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Everything posted by Jpan85

  1. That's right. Glad to see you finally 'get it'. Hire the right people... create a winner. Hire the wrong people... replace them every year or two.You keep saying that..hire the right people..in retrospect, but you never say that at the beginning, and you never answer how you know you have the right people, you know, to create that winning atmosphere. I've said over and over again that we should hire experienced folks who have a winning record over experienced folks with a losing record over rookies trying the job out for the first time. It should come as no surprise that most rookies don't work out so you have to replace them. I said that when we hired Miller/Walters/O'Shea, but no want wanted to listen back then. You really limit your pool of candidates.
  2. Takes the decision out of the coaches hand and have a replay official buzz the head ref when a close play happens and take a closer look. Its not that difficult.
  3. CFL should look at the College football system where all reviews are started by review official. No need to challenge.
  4. He did not second in long he went in and they played two DB deep. Was actually good game planning by Hall.
  5. Man Dave Dickenson is a great play caller. Its a treat to watch him call a game.
  6. Apparently there are obstructed views caused by the new seats. TNSE have apparently told season tickets to deal with. If this was the Bombers there would be 10 page expose in both papers on how they just don't get it. Why is this not getting more attention only heard about it tonight.
  7. Lost in all of his quotes was he was a heck of a baseball player. Played in 14 Worlds Series out of his 17 year career. Hits some big homers to in the playoffs.
  8. Hustler still get a hour by himself. I almost prefer that hour some days.
  9. Commonwealth turf used to be the worst. Wonder how BMO will play next year.
  10. Strange that this one had to do nothing with getting hit. But people will add it to bad Canadian offensive line play conversation.
  11. He has made a few mistakes like that around the goalline this year.
  12. MTL has Hamilton's number they never play well against them.
  13. He said it's not good as he left the field. Was a non contact injury knee looked like it buckled as he tried to cut.
  14. Cortez is a finisher if you have vet team ready to take the next step he is the guy. But if he has to deal with a team rebuilding not good.
  15. Might not be pretty for BC tonight. Hopefully they rested up the horse this week. Poor thing might not make it through the game.
  16. @Wpg_BlueBombers I dress him vs Montreal, start him vs Calgary. #bn — Steve Morley (@SteveMorley62) September 16, 2015
  17. At least they were not long snapping and kicking puppies.
  18. Saskatchewan canned Ronny in '80 after 2 2-14 seasons. Edmonton hired him 11 years later in '91 and he did well that time round. Not CFL and the NFL's a whole different story, but lets look at it anyway. Belichick missed the playoffs in 91-93 and the Browns kept him. Made the playoffs in 94 out of them again in '95. Assistant HC until '99 when the Patriots hired him and gave him full control. He's been mostly great since then. Let's call him the exception that proves the rule. Lombardi 1-10-1 if any Bomber coach had that record after first year would be fired. Bill Walsh 8-24 after first two seasons. Chuck Knoll 12-30 after first 3 seasons. Cal Murphy 10-14 with BC before Winnipeg.
  19. Interesting that BC Sask and Ottawa all tried to get him.
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