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IC Khari

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Everything posted by IC Khari

  1. Sorry didn't see the other QB thread, feel free to merge mods ...
  2. Why is Marve so far down on the depth chart?
  3. I guess it's a bit more original than the "Winnipegs" which the early Winnipeg team was called
  4. From here on in they will be know as the "RodBlacks" to me ...
  5. As long as he doesn't break out in a rendition of "To All The Endzones I've Been In Before" ...
  6. I hope to see some real effort from those soon to be well compensated employees, the city bus drivers ... I mean the players.
  7. Relatively pleased with how the team is shaping up, IMO a far cry from what was here the last few years. Coaching seems much more professional too ...
  8. Hey how are the long-snappers looking out there?
  9. I like Carter and wouldn't it be something if he was able to use this second chance and turn it into something?
  10. Anyone got anything to report yet or too early?
  11. I thought day one was yesterday with reporting for physicals etc? http://morningbigblue.com/community/topic/3530-bomber-training-camp-schedule/. At any rate, my question maybe wasn't clear, does anyone know if the players will indeed practice today as per schedule?
  12. So $5 extra per fan on the bus? I'd pay that to avoid trying to park in that mess ...
  13. Sweet, now lets get the players and owners on the same page and see what we've got this year!
  14. "For every dumb thing I've said, there are literally thousands of dumb things I haven't said ..."
  15. The first time I opened a box of Cheerios I thought they were donut seeds ...
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