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Everything posted by 17to85

  1. I know what you're saying but your definition of what constitutes "tv" is outdated and a little too broad. There is no such thing as "free" TV anymore as the broadcast signals available to antenna have been virtually cut off. Everyone that wants to access broadcast media has to pay for cable or an Internet connection at least. Why is it too broad? It is what it is. Content providers are free to choose their delivery methods and set the price points they want. This gives consumers 2 choices. Either accept the delivery model and pay for it at the price point they set or do without.
  2. It is possible that their plan @ #4 has been Jordan Yantz all along and that the battle for a QB position has been between Marve and Portis. Keeping a qb you're not giving reps to? That just seems a dumb idea when trying to develop a player. But that's just the point. If you've decided to make him your 4th QB already, then you have to make a decision on the other 2 QBs..which one to keep.. How? By splitting their reps and seeing how they do. Yantz gets his work in practice and his development, as a CFL-ready QB, may not be as far behind as some think. Is it a dumb idea, or forward thinking? It's a theory. I just don't see it as a good idea at all. There is no benefit to a canadian qb so why decide on a guy who is likely behind the others in terms of development anyway and not give him reps? What if it turns out he's a terrible qb at this level? Wouldn't it be better to figure that out now than in the event they ever get that far down the depth chart? If they made that decision it's a bad decision.
  3. No I know what the post was saying, but the point remains the same. People want to be able to watch tv without paying for tv.
  4. It is possible that their plan @ #4 has been Jordan Yantz all along and that the battle for a QB position has been between Marve and Portis. Keeping a qb you're not giving reps to? That just seems a dumb idea when trying to develop a player.
  5. Absolutely one of the top 50 players on the OL in the CFL.
  6. But I'm damned sure going to try. If I can save even one soul it's worth it.
  7. I didn't see my complaint about the NDP to be praise of any other party in this area, as what I meant (and obviously didn't really explain very well) is that one of my main issues with the NDP is their hypocrisy when it comes to dissent and free thought. They criticize everyone else for not being free on dissent, yet they are the worst offenders when it comes to this issue. Anyway, I wouldn't call my dislike of the NDP "blind hatred", I would call it well-informed disgust. I watched Howard the Coward run Manitoba into the ground in the 1980's while allowing the unions to just run the province (that's democracy?) and I watched the NDP in BC run our province into the ground. I watched Bob Rae run Ontario into the ground into the 1990's. I "debate" (it's tough to call it debate) NDP zealots on other forums and it's always the same mantra "We are great and can do no wrong". They don't want to admit that there are any issues with their ideology, and the only reason they feel they don't win elections is because the voter is either stupid, or swayed by "attack ads". They don't want to change, and anyone who proposes change is shouted down (this per several people I know who left the NDP). It's our ideology or nothing, and if you don't like it, get lost. As I said, I just find the NDP to be extremely hypocritical, on this and many other issues. They point fingers at JT and Harper and say that they don't allow dissent, but the NDP are the worst for this. The day I see an NDP actually finally question some of the garbage they are fed by their union masters, like that bogus article Raging just linked to, I will probably keel over in amazement. Agreed absolutely. The left likes to take the moral high ground and paint the right wingers are the intolerant ones but holy crap the left is the worst for trying to silence people who disagree with their position. No one tries to ban left wing media out lets like the left tried to ban the sun news network as an example. Not just disagreeing with an opposing viewpoint, trying to censor it! When has the right ever tried to outright censor opposing views?
  8. Yeah they cut him the other day and it never got a mention at all.
  9. OK but should breaking the rules be considered the players deciding the game? I mean it's easy to cover someone when you maul the receiver. Should that be better for the game than penalizing that illegal contact? Teams and players know what the rules are, it is entirely within their power to not break the rules and not get flagged. As long as the refs are consistent in what gets called and what doesn't get called.
  10. This is a stupid post, TSN is part of the basic cable package everywhere is it not? This is just people whining about not wanting cable and that sort is entirely screwed up in their thought process. I want to watch TV but I refuse to pay the price to get tv channels so I can watch TV. Netflix won't last as it is forever, content owners are already looking at ways to have their services themselves. Netflix itself has even stated that it's goal long term is to become HBO faster than HBO can become Netflix. They are putting a lot of emphasis on their own original content rather than getting bent over trying to get other content providers to license them content. It's going to be cable packages on the internet rather than TV in the future and that's a damned shame.
  11. Especially when they are the GMs own personal pet project.
  12. My thoughts are getting anyone for under a million is a good value. Maybe it's an arbitrary benchmark but anything under a million for a guy who can play even a little bit at the NHL level is just a no brainer deal to make.
  13. There's really no evidence to support that position. The NDP actually have the best fiscal record of the major parties at the provincial level. This is straight up cold war style ideology and it hurts political discourse in this country. The country is already stagnant, the NDP literally couldn't do any worse. Oh please not this nonsense. Worst talking point ever. I ain't talking about balancing budgets which is all you are referring to because quite frankly simply balancing the budget isn't what I'm looking for out of a government. I want a balanced budget WITHOUT having to tax more to do it. I want the government stream lined and cuts made AND a lower tax burden on us the tax payers. I am not interested in having my finances raided just so the idealists in the NDP can fund whatever half baked program pops into their head. Being highly taxed stagnates an country. There is a reason why both the Conservatives and Liberals agree that taxing people isn't the solution to the country and are in favour of lower taxes for the most part. Promotes investment in the country and if people have more money in their pockets at the end of the day they have more to spend which keeps the economy going. The NDP would have us all be utterly dependent on the government for everything.
  14. I call BS on thisI read it on Twitter. Yeah but it was from Drew Edwards. He's a big time Ticats homer and cuts down Winnipeg whenever he can. Yeah the Hamilton narrative is that their stadium is better than IGF so take all shots you can.
  15. LOL. I just don't like the NDP, and see them as the worst option possible. I also see a lot of people use excuses like "stagnation" as to why they should take over power, and I don't get why we need to needlessly waste billions of dollars on absolutely no positive value, just so that we aren't "stagnant" in some peoples' minds. The tax and spend philosophy of the NDP is a surefire way to stagnate the country, at leas the Conservatives and Liberals agree that you need to entice businesses to actually operate in the country. The NDP views corporations as their own private money stash for half baked social programs.
  16. at least you can plan around a guy who stays healthy. What good is a guy being better if he can't play? You're still dipping into your depth while he's on the IR and it throws the rest of the roster out of sync when you have to shuffle things around. I guess the question is whether you'd rather settle for guaranteed mediocrity or take a risk on someone talented. But you've never struck me as much of a risk taker so I get where you're coming from. Nancy. Yes I would rather have guaranteed mediocrity than a guy who breaks easily. It's a dumb risk to take. Unless a guy is light years better you don't put up with that and sorry but Neufeld is not light years better than anyone.
  17. yeah cause the NDP always reviatalizes things... yikes. I fear for this country if the NDP get in federally. full blown constituational crisis because they just won't be able to keep their dirty little fingers out of provincial territory. That Alta. election had a lot to do with the undecided vote...and once again it is up for grabs and contrary to your statement demographics did play a part in the result...You fear the NDP...yikes...re-electing that bunch of crooks, who now hold power in Ottawa would be a more worrisome horror story...Guess we'll see in a few months how it all plays out and the real poll is conducted, that being the actual election....IF it were held today....Mulcair would most likely have a minority govt....we shall see. Keep parroting that line about shifting demographics, it's not true. It was obviously the undecided voters that played a role, you know what the biggest cause of being undecided was? "I really want to kick the PCs out but I dunno who to vote for" NDP captured peoples attention and rode the momentum in but that's all it was. It was a "**** you Jim Prentice" vote nothing more. Contrary to popular belief Alberta has never been the backwards social conservative place people like to think. The PCs were the very definition of a big tent middle of the road party. They were all encompassing which is why no one could threaten them. They drew from the right and the left equally. Alberta has always been a pretty progressive place, we just like our money out here and we like our governments to be responsible with it. The total disregard that Redford and co. showed for the tax payers was the straw that broke the camels back. Running deficits while being as entitled as that is a sure fire way to get the voters against you. Then having the new guy tell Albertans to look in the mirror is the push they need to stop voting for you. You think there will be no scandals and crooks if the NDP win? That's just a fact of forming government. There is always back room deals and money going places it shouldn't. It's a nice dream to have that government will be responsible but it never happens. I quite frankly don't trust the NDP. They have too many silly ideas about what to do with money. got a deficit? Just raise taxes. No thought to cutting the fat and lessening the tax burnden on people, just tax and spend, tax and spend. That's a sure fire way to stagnate a country.
  18. at least you can plan around a guy who stays healthy. What good is a guy being better if he can't play? You're still dipping into your depth while he's on the IR and it throws the rest of the roster out of sync when you have to shuffle things around.
  19. yeah cause the NDP always reviatalizes things... yikes. I fear for this country if the NDP get in federally. full blown constituational crisis because they just won't be able to keep their dirty little fingers out of provincial territory.
  20. You really don't understand what happened in Alberta do you? Here let me tell you what happened, and it started a long time ago, well before this election or even the one before that. When Ralph Klein stepped down Stelmach was elected leader of the PCs. This was not popular because in the leadership convention he was not the first choice for most of the party, he won based on the strength of 2nd and 3rd place votes. A guy from Edmonton leads the PCs, that didn't sit well with Southern Alberta (aka Calgary) and a lot of the support from Calgary (where all the big corporations are housed) shifted to the Wild Rose party. They built up steam and looked poised to win in the election before last because Stelmach really started to lose support with the way he handled oil and gas royalties and started spending more than the government was taking in. So the PCs elected Redford as the leader thanks to liberals being fearful of a further right WR government jumping on her side and voting en masse to keep the WR out.This gutted the Liberal party and gave Redford her big majority. She then proceeded to treat the government funds like her own personal piggy bank and never show any remorse for it instead choose to cry sexism. This did not sit well with Albertans and everyone was ready to boot her out. So Prentice comes in and calms the storm a bit.... until he puts his foot in his mouth a couple times and drops a budget that was the exact opposite of what Albertans were asking for. Because he gamed the WR into most of them crossing the floor he thought his opposition was all gone and he could coast to another mandate. Basically saying to Alberta "Yeah you're pissed at us, but what are you going to do? Vote NDP?" This was nothing to do with the NDP and everything to do with the PCs getting tossed out. The fact that the races were so close in a lot of ridings shows how undecided the voters were on what they wanted. The one thing Alberta wanted was the PCs kicked out of office, they couldn't decide who to elect though. The Wild Rose was gutted just before the election, the Liberals and Alberta party couldn't even field a full slate of candidates, the only party without a crisis on it's hands was the NDP and they became the defacto place for unhappy people to park their vote. I know a lot of people who would never vote NDP who voted for them just because they wanted the PCs booted out so badly. That's the key difference. Harper hasn't pissed off Canada to the extent that 40+ years of PC governments in Alberta had. There are lots of questions about how the NDP will do. Can they overcome the Bob Rae stigma in Ontario? Will Quebec still vote enmasse for them like they did last time or will they feel that the ultra federalist policies of the NDP aren't in Quebecs best interest? Too early to put much faith in polls because C-51 is still fresh in peoples minds, that will fade by election time and the Conservative machine is very good at controlling the message. Good post 17/85..Oh I full well know what happened in Alta....mainly there is big change in the voting demographic there.....More young people who aren't attached to the old party regimes are voting and I would expect the same will happen in the federal....Harper and his cronies....Duffy gate and all of the other borderline criminal actions this fed. govt. has taken part in ...Del Mastro...conservative senators are front and centre and will be when the writ is dropped...Harper won't survive and it's beginning to show in the polls...Hello Tom Mulcair.. But statements like that show that you don't know what is going on. Change in demographics? No, people got fed up with the PCs full stop. Even people who have been voting for them for 40 years got fed up with them. That is it. No one was supporting the NDP, you look at some of the loser candidates who got elected and you see this was about punting the PCs out on their asses and the wild rose being decimated prior to the election and unable to mount any kind of challenge. It is a completely different situation to what is going on federally. There was no big shift in Alberta, just the voters got tired of the PCs behaving badly and it was building for a long time before it actually happened. It might have been the WR last time if not for last minute panic about a change. So the PCs got another chance and behaved even worse than they had been so people finally threw them out.
  21. People you can rely on. Guys who are always on the IR are unreliable and you are better off looking for a better option than them and spending money on someone who is going to be able to play most of the games for you. You rely on injury prone players you better have good ******* depth behind them or it's trouble when they inevitably get hurt.
  22. Just think of politics like a sport and it's every bit as addicting.
  23. You really don't understand what happened in Alberta do you? Here let me tell you what happened, and it started a long time ago, well before this election or even the one before that. When Ralph Klein stepped down Stelmach was elected leader of the PCs. This was not popular because in the leadership convention he was not the first choice for most of the party, he won based on the strength of 2nd and 3rd place votes. A guy from Edmonton leads the PCs, that didn't sit well with Southern Alberta (aka Calgary) and a lot of the support from Calgary (where all the big corporations are housed) shifted to the Wild Rose party. They built up steam and looked poised to win in the election before last because Stelmach really started to lose support with the way he handled oil and gas royalties and started spending more than the government was taking in. So the PCs elected Redford as the leader thanks to liberals being fearful of a further right WR government jumping on her side and voting en masse to keep the WR out.This gutted the Liberal party and gave Redford her big majority. She then proceeded to treat the government funds like her own personal piggy bank and never show any remorse for it instead choose to cry sexism. This did not sit well with Albertans and everyone was ready to boot her out. So Prentice comes in and calms the storm a bit.... until he puts his foot in his mouth a couple times and drops a budget that was the exact opposite of what Albertans were asking for. Because he gamed the WR into most of them crossing the floor he thought his opposition was all gone and he could coast to another mandate. Basically saying to Alberta "Yeah you're pissed at us, but what are you going to do? Vote NDP?" This was nothing to do with the NDP and everything to do with the PCs getting tossed out. The fact that the races were so close in a lot of ridings shows how undecided the voters were on what they wanted. The one thing Alberta wanted was the PCs kicked out of office, they couldn't decide who to elect though. The Wild Rose was gutted just before the election, the Liberals and Alberta party couldn't even field a full slate of candidates, the only party without a crisis on it's hands was the NDP and they became the defacto place for unhappy people to park their vote. I know a lot of people who would never vote NDP who voted for them just because they wanted the PCs booted out so badly. That's the key difference. Harper hasn't pissed off Canada to the extent that 40+ years of PC governments in Alberta had. There are lots of questions about how the NDP will do. Can they overcome the Bob Rae stigma in Ontario? Will Quebec still vote enmasse for them like they did last time or will they feel that the ultra federalist policies of the NDP aren't in Quebecs best interest? Too early to put much faith in polls because C-51 is still fresh in peoples minds, that will fade by election time and the Conservative machine is very good at controlling the message.
  24. the polls show 3 parties essentially neck and neck, so in that case it depends on where the votes are concentrated and say what you want about Harper and the Conservatives but they know how to get elected and they have been targeting ridings as opposed to sheer popular vote numbers. Basically they are trying to win seats not get 40%+ popular vote. It would take a huge collapse of their base in order for the NDP to win I think. Now the Liberals, that's an interesting story. Nice to see Trudeau the saviour blowing up in their faces. Serves them right.
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