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Super Duper Negatron

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Everything posted by Super Duper Negatron

  1. I don't even think it is the play calling. It is human nature to let your foot off the gas (even if only subconsciously) with such a huge lead. It happens in every sport, at every level.
  2. Doh! Of course it is a member of the armed forces today and not the usual singer. Now I look like a dingus!
  3. Can we skip the anthem? Our current singer is terrible. Someone needs to buy that girl a metronome.
  4. This has literally never happened before. I think the current stadium is fine.
  5. He's saying that everyone is giving Willy a chance to figure things out, but Nichols, who is younger, "is what he is".
  6. Yeah, it's not cheap. I'm a sucker. The beer was delicious though. Just need to amortize the cost of the bottle over many, many refills.
  7. CFLZone was great for a while there. TotalCFL is what I miss though.
  8. Family cabin at Falcon Lake. Doesn't get much better. I camped a *ton* at Big Whiteshell with friends back in University. A lot those friends ended up with seasonal sites out there with their families.
  9. Update: Growler purchased (actually a howler, since they are 32 oz, which actually suits my needs better). Filled it up at the Grant Park MLCC with Barn Hammer 7th Stab Red Ale. Looks delicious, and the logo on the growler looks great. Can't wait to open it tonight during the game (which I will be watching in the Whiteshell with a lake view).
  10. Wow does Berry look good on that chart. Make the playoffs? That's a firin'! Of course he had the benefit of having, by far, the best QB during his tenure.
  11. Remember the oline we had before Kelly !et everyone leave? Memories...
  12. Dear god, you are right! How did I miss that! http://store.bluebombers.com/fan-cave/32-oz-wbb-growler.html Sold!
  13. Basically a refillable beer jug for "craft" beers.
  14. With the rash of brew pubs and tasting rooms opening in Winnipeg soon, my desire to own a growler is increasing. Anyone with connections to be Bombers or MLCC here? Because I totally want a Blue Bomber branded growler or two.
  15. Good football game. We are by far the worst team in the league. Yay!
  16. The hilarious part of all of this (depending on your sadistic definition of hilarious) is that the guy who is next in line to replace MOS, is also the guy presently running the worst part of the team. On the bright side, I missed the game last night to go to the Limblifter concert, which was fantastic.
  17. I'm with Mike. I'm pretty much done. I used to get so incredibly bitter when someone would spoil the score to a game I was recording. I would actually get angry if I even thought people were "hinting" at the score with the tone of their voice. Now? I check the score before I even sit down to watch because I don't have three hours to waste fast forwarding through awful football anymore. The worst thing a sports team can be is boring, and we are well beyond that. First time in over 15 years I don't have season tickets and I haven't regretted it for a second. And I am the "Bomber fan" in my group of friends, all of which dropped the team years ago. This franchise is in trouble.
  18. It is definitely for season tickets. I got the same story trying to to buy a single next to my parents season tickets (which are empty). The office said the tickets weren't sold, but couldn't be bought individually because they were holding them for potential season ticket holders. I had thought they had said you could buy those seats on game day, though...or at least in the hours leading up to the game. My solution was to buy an equivalent (or cheaper ticket) elsewhere and just sit next to them anyways. If I couldn't buy them, it is unlikely anyone else did either so it is a pretty safe bet.
  19. I still say Aaron Kelly was better than most people here gave him credit for.
  20. If he hits open receivers (like Smith and Dressler have BOTH been so far the year) in stride, those are TDs. No need to contest a jump ball.
  21. So bored with being...well...bored watching this team.
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