon. Sure, YOU might think it tastes delicious, but anyone who really knows about meat knows that it's just lucky that it has so much salt on it.  Take away the salt and fat and it has a lot of work to do on it's fundamentals before it's a decent piece of food.



    Now I KNOW your a troll.....



    I love Thursday games in the summer & Saturday nights in the fall ...


    too much to do Friday nights & daytime on weekends


    Thursdays mean I can totally focus on the game without worry, obligation or compromise

    Thursdays are great nights. Funny how the same people will willingly go to a Jets game at 8 pm on a Monday night but ***** about evening CFL games during the week. 



    I'd be totally good with any day of the week except Thursday... literally the only day of the week that sucks for me




    I actually wanted to watch this game since I missed it.... I went to watch when they were replaying it last night and I only lasted about 5 minutes cuz I couldn't handle Rod Black.... I really wish they had made Rod Black the panel host and given the real talented Rod (Smith) his pbp position... or just get rid of Rod Black all together...

    Speaking of replaying it - who the hell decided that the game of the week to replay should be that crap-fest Rider game? What a joke!



    I know you know the answer to that, but every ******* week the Rider game has to be replayed???? TSN needs to grow some balls and realize that votes don't turn into eyeballs and have the panel pick the replay game. Honestly, the BC EDM game would have been a better choice. At least it wasn't a blowout.


    Ottawa will be competitive tomorrow because they've got a good QB, and I actually expect their defense to look a little better than Toronto's. I would be surprised if this was an easy victory.

    Then again, I don't mean to brag, but the Bombers are 1-0 when I'm in attendance this year so maybe I just have that effect...

    The Bombers are 1-0 this year when I am falling down drunk so I guess I'll have to take one for the team and do it again...sigh...


    Yeah. Meant to text you. You coming over again?


    Can we sticky this thread? It will be fun to read when Willy has a bad game and everyone is saying how they always knew how crappy he was.

    For those few who are detached enough from reality to believe that the team is going to play that well in every game from now on, Willy (along with the rest of the team) is going to have more than one crappy game this season. As much fun as it was to watch the last game, there are going to be games when we are going to get flashbacks to 2012 and 2013, so lets look for improvement and keep the past couple of years fresh in our memories for awhile.


    I've locked the game on my PVR. I can go back to it after a crappy game.

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