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Everything posted by Noeller

  1. Been hearing that since he was playing high school ball...curious to see if true.
  2. Our defense is not "really bad".....they were pretty good last week until they got gassed from being on the field too long. Ridiculous to say if they're really good or really bad at this early point of the season.
  3. @KMooreCJOB #Bombers move Ian Wild and Tristan Okpalaugo to 6 game injured list #CFL Interesting that Ogopogo is on the 6-Game......
  4. the issue isn't the suspension handed down, it's the current state of the PA and how much it will "allow". The rules need to be changed, so harsher penalties can be handed down, uncontested, when warranted...
  5. Didn't Carmichael play SAM during pre-season? I know it's not regular season, but it's still "live action"...
  6. People are putting WAY too much stock into a new guy who hasn't had any practice time, and missed all of pre-season and training camp. Seriously....is this just because he's American?
  7. Are we still alive with 3 strikes or is that it... We're out...? If still alive, I'll take Jeremiah Johnson...
  8. Riders fans... Guy plays Defense... Guy plays Offense. Even then, only right some of the time. League's most knowledgeable fan base, my ass...
  9. It'll take some serious injuries for this guy to see anything but PR this season. He'll have to earn a spot on kick cover teams first, and if he excels there, he might see time on O next year....
  10. If you're gonna do it, at least have something worth posting and not just the classic Spudsy line of "I agree"...
  11. Knox and Jeffcoat is really exciting. Not so much about Carmichael.....
  12. This...... Sounds most likely.
  13. We stayed right till the end and had no problems exiting the building. As always, parked at Barley Bros and walked over. Great experience all around, aside from the game itself...
  14. This is such a great description of how I was last night and, to a degree, still am this morning. I'm still at a point in my life where a Bombers loss puts me in a "salty" mood the whole week till next game.
  15. Not sure what's more gross...the taste of Shock Top, or the fact that you actually paid money for that ****.
  16. If we keep losing the turnover battle it's gonna be a loooooong season. I knew that barely beating the lowly Riders last week was bad news, but I didn't think we were *this* bad...
  17. What an epic levels pants shitting on O and D. Wild hurt for who knows how long. Everything summed up by Adams dropping a gimme in the bread basket. What a shitty night.
  18. Thanks guys! Have had some awsome brews and food. Heather loved the Beer Cheese Soup and I had the Pulled Pork at OGC. Fantastic. Milk Stout was as great as advertised and will be even better when they fix the carbonation on the next batch...
  19. Ya the fiancee (that is still ****** up to say...just got engaged) is a huge craft beer nut. Have heard OGCs Milk Stout is epic... Excited to try. Best Game Day ever!
  20. Doing a taproom tour to prime up this afternoon. Started at Little Brown Jug, more very on to Half Pints, then One Great City a bit later. Absolutely gorgeous day for pints in the city. No word of a lie, when we sat down with a taster flight at HPs, Bachman's "Prairie Town" came on the speaker. Fantastic...
  21. C'mon, people... Its almost Noon! Let's get it going! BLM has never lost at IGF... Seems like a good day to break a bad streak. Stoked to be home for my first home opener since I last had seasons tix in 07. Gonna be a great night at the barn. Pregame pints at Barley Bros then let's kick some Stamps ass, yo!
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