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Everything posted by Noeller

  1. there's a lot of great spots to go, for sure.....I really, sincerely miss the Canadian Shield living out in AB. Yeah, we have the Rockies and they're gorgeous.....but man I love the shield. I love those big open lakes that are so cold and deep and HUGE rock faces right next to you as you boat along. Can't even explain how much I miss that...
  2. When I was a kid, we couldn't really afford to go on big trips for summer vacation, so we did a ton of camping around Manitoba. Being from Pinawa, it was mostly the Whiteshell (spent a LOT of time at both Opap and Big White), but also did Spruce Woods and Riding Mountain once. Our family did a lot of back-country canoe trips into the Experimental Lakes area around Kenora....Rushing River and Blue Lake, too. So many great times. My focus is primarily on fishing these days, but I still do love to camp. Had a killer time a couple years ago at Quesnel Lake in the Nop....camped on an island with a bunch of family and friends over Father's Day weekend. First time I'd done that in awhile...definitely missed it. Trying to convince the fiancee that she'd be okay in a tent rather than a trailer....to me, trailer isn't camping. If you can't portage it, it's not camping....
  3. Good quote: @BobIrvingCJOB Bombers bring back class and professionalism along with the obvious talent by re-signing Ian Wild.
  4. Ethan Bear-man is going to be a good one, I think....we'll see if he makes the transition to pro, but he was a quality D man in Jr....
  5. Be that as it may...............I don't think we're as concerned about the DL as we are about the Secondary and LBs at this point. Tho, that may be because of the low bar set.....
  6. Guaranteed Wild took a big cut to stay with the team, so this is a solid signing. I still think Santos Knox sees most of the reps at that LB spot when camp opens...
  7. Actually, to be specific, I think the concerns last year were about DL giving up too many yards along the ground. Not so much about secondary because they'd taken away a record number of balls in 2016. They seem to have been BETTER (still avg 97/game in 17, I believe...) this past year and now it's more an issue about the secondary and busted plays resulting in huge passing yards.
  8. Would love to see the Jets move Buff for something of value. For some reason, other teams just love that guy and see him as a superstar....he's a big time declining asset right now. He's getting slower and slower with age, and not the dominating presence he once was. If they can retain Trouba and deal Buff, I'd be down with that...
  9. We'll, it's publicity... I don't know that it's good.....
  10. I'd rank that hybrid spot Leggett plays pretty high on the list...
  11. I could not have summed up my position any better than this.
  12. Another thought I had.... A scenario: Wade says "He's got one year left, I don't want to pay two coaches... Let's leave him to finish his contract but I want you (Mike) to oversee everything..." I'm not saying that happened or, if it did, that it's the right thing to do.... But the point is, there's a dozen things that could be going on behind the scenes. It's ridiculous to go claiming you know exactly what happened and why.
  13. I'm also really curious about how important Hall is in terms of recruiting. I've seen multiple quotes online about how popular Hall is among players, and I'm wondering if just having him around will help in retaining our own quality FAs and attract some outside ones...
  14. fwiw, rumour was Montreal wanted a Patches for Hyphen deal, straight up.....I snorted.
  15. I was in favour of all 4 at the time of their hiring, and wanted all 4 gone by the time they were......I consider myself more middle-of-the-road (don't we all...?) and try to take a "wait and see" approach to all things....
  16. I'm not saying you're absolutely wrong, but last year was his first year.....I want to see how the guy looks in TC this year before we declare him a "Never Was"...
  17. I think the MOS presser later today will be very interesting. I'm legitimately curious how all this is going to play out....as expected, I think there's some over-reaction today. Maybe this is really bad....but I'm willing to wait and see.
  18. @CFLLandry Don Landry ?Retweeted CFL News Interesting developments... and btw, Younger is a super smart guy as well. Bodes well for Bombers D. Possible that Younger is being groomed to be the next WBB DC......curiouser and curiouser....
  19. Keep in mind this is Richie's final year in his contract...
  20. I remember Younger as a player.....don't know about him as a coach. That's about the only thing I'm curious about in all this.
  21. *who's ...Twitter seems to think this indicates that MOS will be much more involved in the D this year...
  22. there's no need to sign an extension "just because".......people just gotta calm down and see what happens.
  23. Lapo signed an extension.....that's why he was "announced"......there's nothing to announce re: RH!
  24. Ugh....that's a toss up. I honestly believe you're gonna get the same from either one...
  25. Absolutely....just to be the vet #2 guy......no question. Teach your #3 guy to run sneaks/Wildcat....
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