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IC Khari

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Everything posted by IC Khari

  1. Awwwwww ... I wanted to see the Rider game again
  2. Riders first followed by Hamilton at 2 and BC 3rd Eskimos # 7 and Bombers 9th. Sarcasm meter off now ...
  3. Kevin Glenn's best before date has arrived ...
  4. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap2000000362461/article/nfl-prohibiting-nonstandard-facemasks Can't recall offhand. Seems like its more a move based on uniformity rather than real safety IMO. They weigh more LOL, what, an extra 3 ounces? Wonder if the helmet/facemask makers are the real issue?
  5. What? Substitue compared for collaros? I'd gladly substitute Collaros with Willy at this point LOL. Wonder where Zontar is recently?
  6. West take 3, the Argos avoid the sweep and pull out the win against the Riders ...
  7. We've been in this position (lack of depth or general weakness on the oline) like the Ticats and Lions appear to be now. They never helped us, let em suffer
  8. I was excited for the move at the time, but I am more excited about what I've seen from his replacements so far. I have a feeling he has lost his starting job and the Bombers are trying to do him a favour and give him an opportunity to still play. I suspect like others have mentioned, his best chance would be with Ottawa and that's where he will probably be sent.
  9. Emotions are one thing, facts are another. Burke has lost it and it's obvious if you look at his body of work from 2012 on. I don't have any confidence they will look any better with him at the helm. If he doesn't have the talent that may not be all his fault but then again he signed off on it and must have had some say in putting them in place did he not? The Bombers were missing some players on D and actually fielded a pretty patchwork unit themselves. They did alright because their coordinator adjusted. Burke sucks and I for one am soooooo glad he's now someone else's problem.
  10. Yikes that Toronto D reminded me of the horror show of the last two seasons. Hard to believe Burke has become so terrible so quickly but then again he did have AC to make him look pretty good in Montreal, maybe he wasn't that great?
  11. liked what I saw, too much depth is a nice problem to have ...
  12. Kids a rising star, by the end of the year he'll be up there among the league elite IMO ... thanks Sask, hate to have to get you to groom our QB's but after the steaming piles of the last three years I'll take it
  13. Toronto's Defence looked like ours the last two seasons I wonder if there's some connection? Just sayin' LOL ...
  14. https://www.google.ca/search?q=meh+gif&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en&client=safari#facrc=_&imgrc=EdRgmIdg0ZQmuM%253A%3Bundefined%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.jamspreader.com%252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252F2013%252F11%252Ftumblr_mk59ft1ibA1rzbvsto1_500.gif%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.jamspreader.com%252F2013%252F11%252F13%252Favril-lavigne-avril-lavigne-a-gif-review%252F%3B500%3B280
  15. Not sure but prolly sometime between Mike Kelly and Joe Mack ... she was very quiet about it cause I never knew. I feel so betrayed
  16. She posted a few things on Facebook last Fall at Grey Cup time indicating she was cheering for the Riders. I didn't think anything of it until recently when I noticed all kinds of Rider stuff on there, promoting the team THIS YEAR She lives in Brandon so I guess some of the many Riderfans in that town got to her ...
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