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Posts posted by Atomic

  1. Crowton, Buck, Johnson, Morely, Boatman, Suber, Anderson, Edwards, Denmark, and Renaud have to be among the guys worrying for their jobs right about now ...


    Renaud?  The guy leading the CFL in punting average?


    Sorry but if you think we're going to find someone better than him off the scrap heap, you're dreaming.  He's not perfect but this is the CFL... nobody is.  With the amount of times he's called on, no surprise he shanks a few.

  2. I believe you're missing my point. Dickenson, Huf and Millanovich are former QB's who have played the game and can provide insight that only a former CFL QB could provide. Sure Crowton has been a QB coach in the NFL but has never played the position and can only provide input from a coaches perspective, not a former QB.

    And yes, a solid oline helps as well.


    I'm not missing your point, I understand it and agree that those factors help.  I'm just saying it's not the only difference, or even the biggest difference.  Collaros has had better football training than Goltz for his entire life, not just his CFL career.


    And Crowton is a former QB, just not at the pro level.

  3. It's all about coaching. Collaros has Millanovich to mentor him and Mitchell has both Dickenson and Hufnagel. Who does Goltz have?

    That's the difference.


    It's not the only difference.  Collaros throws a beautiful, accurate ball.  He is tough to bring down.  And he's a former D1-FBS QB.  He's got legitimate star potential.

  4. or alternatively...


    you aren't understanding that you can hire your man on the sly (either officially or not) and announce him later... but in the meantime you pursue your best interests under his arms-length supervision.


    but you're right... perhaps playing by the rules and complaining that you can't hire anybody and creating excuses for why you can't succeed while everyone else can is the way to go.


    So you'll have a guy working as an assistant GM or whatever he currently does, while also running our team.  That will fly with his current employer I'm sure.

  5. This is also why waiting until the end of the season to fire a GM in this of all years could be a grave error. This is a rare opportunity to have teams that do not want to surrender an asset for nothing trade away a prized asset. (as well as having the man in place now who can secure the team's NI future by extending Muamba and JE).


    Once again, the thing you don't seem to be understanding is that there's no one out there who will be hired as a GM mid-season.  You can't just poach someone's assistant GM in October.  Likewise, you're not pulling someone off an NFL team or a college team around that time.


    The only option would be promoting Kyle Walters and I don't see how having some neophyte GM who certainly WON'T be the real GM next season is any better than having Mack remain in the post until the end of the season.

  6. Tate does not have near the injury history Pierce does. His near season ender from last year would have put ANYONE on the shelf, and Tate here would be by far the best quarterback we've had in a long, long time.


    There is risk in his injury history and the fact that he may be completely useless without Hufnagel, Dickenson, and the Stampeder offence in general.


    But on the other hand, there is plenty of risk in just going with a guy like Goltz as well.


    Tough call.  The injury history really scares me but the potential upside is huge.  It would have to be the right price, I guess.

  7. ... well... I had a bomber knock on my door because what i had smelled so good.. lol.. So.. i had to get for him a couple of times until i just introduced him to my friend cause i didn't want to deal with it.. 


    Pretty much all of the bombers on my floor smoked when i lived there.. out of the 8 appartments on the floor, 5 had bombers in them.


    And running into them was pretty funny..


    Yeah I like smoked meat too.  Smoked salmon in particular is very good but very smelly.  I assume this is what you are talking about.

  8. Talking to the media, especially when your team is in the crapper is part of both Mack & Buchko's job.  Mack to answer for the questionable coaching hires and talent issues.  Buchko to answer the question "Are we actively looking for a new GM" (I sure hope we are).  Good coaches and GM's have jobs right now, so we may have to wait until the offseason to actually make changes, but now is the time to start the process.


    Sure we should be starting the process of maybe looking for a new GM, but you don't tell the media that while the other guy is still under contract.  That's just stupid.

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