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Everything posted by Noeller

  1. Couldn't care less about "a playoff spot"....I want 1st, and I want a GC appearance. After that, there's only so much you can control in a 1-game Winner Take All...just get to the dance.
  2. Only 4.....but 3 names.........hmmmm
  3. he'd only get the league minimum, and that's all he'd ask for, but even at that rate I wouldn't take him over a young guy with upside. I love Mo and everything he did for this organization, but yes....sad is the right word.
  4. actually, if I remember right, Derek Dennis was complaining about them piping in actual smoke.....(it was actually fog...a super intense one) but yes, he's definitely a moron. And no, I don't believe the Bombers enhance the crowd noise. The insane crowds and natural acoustics of IGF make it that loud...
  5. Complaining on social media is always a surefire method for getting your way.......oi. He knows how this business goes....there's always younger guys waiting in the wings. Never mind younger guys that don't have the serious injury history of ol' Momar....
  6. a lot of this stuff about the crowds goes back to my long-held belief that we actually have more die-hard fans who are intelligent football fans. They definitely have a lot more "casual" fans that buy all the green gear because it's trendy to do so, but in terms of the true die-hards, who stick around through thick and thin, I really and truly believe we have a lot more of those. They don't need to be told when to make noise and when NOT TO make noise....they just understand football.
  7. I would say "the majority" around here.....but I'm not saying they were right. I'm just saying it's "we're doomed" to "we're the champs!" pretty quickly.....I'm all about living that straight line.
  8. there was an awful lot of hand wringing after the LDC loss....
  9. You been hanging around snappin' pics, have ya.........?
  10. Listen, I know that the Bombers are a good team. I believe in them. But there's a lot of chest thumping right now for beating a truly TERRIBLE Riders team at home. I mean, we PUMPED EM, and that's awesome....we are definitely a good team. But let's not start planning the parade route because we beat an awful, massively overrated Riders bunch...
  11. yeah there was a lot of confusion but either Jeff Hamilton or Darin Bauming said recently that Nichols is, in fact, a FA after this season.
  12. Just feels like two generic NI backs. They're "adequate" or "solid" but nothing special. But trust me, I'm Canadian football (and everything else) before American (...anything...)
  13. oh man, you definitely don't know me at all....ha
  14. I always go back to Raydawg's tweet after the Riders traded Collaros and gave Fajardo a new contract: "Imagine going all in on CODY FAJARDO!! Lol!!" Was true/funny then, is true/funny now...
  15. I've personally thought that Augustine was a fancy way of saying Lafrance.....definitely better, BUT......
  16. I'm not sure I believe in the Als talent, but I'm terrified of what Khari Jones can do. I've seen this movie 20 years ago...
  17. The Riders are trash and their D is massively overrated. Nichols would light them up, too... As with the RBs, Argos, etc earlier this year...
  18. I didn't like it when Nate Davis did it and I don't particularly like it when our own guys do it. Just a weird and honestly kinda gross celly...
  19. Oliveira is the heir... Or an Import. I really don't think Augustine is the guy...
  20. I didn't see it on the broadcast but after a Streveler TD plunge, Hardrick crawled like a dog on all fours and pretended to lift his leg and pee in the Riders endzone.... It was odd. And Riders fans are going bonkers about it, talking about classless and it should have been flagged and then fined....
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