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Everything posted by Noeller

  1. total bullshit...I'm certain I've heard him say the highlighted above...
  2. I'd like to know exactly what that means and how it was presented...
  3. Honestly, I wouldn't trade MOS for Wally at this point in their respective careers....
  4. LOL!! @ stole our lunch money........oh my stars........
  5. Yeah, Heather is a hardcore Ukrainian, and does a lot of traditional cooking, so she wants to have a menu that features different types of perogies, sausage, sauerkraut, beet leaves, pedehay (sp??!!), etc.....along with normal pub grub.... Not sure there's enough demand for yet another "resort" (cabins, etc) in that area, but maybe.....and you're right that it might be the only way to make a go of 'er...
  6. ha ha you can fight my chick for "master taster" but the rest, you're in....... The only issue with a Brew Pub at SSF (as with ANYTHING at SSF...) is what do you do in the winter? 'Cause anyone familiar with the North Whiteshell knows that it's a ghost area come winter. Not to say there aren't people at all, but compared to summer, it's really dead, and tough to make a go there. A lot of my idea has to do with the fact that our family farmed a big chunk of land immediately to the west of the park gates for a long time. There's a road there named after us. My grandfather sold the land about 15 years ago, but I'd love to buy back a plot and put Whiteshell Brew Co up there, on our old land, right on the edge of the park. A unique factor would be using the pristine water of the Winnipeg River, which is literally a couple hundred feet away, to make the beer...
  7. I never said that.....I said people want to play for MOS, which is true, because he doesn't publicly throw people under the bus.
  8. It's the Don Cherry Theory......less injuries back in the day because when you hit a guy, you felt it just as bad, so you backed off a little. The modern equipment makes guys feel indestructible...
  9. Faaaaaaaaaack.......that's a great name. I'll remember to enlist you for that one! And David, Heather and I actually talked about that exact thing while home on holidays "Dave could totally be the head brewer!" ha ha....what an awesome time...
  10. that's really cool. I have most of that stuff up in a spare bedroom in our house (formerly 17to85's drunken-pass-out room) until we (one day...) finish our basement and I have a proper rec room to display that. Dozens of jerseys, footballs, game worn cutter gloves, framed turf/seating from the old stadium, Swag Rag from 2011, etc.......love having that kinda stuff.
  11. It fills my heart to see how the craft beer industry is exploding in Manitoba......I have this "Lottomax Dream" of opening a really cool brewpub on the edge of the Whiteshell, just east of Seven Sisters.....I really think it could work, one day.
  12. It was a MUCH different place circa 2000, trust me.......but, then again, so was Brandon, itself...
  13. How much field time do you expect him to get, exactly, when you've got Drake Nevis and Poop Johnson playing as well as they are? And then you've got Jake Thomas seeing a fair bit of time because he's playing well.... Yiure expecting WAY too much out of a 1st year guy who's not out there much...
  14. Saw Stangby got a TD for Ott and I'm like "OMG THAT'S THE GUY I PICKED! OH THANK CHRIST!!!"......Ya, that's not the guy. Sigh. Already done for the year.
  15. @Dave_CHED BREAKING: Hugh O'Neill is now beardless! #Eskimos #CFL This is big news people! ...............apparently.
  16. Well, I for one am SHOCKED that you thought the worst possible outcome for the Bombers....that's what makes you a real fan.
  17. Yeah, that's too bad....'cause that second effort is definitely the one. He's well over, for sure...not even close to being in doubt.
  18. I'm not even sure that's the right shot.....there's a second effort one where he gets it even farther...
  19. Doesn't have to touch the goal line.....but it sure did break the plane above it.....
  20. Oh Christ -- it was WELL over! The one review they used, showed it clearly. All there needs to be is the tip of the cone across the front edge of the line. It was a lot more than that....was never in doubt.
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