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Everything posted by WinnipegGordo

  1. Best traveling fan group in sports? Come on guys. How about Jays fans in Seattle as just one example.
  2. Lawrence acts like a fool after making a simple tackle.
  3. Was that holding by the ticats receiver on the touchdown?
  4. Yeah, he wasn't cheap. https://3downnation.com/2023/07/27/trade-to-stampeders-voided-after-ticats-dl-jagared-davis-fails-physical/ The SMU product got a $15,000 signing bonus to rejoin the Ticats in February and is due $132,500 in hard money with a maximum value of $173,000 in 2023. He also received a $5,000 bonus for reporting to training camp in Steeltown and passing his physical.
  5. https://www.tsn.ca/cfl/ja-gared-davis-trade-on-hold-amid-complication-with-physical-calgary-stampeders-1.1989184
  6. We're going to hear about this a hundred times during the game:
  7. One thing about Jones is he's not afraid to speak his mind:
  8. And now they have to wait another year to see if their are Emmy noms from the show as season 2 came out too late for this years' selections.
  9. Or 12, as he would have fired himself after 2 seasons.
  10. It's like the Bombers are playing against their own defence.
  11. I keep checking to see if that's Zach in at the Qb. Then he makes that throw.
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