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Everything posted by tacklewasher

  1. What's the chance they do a cartoon series like the Clone Wars to cover this time? Seems the only way they can do it with the actors being the age they are.
  2. Glad I didn't yet. Plans changed and I would have been screwed. Plan now is for Sunday.
  3. When can I get my Guardians tickets.... I love that song.
  4. This. Don't care about the rest but challenges and reviews either done under a minute or the ruling on the field stands. Keep the friggen game moving.
  5. Geez. He was only 71? I thought he was older than that.
  6. Or had he just not stopped from Thursday His blog that he had while he was working there was an eye opener. At the same time he made a **** load of money during those years.
  7. Not closing Gitmo has to be his biggest.
  8. Jon Stewarts take on things. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/jon-stewart-the-daily-show-former-host-election-2016-donald-trump-republicans/ “I thought Donald Trump disqualified himself at numerous points. But there is now this idea that anyone who voted for him is -- has to be defined by the worst of his rhetoric,” Stewart said. “Like, there are guys in my neighborhood that I love, that I respect, that I think have incredible qualities who are not afraid of Mexicans, and not afraid of Muslims, and not afraid of blacks. They’re afraid of their insurance premiums. In the liberal community, you hate this idea of creating people as a monolith. Don’t look as Muslims as a monolith. They are the individuals and it would be ignorance. But everybody who voted for Trump is a monolith, is a racist. That hypocrisy is also real in our country.” Again, the people who voted Trump in are not all Rednecks, or terrible people or any one thing. They are 60 million people who voted for Trump for good and bad reasons. If the left continues to denigrate 60 million people without learning why they voted the way they did, the US will get the full 8 years of Trump. Just like Canada is going to get multiple terms of Trudeau.
  9. But, with the right leadership, I think it could be done. But they don't seem to be going that way.
  10. He didn't take Koch money. It's the one good thing I can say about Trump. It's not enough to make me happy with his presidency, but it is one single relevant, level-headed comment in his defense.
  11. The problem is more of the blame being placed. Whether it is 60 million people who are terrible, or (as Samantha Bee on Full Frontal explains it) all white men at fault, it does seem that the left are not yet willing to take a good hard look at why they lost, who voted against them and what they are going to need to do to address it in 4 years. Right now the left are acting like children after a spanking. Either they grow up and look at reality or it will be 8 years of Trump. Sort of like what the Canadian Conservatives need to be doing right now (and, from the looks of the leadership contenders, failing at). It's idiotic to demonize your opponent at this point in time. It will continue to drive moderates away. And this goes both ways.
  12. I was amused to hear Theory of a Deadman in one break and YMCA in another.
  13. Not true. How many voted for the libertarian or green or independent? Don't exclude those votes.
  14. Yeah. I should have said half the voters, not half the country.
  15. As much as I think he's a slimeball, Michael Moore called it and also seems to understand why the vote went how it did. Without calling those who voted for Trump terrible people (really, almost 1/2 the country are terrible people?). http://globalnews.ca/news/3057433/michael-moore-was-right-about-a-donald-trump-victory-and-now-he-has-a-plan/?utm_source=Other&utm_medium=MostPopular&utm_campaign=2014
  16. The first female US president will be a republican. Don't know who, but it will be a republican.
  17. Maybe that they should have gotten out and voted? Numbers down for Latino and African-American voters from what I read.
  18. We just need Medlock to get 8 or 9 FG's and we win.
  19. Agreed. Start is slower than it needed to be for an origin story. Once that is done it got pretty good. Definite one for the theatre.
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