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Everything posted by Noeller

  1. Too bad Provorov already signed... I'd deal Laine for him in a heartbeat...
  2. I read something like 40m tied up in their core of Matthews, Marner, Tavares amd Nylander...
  3. I like Mitch Marner a lot as a hockey player but he's not one of the best friends laters in the league, nor should he be paid like one...
  4. Yeah, count me in as thinking Reilly goes off tonight against a truly horrible Ottawa team...
  5. if you've never seen the "Bombers Traditions" DVD, do yourself a favour and check it out. Great story about how, in the 80s, while the team was practicing in Brandon, he and Kennerd would take this little hatchback car over to 7-11 and load up on slurpees for the team, and then drive right on to the field and open up the hatch with a **** ton of slurpees in the back. Said it bought them so much grace, especially with the OL. I laugh every time at the thought........straight up LEGEND.
  6. I can't wait to watch this doc this weekend. Love FP!
  7. Straight up all time legend status...
  8. I've seen this a couple times lately......it's actually "Tongue-IN-Cheek"..... ....Okay, I'm good now....
  9. If Exume was a potential safety, why wouldn't he have gone higher in the draft? He went nearly last because all he does is STs... Or so I thought...?
  10. Hecht is often late getting to a play, so he definitely doesn't have big time speed, but I think more often than not he's in the right place and gets the job done. Serviceable is right....
  11. I don't think Hecht deserves the heat he's taking on here, but I would absolutely be in for taking a good safety if there is one...
  12. it was after the play...only caught on the replay. It was a late hit more than anything, but he did catch Streveler in the head (light contact, but still....can't touch the head) so it was an auto 15yd and a fine...
  13. I really do believe that notion that our DL is so dominant, a lot of plays aren't even getting to that 2nd level as much as they were last year, so he's not even getting the opportunity to make as many plays.
  14. I don't begrudge any pro athletes for the money they make. A human being that can do what they do, and a human being willing to put his life on the line every time they step on the ice (career ending or even life threatening injuries can happen at any time). It's the old Babe Ruth line when he was asked about making more money than the president and he said "Yeah, well, can the president hit a slider?" And that's about it. These are uniquely gifted human beings who train 12 months of the year to do what they do....the money is such a sliver of what the owners are taking in...
  15. From Ed Tait's latest piece.... https://www.bluebombers.com/2019/09/11/12-12-looking-back-2019-season-date/?fbclid=IwAR3uT28nQbE5npJLVXT_JVVtdgeMcnIVGONYqRD-SbwXzRXrB8SVT0Fytxg Interestingly, the Bombers lead the league with 33 offensive touchdowns and their 19 passing TDs is second in the CFL only to Toronto’s 20. As well, consider this: Nichols leads the CFL with nine of his 15 passing TDs covering 20 yards or more and the Bombers red zone percentage – 65% (24 of 37) – also ranks first in the league.
  16. he's had one or maybe 2 "poor" passing games this year, and then 7 pretty good ones. His QB efficiency still leads the league at 107+. Just because the offense runs through Harris, doesn't mean Nichols is a bad passer. He's actually had a really good year till getting hurt. Listen, we can all cheer for Strevs and hope for the best without shitting on Nichols or just making stuff up...
  17. has Matthews done anything of note since going to Montreal? I haven't paid enough attention to know...
  18. he DID get fired and he's got nothing to do with the Riders anymore....I believe he now lives and works in Calgary.
  19. this is easily the funniest thing I've read online today.....
  20. Streveler, again only 24, just doesn't process the game as fast as Nichols (which Lapo has said is as fast as anyone he's ever coached) so he's not going to make the best decisions.....yet. Hopefully he can grow into it...
  21. Strev has had a pile of bad INTs this year....that's the biggest thing for me. Plus the intentional grounding penalties which I don't think I've ever seen Nichols take. It's frustrating, but hopefully Strev grows out of it all. Only 24......
  22. this is the absolute biggest thing for me. I want the guy who turns the ball over the least as my starting QB. We have all the rest of the pieces in place to win games....just don't lose it because of stupid decisions by whomever is behind centre.
  23. some fun back-and-forth between Medlock and Streveler on Insta the other day about him running out of bounds....Meddy basically teasing him, saying he should do it more often, and Strev with a cold "No." So it's definitely a thing within the locker room...at least as a joke.
  24. Couldn't care less about "a playoff spot"....I want 1st, and I want a GC appearance. After that, there's only so much you can control in a 1-game Winner Take All...just get to the dance.
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